• 2 months ago
KenJac | The Bracket
00:00:00Okay, welcome to The Bracket episode 160. Today we are a bit of a skeleton crew on account of the
00:00:05case race. Chicago will not be joining today. We have the crew of myself, Clemmer, Tommy,
00:00:10and Marty Mush. And today we are debating what everyday things should be in the Olympics.
00:00:15We'll say non-Olympic-ish events, you know what I mean? It's kind of like hard to define here
00:00:19because there's some things where it requires some sort of athleticism to a degree, but it's
00:00:22mostly like non-athletic-ish. Everyday life activities. Yeah, that should be in the Olympics
00:00:27or it could be interesting at least to watch in the Olympics. But before we get to that,
00:00:30let's talk about game time. The big game is coming up. Don't forget the verbiage because
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00:01:47What time is it? Game Time.
00:02:18I was one years old for it, not a fan of football yet, and the Chargers got smoked.
00:02:22Oh, that was the worst football I've ever seen in my life.
00:02:24It was like, I don't even know what it was, like 39 to 7 or something.
00:02:27No, it was more than that. No, it was like, yeah.
00:02:30Do you guys remember the Carey Collins one? You're too young for that, huh?
00:02:32I don't remember. I know of it, but I don't remember.
00:02:34That's wild.
00:02:37Because I was like six years old.
00:02:38That's how time works.
00:02:39I was four.
00:02:40I know. I was an adult. It's just crazy to think that I'm not much older than you. It's just weird.
00:02:46Yeah, me being six and you being an adult is scary.
00:02:48I was 21.
00:02:50When I was six.
00:02:51Holy shit.
00:02:52That's what I mean. Sometimes I forget. I'm like, that's fucking wild.
00:02:54Yeah. All right. So our first match of the day, we're saying mostly generally non-athletic
00:02:59things that should be in the Olympics. First matchup is number 12 seed poker,
00:03:03which I think would be interesting in that. And also I was asking Nate about this earlier,
00:03:08like who would win in an Olympics in poker? Because I don't know what this sort of spread
00:03:13is for nationalities as far as like poker talent. It's basically us, Germany, maybe
00:03:18Canada, and then like China. And then like, there's really not.
00:03:20I would say China's really good.
00:03:22They're just big into gambling.
00:03:23I could see Russia being good too.
00:03:25Yeah, they could be up there. Although they gambled in the Donbass.
00:03:28What, rounders?
00:03:30Yeah, that's gotta be a massive part of this though. I think poker, I just think Russians,
00:03:33you know, they're always bluffing.
00:03:35Yeah, no, they're scary.
00:03:38And poker is going up against the number five seed, which I love,
00:03:41somebody submitted, lawn mowing. So mowing the perfect lawn, perfect lines.
00:03:47Yeah, see, like we already have a World Series of poker. The lawn mowing, I'm-
00:03:50Yeah, but I actually do think it would be pretty cool. Even if it wasn't teams,
00:03:54it's like you actually just have World Series poker in the Olympics and you have Americans.
00:03:59I think you're right. I don't think you're wrong at all. But lawn mowing though,
00:04:02I've never really seen competitive lawn mowing, have I?
00:04:04I've said that tirelessly that I am one of the best lawn mowers out there.
00:04:09Yeah. Mixtape used to be, that's how we figured out Dana, you know,
00:04:13first time he's ever done it. But like my lawn, I used to do designs in my backyard.
00:04:18Oh shit.
00:04:18I was so into lawn mowing.
00:04:20You could do designs? What kind of designs?
00:04:21I would do like the Yankee symbol once.
00:04:26And that was with like a push mower. I know, I'm talented at the lawn mowing.
00:04:30Now, which region do you think would be the most talented at the lawn mowing Olympics?
00:04:35I think Long Island, apparently.
00:04:36No, no, no. I'm not talking about the countries.
00:04:38I wonder.
00:04:39Yeah. I'm just throwing it out. The only idea.
00:04:44I don't know.
00:04:44I don't know. I don't know what you're implying.
00:04:46In the Americas.
00:04:49Definitely would come from the Americas.
00:04:51My younger brother's a landscaper and he is fucking good.
00:04:53But imagine this though. Imagine you have like not just lawn mowing,
00:04:57but like a landscaping Olympics where it's like you have the lawn mower,
00:05:01then it's a relay race, goes to the edger, then goes to the blower,
00:05:06and then to the bagging. Like the bagging of leaves and shit would be electric.
00:05:10We should do that ourselves.
00:05:12I also just like the idea of like the judges are just like, what's the perfect lawn?
00:05:17It's like they judge whatever the perfect dive is. Like that's somewhat subjective.
00:05:21But there are measurements like, you know, they use like,
00:05:24oh, how is the grass cut? Is it even? Things like that.
00:05:27I also feel like it would be like oddly satisfying.
00:05:30Like there'd be something about it. Like it'd be really just
00:05:32interesting to watch how carefully they manicure it.
00:05:35Well, Kirk's old producer, Gus, would do a lawn mower simulator on his computer.
