• 2 days ago
Si vous pensez que le triangle des Bermudes est inquiétant, attendez d'entendre parler de ces lieux sauvages ! Autour du monde, il existe des endroits encore plus mystérieux, comme les Douze Cimetières du Diable en Sibérie. On dit que ces endroits lugubres rendent les animaux étranges, détraquent les boussoles, et que les voyageurs y disparaissent mystérieusement. Ensuite, il y a le Point Nemo, le point le plus isolé de l'océan, où vous êtes plus proche des astronautes dans l'espace que de tout être humain sur terre. Et n'oubliez pas la forêt de Hoia Baciu en Roumanie, surnommée la "forêt la plus hantée du monde", avec ses arbres inquiétants et ses lumières étranges. Ces lieux donnent au triangle des Bermudes l'allure d'une promenade de santé — prêt(e) à explorer ? Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00There is something deeply strange that manifests itself in 12 points, spread over the planet.
00:07These places, known as Ville Vortex, are worrying areas located on the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn,
00:15as well as the poles North and South, where mysterious forces seem to operate.
00:20You have probably heard of the most famous of them, the Bermuda Triangle.
00:25It is estimated that more than 50 ships and about twenty planes have mysteriously volatilized there.
00:31Located between Florida, the Bermudas and Puerto Rico, this area has been intriguing for decades.
00:37However, few people know that the Bermuda Triangle is part of a group of 12 similar areas, some of which are even more frightening.
00:45Let's take first the example of Mohenjo-Daro, a flourishing city of antiquity located in present-day Pakistan.
00:52Built around 2,500 BC, this urban city hosted about 40,000 inhabitants.
00:58However, for some unknown reason, it was deserted around 1,700 BC.
01:04In the 1940s, an archaeologist discovered 39 human skeletons on the site, which reinforced the hypothesis of an invasion by another civilization.
01:13However, no conclusive evidence confirms this scenario.
01:18Faced with the inability of archaeology to explain this sudden destruction and disappearance,
01:23several extravagant theories have emerged, including the idea of ​​an ancient extraterrestrial civilization and an evil wind that swept the city.
01:33Another similar mystery surrounds the great Zimbabwe, a city built in the 11th century.
01:40At its peak, it housed up to 18,000 people.
01:45However, it was inexplicably abandoned in the 15th century.
01:50Archaeological investigations carried out on this site have revealed disturbing elements, making the mystery even more confusing.
01:59Eight of these volatiles, known as Zimbabwean birds, were discovered.
02:04These steatite sculptures were placed on stone columns measuring nearly one meter in height.
02:10No other similar artifact has been found elsewhere, and their meaning remains a complete enigma.
02:17Some advance that each bird symbolized a new king, while other theories suggest that they represented sacred animals, particularly revered by the people of the time.
02:30To add to the intrigue, stories evoke a strange character of small size wandering around, but who would always disappear before we could approach him.
02:41Another mysterious site is the island of Pak, which is part of the Twelve Vortex.
02:46Located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, it is famous for its nearly 1,000 monumental statues, called Moai.
02:55Their meaning and the methods used for their creation remain a mystery.
03:00Some statues reach almost 9 meters in height and can weigh up to 80 tons.
03:06Today, it would be relatively simple to carve and move such statues, but they date back to a period between the 1100s and 1680s.
03:17No one knows for sure how the inhabitants of the time took it.
03:21Some researchers estimate that they would have been carried across the island, while others believe that they were moved with the help of wooden planks.
03:31The strangest theories, however, evoke the intervention of aliens.
03:36Algeria, also rich in ancestral mysteries, houses a fascinating ensemble known as Jeddars.
03:43These 13 monuments are distinguished by their stone bas-carés and their angular mounds, built between the 4th and 7th centuries.
03:51Yet their function remains totally unknown.
03:54One of these monuments had a Latin inscription, but it was so eroded that it appeared almost unreadable.
04:01The most common hypothesis is that these structures served as tombs for royal figures, although we do not know exactly who could have been buried there.
04:10What we do know, however, is that the region is surrounded by many myths relating to unexplained disappearances.
04:16The next enigmatic place is located south of Tokyo, in the Pacific Ocean, and bears the name of the Dragon Triangle.
