For educational purposes
02 - The Glory Years
focuses on the massive Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg.
It is here that some of the largest structures of the Third Reich can still be seen today including Albert Speers enormous Zeppelinfield grandstands, the mammoth Congress Hall, the Hitler Youth Stadium, the war memorial on the Luitpold Field and the sprawling granite road that stretches nearly a mile long.
The viewer will also take an inside tour of Hitlers Bavarian headquarters known as -the Braun haus- where the 1938 Munich conference was held which ultimately lead to the occupation of the Sudentenland and the introduction of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich.
The program concludes with an insight of Heydrichs career, his family, assassination, funeral and his clandestine grave site at the Invaliden cemetery in Berlin.
02 - The Glory Years
focuses on the massive Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg.
It is here that some of the largest structures of the Third Reich can still be seen today including Albert Speers enormous Zeppelinfield grandstands, the mammoth Congress Hall, the Hitler Youth Stadium, the war memorial on the Luitpold Field and the sprawling granite road that stretches nearly a mile long.
The viewer will also take an inside tour of Hitlers Bavarian headquarters known as -the Braun haus- where the 1938 Munich conference was held which ultimately lead to the occupation of the Sudentenland and the introduction of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich.
The program concludes with an insight of Heydrichs career, his family, assassination, funeral and his clandestine grave site at the Invaliden cemetery in Berlin.