00:05:41And he says it's very relaxing. He does it at night.
00:05:43I can see that.
00:05:43That's insane. Because we used to, on our stream, we would do power washing.
00:05:48Oh, he does that. That's what he does too.
00:05:50Maybe, I think he does lawn mowing too, but he definitely does the power washing.
00:05:52Let me tell you, it gets boring. I get it.
00:05:54Because it's just like it gets off the dirt and you feel like, oh, I feel accomplished.
00:05:57But lawn mowing itself is very soothing.
00:06:00You put music on and just like you're in your own thoughts and you see the
00:06:04lines you just made.
00:06:06It's almost like if you're giving someone a haircut or something.
00:06:08I don't expect that feeling.
00:06:09You know, I love watching haircuts.
00:06:11Do you?
00:06:11Do you?
00:06:12I love watching haircuts.
00:06:13You have a bunch of haircuts?
00:06:13He does a lot of haircuts.
00:06:14Like on YouTube, somebody else getting a haircut?
00:06:16Yeah, yeah. It's really satisfying.
00:06:17I get so, I don't like just getting a haircut. I get bored.
00:06:21I like to watch a hot towel shave.
00:06:22Well, I go to a salon now. Salon, that's where it's at.
00:06:27Because it's all the women are just talking shit about all the things.
00:06:32It's kind of fun.
00:06:33Barber shops are like more like I'm like scared to go into.
00:06:36I'm not cool enough to be at some of them.
00:06:38No, definitely.
00:06:39I can say my main haircutter is a Dominican guy and he makes me feel very cool when I go there.
00:06:43Mine now does not speak to me and it's the best relationship I've ever had.
00:06:46That I would like.
00:06:48So we'll start with you, Marty.
00:06:48Poker versus lawn mowing.
00:06:50Uh, I'm going lawn mowing.
00:06:51Lawn mowing is, I think both are actually really good ideas, but I'm going to go lawn mowing.
00:06:56Lawn mowing?
00:06:56Easily lawn mowing.
00:06:57I mean, you know, I know it's not in the Olympics, but if you want to watch people from all over the
00:07:01world play poker competitively, you've got the world series.
00:07:03But yeah, you do.
00:07:04But at the same time, I feel like it would be so much more fun to root for like America to
00:07:09take all the money from China.
00:07:10You know what I mean?
00:07:11Like that's, that's tariffs.
00:07:12No, it definitely would be.
00:07:14But I'm still going lawn mowing.
00:07:15Like that would be like watching, especially a, uh, sorry, there's, they're taking on the
00:07:20scaffolding outside of the Barstool office.
00:07:23Back up.
00:07:24Probably put it back up like a month later.
00:07:25A month later.
00:07:26They, they, the scaffolding went up when we moved in early 2019 and it has not come down
00:07:30since it has been six straight years, full scaffolding to finally take him down maybe.
00:07:34Um, but I think it'd be cool.
00:07:35Like watching, especially a personality in poker, like Phil Helmuth or like one of like the
00:07:39Barstool, Nate Barstool, Barstool mints, uh, Nate winning a gold medal,
00:07:47biting it next to like Ronu and like all these other, like Nate winning a gold medal.
00:07:51And Dave not caring.
00:07:54Dave would not care at all.
00:07:56Uh, so, but I think if I was going to the picture, like one of these to be in the Olympics,
00:08:00it would definitely be poker.
00:08:01Like that seems like it would be a much more fun thing, but I would rather watch the lawn.
00:08:06So I would do a vote on lawn mowing.
00:08:07I'd like to see both these in the Olympics.
00:08:09Actually, I'm not really an Olympic guy, but these were both, uh, strike my fancy,
00:08:13but I got, I'm going to go on mowing as well.
00:08:14Lawn mowing, going to move on.
00:08:15Now we have the number four seed versus the number 13 seed.
00:08:18The four seat is magic, which we talked a little bit ahead of time.
00:08:22I do think that in like a subjective judging of magic would be very interesting to watch
00:08:27because like when you watch something like Oz the Mentalist or you watch like the dudes,
00:08:31even on like X-Factor or whatever, they do shit.
00:08:32You could never, like, how do you do that?
00:08:35How do you do that?
00:08:35Oz the Mentalist needs to be like burned at this.
00:08:37Where's he at?
00:08:38Oz the Mentalist.
00:08:39I know everybody.
00:08:40And I almost feel like we've had this exact debate before on the bracket.
00:08:43Cause I remember me and Klemmer having this debate.
00:08:45So I don't want to rehash it.
00:08:46I'm pretty sure Oz the Mentalist has actual superpowers.
00:08:49Like I think he's the one that's been gifted real power.
00:08:52Klemmer obviously hates the Oz, right?
00:08:55I don't know.
00:08:55I mean, he just.
00:08:56Yeah, I can see it.
00:08:58But when he does that voice.
00:08:58Klemmer's the guy who watches Magic and be like, wow.
00:09:01No, no, no, no.
00:09:02I've gone to magic shows in the city.
00:09:03It's like magic was done really well.
00:09:06It's cool.