04:23Does this name sound familiar to you?
04:26Indeed, like the Bermuda Triangle, this area is famous for the unexplained disappearances of ships and planes.
04:34One of the most disturbing stories dates back to 1945, when a plane mysteriously disappeared there.
04:42The pilot had, it seems, sent a radio transmission just before the plane disappeared,
04:48claiming that a strange phenomenon was happening in the sky, as if it were opening or that a supernatural event was taking place.
04:56Although this story is worrying, the truth behind this story,
05:01as well as other legends of the Dragon Triangle, are still subject to debate.
05:06By typing Volcan Amaculia on Google Earth, you will locate it in the Hawaii fire belt.
05:12However, this place is so mysterious that it is difficult to find precise information about it.
05:18Some legends evoke the presence of an unusual electrical energy in the region.
05:23A fascinating anecdote reports that a witness would have even seen a plane fly over the volcano before completely disappearing from the radars.
05:30Another strange phenomenon is the South Atlantic Anomaly, a terrestrial area where natural radiations are totally unmanageable.
05:38If this has no direct impact on our daily life on the surface, the effects on the terrestrial atmosphere are significant.
05:45The radiation there is so intense that it can disrupt the computers on board spacecraft
05:50and affect the data transmitted by satellites crossing this region.
05:55To counter this problem, specialists have equipped the International Space Station with an additional shield.
06:01This anomaly is also associated with a curious phenomenon reported by astronauts
06:06and known as the visual phenomenon of cosmic radiation.
06:10They describe having seen random luminous flashes resembling shooting stars in space,
06:17although it is in fact an illusion.
06:20Finally, from the radiation to the mysterious seismic activities,
06:24the Wharton Basin, in the Indian Ocean, is a famous place for these tectonic events.
06:29In April 2012, a magnitude 8.6 earthquake shook this region,
06:35arousing great scientific interest and many questions.
06:39This earthquake was considered the largest intraplanetary earthquake ever recorded,
06:45taking place within a tectonic plate rather than its borders.
06:49This phenomenon has caught the attention of scientists, who now hypothesize
06:53that the region could be creating a new border between the Australian and Indian plates.
06:59However, this mystery remains unresolved for the moment.
07:03Let us now head to the Pacific Ocean, and more precisely to the New Zebride Basin.
07:09This huge underwater pit extends over about 1,200 km long and 70 km wide.
07:16It was formed when the Australian plate plunged under the New Zebrides.
07:21This place, among the deepest and most disturbing in the ocean, does not fail to awaken the imagination.
07:26But the dangers of this area are not limited to the abysses.
07:30The New Zebride Basin is associated with several earthquakes
07:33that hit New Caledonia and Vanuatu.
07:36In addition, some observations intrigue researchers.
07:40For example, no trace of grenadiers, one of the most common abyssal fish,
07:45was found during scientific explorations.
07:48Why does this fish fail in this specific pit?
07:51Perhaps it has answers that we still do not know.
07:55Let us now move on to the last two vortex cities, the North Pole and the South Pole.
08:00These two places, located at opposite ends of the planet,
08:04share a common feature, mysterious disappearances.
08:10One of the most famous cases in the North Pole dates back to 1897.
08:16Three intrepid explorers, trying to reach the Pole in Montgolfière,
08:21never finished their journey.
08:24Their disappearance remains today one of the most captivating mysteries in the history of Arctic exploration.
08:30As for the South Pole, it is also full of mysteries.
08:34It is estimated that hundreds of people could rest under the layers of snow and ice of this glacial continent.
08:40Despite technological advances, this region remains dangerously hostile.
08:45Temperatures go down to minus 90 degrees Celsius,
08:49and the winds can blow at speeds reaching 320 km per hour.
08:55Extreme conditions that justify carefulness.
08:59Finally, now that you are familiar with the 12 vortex cities,
09:03here is an even more surprising detail.
09:05By observing a map in detail, we notice that these mysterious places seem to be distributed
09:10according to an amazingly regular global scheme.
09:13By connecting these points marked by unexplained phenomena,
09:17we get a geometric figure, a more famous icosahedron of the Rolistes,
09:21under the name of Dewindt.
09:23This coincidence, if there is one, only adds to the mystery of these fascinating places.