00:09:07I like magic.
00:09:08The idea that you think that he has superpowers is very dumb.
00:09:10I think there's a chance.
00:09:11This is a little different where it's like, why did like when Joe Burrow threw the ball
00:09:15of someone at that, that one's the one that gets you when he said.
00:09:19He predicts the exact score that people had.
00:09:22Calling people in their contacts.
00:09:24He might have something.
00:09:25But you think this is what he chooses to do with his powers?
00:09:28What else would you do?
00:09:29Not tell anyone.
00:09:30Just be really rich.
00:09:31How though?
00:09:32Yeah, how?
00:09:32He is really rich.
00:09:34No, but you'd be like insanely rich.
00:09:36If you could predict or knew what people were thinking, you could use that to your advantage.
00:09:39I think a much better way than being on the side.
00:09:42I don't know if you can.
00:09:43Being on hard knocks.
00:09:44I think it'd be harder to the way he's doing his way because we're dumb people.
00:09:48Like, I think it's way easier to take our money of like being house.
00:09:52Like he thinks he's a superhero.
00:09:55He's a moron thinking that he has superpowers.
00:09:57We're trying to do it like smart people.
00:09:59He might not work.
00:10:00Oh, I agree with that.
00:10:00I think he's an idiot for thinking that he has superpowers.
00:10:03I'm not willing to die.
00:10:05I'm not willing to die on that hill.
00:10:06If it came out, Oz the Mentalist had some sort of superpower.
00:10:08I'd say, yeah, that checks out.
00:10:10I wonder how it would work.
00:10:11Would it be like a Ryder Cup?
00:10:12Like we get we get to pick four magicians and like anyone else.
00:10:15Good luck taking down Oz the Mentalist.
00:10:17He'd be the Michael fucking felt first.
00:10:18By the way, I just looked up.
00:10:19He has dual.
00:10:20He's Israeli and American.
00:10:22So we got to get him on.
00:10:24We got to get him on our side.
00:10:25But if we have like him, Chris Angel and like David Blaine on a team, we got Blaine.
00:10:29Yeah, we get all like I don't know who beats.
00:10:31I don't know.
00:10:31Is there a French magician that can even come?
00:10:33I bet the French have some sneaky devils.
00:10:35Yeah, very possible.
00:10:36And that's going up against number 13.
00:10:37See, this is just this one that I submitted.
00:10:39I think it's kind of there's something to it.
00:10:41Just naming athletes.
00:10:42You talk a lot about guys just sitting in a circle naming athletes forever.
00:10:44Something we can all do.
00:10:46I don't know how you would do it.
00:10:47But if you're like, hey, name like keep naming athletes that were active in 2002 and just
00:10:53keep going and keep going and keep going until someone gets eliminated.
00:10:55I think maybe there'll be something there.
00:10:56That sounds kind of dreadful compared to magic.
00:10:58Yeah, it's kind of a tough matchup.
00:10:59But that's why I won.
00:11:00But also, how is it like, you know, if we're going against India, like, do they have a
00:11:04professional cricket player that they could pull out of?
00:11:08And if we're doing professional American sports, I mean, then I mean, no, I think you
00:11:11literally have to do the name game of any name, any song, anyone that's professional
00:11:16athlete or any in a live sport.
00:11:19That would suck.
00:11:20Yeah, that would be hard to watch.
00:11:21Yeah, I mean, we do it with my friends.
00:11:23Rich Aurelia.
00:11:24All right, great.
00:11:25It's like, I don't want to watch that for fucking five hours.
00:11:28I think we should.
00:11:29It's more fun to do than to watch.
00:11:31We should live stream us all doing a name game until everyone's out.
00:11:34They'd be everyone to be tuning out within like five minutes.
00:11:37Yes, we've done worse streams.
00:11:40Uh, Clemmer.
00:11:41Uh, yeah, magic.
00:11:42Like this is like the other one is something I wouldn't even want to be in the Olympics.
00:11:45So I wouldn't want to watch ever.
00:11:47It sounds like a punishment.
00:11:48The magic sounds very cool.
00:11:50I like the magic, too.
00:11:51And the idea of like, again, like our top magicians all like coming together with a
00:11:54routine like that could be one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a show.
00:11:57Like if Criss Angel can make the Statue of Liberty disappear.
00:12:00Like what the fuck can all three of them do?
00:12:02So I'm going out there.
00:12:06See Oz on the grand stage.
00:12:09I also when I watch magic and I know it's most of the time nothing's going on my brain.
00:12:15I wipe it clean.
00:12:16I always let it engulf me of like, they're incredible.
00:12:20I don't try and figure it out because I hate people to try and figure it out in every way.
00:12:25I have one card trick.
00:12:27It's the best card trick of all time.
00:12:30And I have one kid still texting me being like, I go any party I go to, he does it.
00:12:35Oh, because I only told him.
00:12:37Oh, I like telling everyone else.
00:12:40I'll tell you after.
00:12:41Do we have a deck of cards?
00:12:43Maybe we'll find it later.
00:12:45So either way, Magic's going to move on.
00:12:47Now we have the number nine seed versus the number eight seed.
00:12:49One of them is Tommy's, the number eight seed, which is going to sleep really fast.
00:12:53Who could go to sleep?
00:12:54Who could fall asleep the fastest?
00:12:55I think I'd be bad at this.
00:12:57I guess you put like a strobe on them.
00:12:59You'd have to.
00:12:59I'm sure there's technology to know if someone's efficient.
00:13:01Oh, yeah.
00:13:02No, there is.
00:13:03There's sleep studies done.
00:13:05Maybe when you achieve REM.
00:13:07Once you enter REM sleep, you're in the lead.
00:13:10But that would be incredible to watch.
00:13:12I don't know who would be the best.
00:13:13I don't know.
00:13:13Like, can you have a live crowd?
00:13:15Like, do you have a ruckus crowd?
00:13:17Make it harder.
00:13:18Or do you have dead silence?
00:13:19No, no, no.
00:13:20I think you're in a stadium.
00:13:22But maybe the crowd treats it like tennis, where they're respectful.
00:13:25Very respectful.
00:13:26And they're like, you might get a heckler or two.
00:13:28But for the most part, they're like, oh, oh, oh.
00:13:30They're watching the brain waves on the big screen slowly go down.
00:13:33There could also be different type of sleep.
00:13:36Like, fastest sleeper, how loud it is.
00:13:39And people are still actually in sleep.
00:13:42Like, something like that.
00:13:42How long they can stay asleep.
00:13:44But then, like, you just got, like, deaf people.
00:13:46Yeah, I guess.
00:13:48That's the Special Olympics.
00:13:51The go to sleep part of the Special Olympics.
00:13:55Oh, shit.
00:13:59They'd be really good.
00:14:00Their times would exceed the regular Olympics.
00:14:04Deaf people must sleep like babies.
00:14:06That's true.
00:14:07How do they wake up?
00:14:08How do they have an alarm?
00:14:11You could do, like, put your phone on vibrate.
00:14:13I mean, I'll be honest.
00:14:14Blind people probably actually sleep bad.
00:14:16Because, well, I guess this isn't true.
00:14:18But I always thought for a while that blind people, like Daredevil, all had heightened other senses.
00:14:22Yeah, and other senses.
00:14:24I think they do.
00:14:24They might.
00:14:25Yeah, not to Daredevil's level.
00:14:26But if they do have better hearing, that would be annoying.
00:14:30It'd be harder to sleep like that.
00:14:32Let's see.
00:14:33But the deaf, oh, they must have the most peaceful night's sleep of all time.
00:14:36Part of sleeping is when it gets dark.
00:14:37You just close your eyes.
00:14:39That relaxes me.
00:14:40But if you have complete blindness and it's always dark, then like.
00:14:43But also, it's always quiet in your ears.
00:14:45It doesn't, you might not.
00:14:47Sometimes when it's too quiet, I don't like to sleep.
00:14:49I need a little noise.
00:14:50Yeah, I need white noise.
00:14:52Let's see.
00:14:53People, elderly people with hearing loss, as of right now, slept better and woke up
00:14:58more fresh than their younger individuals with hearing loss.
00:15:00So that's just old though.
00:15:01I could wake up without alarms.
00:15:04Sometimes I'll be at home.
00:15:06I'll say what time I want to get up.
00:15:08I wake up around.
00:15:08I, yeah, I've had it very similar.
00:15:11I think my, like Arrested Development, George Michael's internal body clock is perfect.
00:15:17I feel like that happens to me too.
00:15:18I only do that when I need to get up for something.
00:15:20I get like for early flight.
00:15:21But I think it's only happening because I'm not sleeping very well.
00:15:23Because you're, yeah, that's why you're up so early.
00:15:25Because you're not in REM at all.
00:15:27Right, exactly.
00:15:28You're just like, I know I have to get up.
00:15:29But if I'm actually like really sleeping, I need an alarm.
00:15:31I'm fucked.
00:15:32So going to sleep is going up against the number nine seed.
00:15:34Another one that was submitted a lot.
00:15:36And I just, I don't know.
00:15:37You couldn't be, it physically could never be in the Olympics.
00:15:39But like the thought of it, like the race would be very interesting.
00:15:44Just crank it and crank it off.
00:15:46Who would be able to jizz the quickest under pressure?
00:15:48I have no idea.
00:15:49That sounds horrible.
00:15:50Again, could never be.
00:15:52And winning is coming first.
00:15:54Then that's, if it's a race and you're under pressure and you have a crowd on you, like.
00:15:58I do not want to watch that.
00:16:00I would never watch it.
00:16:01I'm saying as far as like a competition.
00:16:03You put this in yourself.
00:16:07I promise.
00:16:07I would, I would watch it.
00:16:08And I'm in the Olympics.
00:16:09You would watch something like two pump jump.
00:16:10Like, oh wow, great.
00:16:12That would be, if you saw someone literally go boop boop and jizz came out, you'd be like,
00:16:15that's, how did that go?
00:16:16I would think that guy sucks.
00:16:18That would be insanely impressive.
00:16:20No, no, no.
00:16:22You think, you think there's anyone in the world that can do that?
00:16:24Like, do you just sit there?
00:16:25Probably, yeah.
00:16:26Two strokes, jizz comes out.
00:16:26I'm sure people can make themselves come with their minds.
00:16:29No fucking.
00:16:30I bet, I bet there's people there.
00:16:30Without touching?
00:16:32I bet people can do that.
00:16:33I don't know.
00:16:33I'm sure.
00:16:34Now that, now that, I might watch.
00:16:36You want to watch?
00:16:37Who can make themselves come the quickest with no touch.
00:16:40With no touching?
00:16:41That I might be, that I might tune in for.
00:16:43Two guys sitting like Indian style.
00:16:46I'd rather watch someone take the biggest shit ever than watch someone jack off.
00:16:51Hey, hold on to that one.
00:16:52Oh, that's a thing?
00:16:52No, I'm just kidding.
00:16:53Oh, okay.
00:16:54And I don't want to watch either thing, but I'd rather watch someone like,
00:16:57have like competitive shitting than competitive jacking off.
00:16:59You don't think.
00:17:00Competitive jacking off is gross.
00:17:01But it's, yeah, it's obviously gross.
00:17:02But like.
00:17:03What if you put it on this fucking list of 16 things?
00:17:05I think it'd be physically impressive to see someone be able to do that.
00:17:08No, I said I'd rather see someone shit.
00:17:10I remember I saw this clip once a while back on this site.
00:17:14That used to be, it used to be like, like porn bloopers.
00:17:16I forget what the site was called.
00:17:17Porn bloopers?
00:17:19The Ken Jack web history must be a sick fucking.
00:17:23It was really.
00:17:24Like, what happens?
00:17:25They tie in the tit.
00:17:27Like, what is it?
00:17:27No, no, it's, it's much fun.
00:17:29No, don't be, don't be crude.
00:17:30Uh, no, but there's this one guy is a male porn star.
00:17:34I think his name is Rocco Sofretti.
00:17:36And he's Italian.
00:17:36Yes, Rocco Sofretti.
00:17:37And he, um, they got to a money shot scene and he, he came, but she fucked up.
00:17:43Like the thing, like she basically made a miss.
00:17:45And then he's like, fuck, just sit there.
00:17:47And he just like sits there and goes.
00:17:49And then he just came right out again.
00:17:50And I was like, how do you, that's not physically possible.
00:17:52I'm just going to vote for napping and move on sleeping.
00:17:56I'm just saying.
00:17:58If you had the worst, like if this was the worst, I would have the jacking off thing.
00:18:03That's horrible.
00:18:04I'm just saying it's physically impressive.
00:18:06That's all I'm saying.
00:18:07Uh, that's the worst thing you've ever said in this show.
00:18:10That's I can tell you that's not true.
00:18:12Uh, so anyway, uh, going to sleep is going to move on.
00:18:15Now we have our 16 seed chain game.
00:18:17A decent amount of chain options.
00:18:19This one, Tommy, I think you, you submitted this one speed reading.
00:18:22Like you, you let the reader and then they have to test it.
00:18:25But I'm just, I don't believe in speed readers.
00:18:28That's easy enough.
00:18:29A new book.
00:18:30So no, no one's ever right.
00:18:32Speed read it.
00:18:32Hey, you have a minute of questions.
00:18:34I speed reading.
00:18:35I think it's a farce.
00:18:36I don't believe in speed reading.
00:18:37I don't know how it's fucking humanly possible.
00:18:39And if it is possible, it's the most impressive thing of all time.
00:18:42I agree with you.
00:18:43I don't believe it.
00:18:44I believe it.
00:18:45Uh, how people can just like interpret information fast.
00:18:49Some people have like photographic memories and stuff.
00:18:51You interpret information faster than a stupid person.
00:18:53So why couldn't a really smart person interpret it faster than you?
00:18:56I guess, but I mean like, you know, 300 pages you can get done in two minutes.
00:19:01That's crazy.
00:19:02That's just, come on.
00:19:03No, I'd like to see that opening event.
00:19:06In the test after.
00:19:07And I don't even think it would have to be a book.
00:19:08It would just be like a series of sentences written by impartial judges.
00:19:12You know what I mean?
00:19:12Like a bunch of words, whatever.
00:19:14Um, but yeah, I think that could be interesting.
00:19:16Uh, Jenga, when we've done here with stool streams, like competitive Jenga, I think could
00:19:20be, that was fun to play.
00:19:22It was very fun to play.
00:19:23Uh, cooking, which I thought about at first.
00:19:26I was like, that feels kind of boring, but at the same time, I love those shows.
00:19:28Like, like cut their kitchen and chopped and like all those things.
00:19:31Me too.
00:19:31Ireland's coming in last.
00:19:33England is probably well, England, Ireland, and try to think of who would come after that.
00:19:38But yeah, we would probably win.
00:19:40I would assume.
00:19:41Cooking, right?
00:19:41Italy would and France would be.
00:19:43But if it was Italian cooking or French cooking, America has everything.
00:19:46No, but I think we'd have to, I think, yeah, that's true.
00:19:50If it was like, like, I'm assuming the, like a random Japanese.
00:19:54Japanese probably.
00:19:54But again, and what is this Japanese guy know how to make like fucking like bratwurst.
00:19:58I don't know.
00:20:00I don't think it's that hard to make bratwurst.
00:20:02It's much harder than you're giving it credit for.
00:20:06You cook to the fact that you just said that.
00:20:08So funny.
00:20:09And I have a pretty minimal cooking.
00:20:11I know to cook meat.
00:20:12You literally just said it's too complicated to cook sides.
00:20:16Like I know I'll like, I'm actually gonna make myself a steak tonight.
00:20:19I could do that on a pan somewhat easily.
00:20:22But the idea of having to time that up with cauliflower or something.
00:20:26Just make rice.
00:20:27I mean, that's easy.
00:20:28I like rice.
00:20:29It's a little overwhelming for me.
00:20:30Rice is very easy.
00:20:31Throw it in a rice cooker.
00:20:32You're done.
00:20:33Or you can do it with a pan or a pot.
00:20:34Rice is very easy.
00:20:35He's not going to do it.
00:20:37I have cauliflower right there.
00:20:38You put in the microwave.
00:20:39All right.
00:20:39So that's the problem.
00:20:40You're worried about putting in cauliflower rice in the microwave.
00:20:43And timing it up.
00:20:44I don't want anything to get cold.
00:20:46Fucking crazy.
00:20:47It's just for you.
00:20:48Well, I don't want cold food.
00:20:50You want to make a nice.
00:20:50Just reheat.
00:20:51Like, just put those steak back on the pan for two seconds.
00:20:53Or put it in your oven when you're done.
00:20:55You don't want that steak is off the pan.
00:20:56It's you'd let it sit.
00:20:57No, you take it off the pan.
00:20:59You put it in tinfoil.
00:21:00Yeah, yeah.
00:21:00Get all the juices.
00:21:01You are for an Italian man.
00:21:02You're a terrible cook, right?
00:21:05Yeah, I don't.
00:21:05Should you embrace your heritage more?
00:21:07If I wanted to.
00:21:08I'm sure I could figure it out.
00:21:09But it's a waste of time.
00:21:17Yo-yos are on here, too.
00:21:19If you ever see, like, professional yo-yos.
00:21:20I don't know how the fuck they do what they do.
00:21:22I don't know how you do it in a routine.
00:21:23But it is.
00:21:24I'm assuming you guys have not.
00:21:26Or some of you have seen it.
00:21:27You've seen it, Marty.
00:21:30Not the ones that are, like, attached to the thing.
00:21:32The one where it's like, you know what I'm saying?
00:21:33It's like the thing that's not attached to the string.
00:21:36And they, like, fling it in the air.
00:21:37And they catch it.
00:21:38Fucking nuts.
00:21:40Memory games, Tommy, you had.
00:21:42Could be cool.
00:21:42I guess a little similar to speed reading.
00:21:44But, like, you know, you put up 20 tiles.
00:21:48Beyblades was also somebody didn't mention.
00:21:50What's that?
00:21:51You ever play Beyblades?
00:21:53There's, like, no.
00:21:54Is there skill involved in that, really, though?
00:21:55Middle school.
00:21:56It's, like, a thing you rip it and they, like, fight each other.
00:22:00It's like spinning tops.
00:22:01It's like dreidel.
00:22:02You would love it.
00:22:02It's, like, you throw them on a big arena.
00:22:04And they just, like, fight each other until they knock each other over.
00:22:08Halo 3 also someone included.
00:22:09I think I like that.
00:22:10If they had a Halo 3 tournament between, like, the best gamers from each country.
00:22:14I know a lot of people would love that.
00:22:15I just don't.
00:22:16I can't fight.
00:22:17This whole streaming thing is the biggest thing in the world right now.
00:22:20I cannot understand why watching someone play a video game makes people excited.
00:22:26You wouldn't get, like, excited, though, if it was, like, America versus South Korea.
00:22:28Like, who's, like, the best at gaming in, like, the finals of Halo championship.
00:22:32That would be interesting.
00:22:33You're almost watching a war.
00:22:34Yeah, exactly.
00:22:35It's interesting for sure.
00:22:36I just cannot get my tried because I feel left out of, like, these streamers.
00:22:40And I'm just, like, oh, he's really good at this game.
00:22:42I mean, you could just say video games.
00:22:43But I feel like the idea of it being, like.
00:22:45Halo 3.
00:22:46Oh, a war game.
00:22:47Call of Duty or something.
00:22:48Yeah, exactly.
00:22:49And I feel like Halo is, like, the most proliferated.
00:22:52And if we're doing, like, Starcraft, like, we're just gonna get wiped by other countries.
00:22:55But, like, this one would be good.
00:22:58And then Beyblades we'll throw in there.
00:22:59So the full options are speed reading, Jenga, cooking, yo-yo, memory games,
00:23:04Halo 3, and Beyblades.
00:23:05Start with you, Marty.
00:23:07I'm gonna go with.
00:23:10I don't say.
00:23:11I think you sold me on the Halo thing.
00:23:13I'm gonna go Halo.
00:23:14Because memory doesn't impress me.
00:23:16Because if you have a really good.
00:23:18It's just, like, it's given to you.
00:23:20If you have, like, a photographic memory.
00:23:22Yeah, then it feels like.
00:23:23Like when Survivor happens.
00:23:24Like, yeah, Will Compton's good at memory because he had to memorize a whole playbook.
00:23:29That's still impressive.
00:23:30No, it's impressive.
00:23:31But I don't think.
00:23:31Like, some people have really good memories.
00:23:34Well, you could argue some people are just good at anything.
00:23:36Again, Will Compton.
00:23:37Not the best athlete.
00:23:38But he became one.
00:23:39No, like a lot of Olympic athletes have.
00:23:44I'm not watching the NFL.
00:23:45All these guys are really good.
00:23:46No, that's completely different.
00:23:48Memory is boring.
00:23:49That's a different argument.
00:23:50No, that's what I'm talking about.
00:23:51Yeah, memory is just boring to me.
00:23:53Where it's like, yeah, you remember it.
00:23:54Good for you.
00:23:55I do feel like photographic memory.
00:23:56People are like.
00:23:56It's either you have it or you don't.
00:23:58It could almost be, I think, a lot of ties.
00:24:01If it's photographic.
00:24:01Yeah, you'd have to have like 20 tiles, 50 tiles, 100 tiles.
00:24:04But if you did the speed reading, though, then you could time how fast to read a book.
00:24:08Or read the questions first.
00:24:11Yeah, I was going to go memory.
00:24:12I think I was sold on Halo as well.
00:24:14And again, I don't like.
00:24:15I would never.
00:24:16I don't like playing video games.
00:24:17But the idea of watching a virtual war between countries got me going.
00:24:22You have to be god awful at video games.
00:24:25Yeah, but bad.
00:24:27Especially like those war games.
00:24:28But yeah, the idea of like, wow, I'm watching a fucking war between U.S.
00:24:33and Russia and China and like a Call of Duty.
00:24:36Matt, like that would be exhilarating.
00:24:38We're cheering on America.
00:24:40And it's like fucking, I don't know, like Ninja and like all of our like phase whatever
00:24:44best streaming guys on the planet, like all fighting against like whatever Korean.
00:24:49That's not really fair to the other countries.
00:24:50Like, because we have a bigger like.
00:24:51So if you're in like Guatemala, you have no chance of winning the Olympics.
00:24:55A tough chance of winning like any event in the Olympics because you have fewer people.
00:24:59You know what I mean?
00:25:00Like it's such a disadvantage, though, like you.
00:25:02But then doesn't shouldn't China have the biggest advantage in the planet and everything
00:25:06ever like, you know what I mean?
00:25:07And we still we still smoke them.
00:25:10That's actually true.
00:25:12We have the most, but there's a whole army as opposed to like being good at like baseball.
00:25:16Like it's different.
00:25:16What do you mean?
00:25:17What do you mean?
00:25:17It's not an actual army.
00:25:19I know.
00:25:19But like you are getting like so if you're playing Halo, I assuming I assume you're
00:25:24getting the Chinese army.
00:25:25When why do you have no?
00:25:27What do you know?
00:25:27What Halo is?
00:25:29Well, I mean, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:25:35It's a it's a video game.
00:25:36I know it's a video game.
00:25:37I don't know what it is.
00:25:38Let's just say there's two sides in Halo.
00:25:40What are the two sides?
00:25:41I don't know.
00:25:41Fuck it.
00:25:41Oh, like random sides, right?
00:25:43Right, right.
00:25:44But you're just like, oh, the Americans are playing the American player.
00:25:47And he's like risk.
00:25:48Were you like, oh, that's not.
00:25:50Although you just assumed something.
00:25:52Well, I used to use the educational assumption based on the discussions.
00:25:55Yeah, it's it's like everyone gets a country and everyone's like.
00:25:59No, I would just say that was watching the Olympic countries.
00:26:03Yeah, but I don't know.
00:26:04Halo takes place in the future.
00:26:05There's no divided countries.
00:26:06Yeah, but yeah, there's a he's a call of duty.
00:26:09That's that's that's real countries.
00:26:11Yeah, but it's OK.
00:26:12So either way, Halo, I'm going to pick Halo two.
00:26:14Like the thought of that is very it's exhilarating.
00:26:16The thought of rooting, rooting on the United States in that it's going to lose.
00:26:19I would say speed reading is more interesting.
00:26:21It is pretty fascinating.
00:26:22But either way, Halo is going to move on up against our number one seed, which is
00:26:28this is like variations of this are submitted in a bunch of different ways.
00:26:31Just grocery bag carrying who can carry the most
00:26:34in one physical handful from one end to the other.
00:26:37It sounds like we're getting at the dad Olympics.
00:26:40We're getting very similar.
00:26:43They're the ones we're most interested in.
00:26:45No, it is.
00:26:45What can fat American dads do?
00:26:48What can a non-athletic dad do?
00:26:51But grocery bag carrying it was made in the most in certain variations or the other.
00:26:56So Clemmer, the Halo tournament champions, so to speak, or the grocery bag is more
00:27:03fair to kind of what we're doing here in a bracket.
00:27:04I think you probably can watch a Halo tournament if you'd like to somewhere online.
00:27:08For sure.
00:27:09Yeah, you could.
00:27:10And I don't think there's a grocery.
00:27:11There's guys grocery games.
00:27:13I don't think that has anything to do with.
00:27:14No, no.
00:27:16Between these two, I think I would actually prefer to watch the more I've talked myself
00:27:20into the Halo thing, so I would go with that.
00:27:22But I do think the grocery thing like the I don't know how you would do it because you
00:27:25need bags that could hold like tons of weight and we'd have like strong men doing it.
00:27:29I also don't think they have to pack it themselves, too.
00:27:31I don't know.
00:27:32I think they should be able to pack it themselves.
00:27:34Oh, so like if the bag rips, then it's qualified.
00:27:37That's part of it.
00:27:38Yeah, yeah.
00:27:38I think it's like you got it.
00:27:40It's weight of how much shit can you get from one point to another?
00:27:44You could pack the bag.
00:27:45So everyone carry.
00:27:47Yeah, you choose paper plastic or is that done for you?
00:27:49I think you all get the same bags.
00:27:51You probably all get plastic.
00:27:52All plastic.
00:27:53And you have to put it in the trunk as well because that's a big thing as well.
00:27:57Like you're trying to get all of them.
00:27:58You have to know which ones are in the front.
00:28:00So if you want like the heavier ones kind of first, you're ready to go.
00:28:03The wear and tear of putting a lot of things.
00:28:05Their strategy to the pack.
00:28:07And opening the door with all of it.
00:28:10Yeah, that's true.
00:28:11How do you open the door?
00:28:12You have to open the door and put it on a table or something.
00:28:14Yeah, I talk myself back into it.
00:28:17Yeah, I think I talked myself into it.
00:28:19The grocery packing Olympics.
00:28:21More relatable as well.
00:28:23As a kid, when my mom came home from groceries, it was like, oh, God.
00:28:27And then you have to go outside and you're just like.
00:28:30Just pulling as many as you can.
00:28:31I would have like marks on my arm from the bags.
00:28:34And then she's like, can you help me put it away?
00:28:36Oh, no.
00:28:37Try to run away.
00:28:41I would say, oh, I think I have one more bag.
00:28:43And just stand outside for like 10 minutes.
00:28:47That's crazy.
00:28:48I like putting away groceries.
00:28:53I've been getting into grocery shopping the last few weeks.
00:28:57It's different now.
00:29:00I like knowing where I have my places.
00:29:03But as a kid, I'm going to fuck.
00:29:04Yeah, also, because we bought it now.
00:29:07We're more like, oh, yeah, my item.
00:29:09I got to put that away, which I think I would do the same thing if I asked my mom to buy
00:29:13something for me at the grocery store.
00:29:14I would make sure I grabbed that item and put it somewhere where my brothers couldn't
00:29:17get it.
00:29:17That was immediate.
00:29:19Yeah, because I would always like put toothpaste in some of the Oreos for my brother.
00:29:23So that would always make sure I got those and stuff.
00:29:25That was the best.
00:29:26Poor guy.
00:29:26He got fucked with bad.
00:29:28Before we get to the second half of the bracket, let's talk about BetterHelp.
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00:30:19All right, on the other side of the bracket, we have the number 11 versus the number six
00:30:23The 11 seed I really, really like, and Clemmer submitted it.
00:30:27A vision.
00:30:29So a vision thing, and I'm thinking, and I'm not sure if this is what you're thinking,
00:30:32like they're reading it and you're slowly putting it back and changing it, slowly putting
00:30:35it back and changing it.
00:30:36Or even like crazy things, like you got to try to spot things in the woods too far away.
00:30:40All sorts of like.
00:30:41There's probably different, yeah, all different challenges.
00:30:43Maybe test color vision, test like distance vision, all sorts of vision stuff you could
00:30:48I think that is incredible.
00:30:50I don't even know like how, like are there people that are better disposed, like obviously
00:30:54you need perfect vision, but like are there people that have like extra perfect, perfect
00:30:57plus vision or something?
00:30:58I wonder, I just think of myself, because like my vision was really good in my 20s and
00:31:01now it's.
00:31:01There could also be like the, like who could see like when you're looking straight.
00:31:05Yeah, peripheral right here.
00:31:06Oh, like yeah, who is the best?
00:31:08Yeah, that's interesting.
00:31:08Read this in their peripheral vision, like they'll have like a tracker on your eye to
00:31:11make sure you're staring forward.
00:31:13I really like that one.
00:31:14And that's going up against the number 68, talking about the dad ones.
00:31:17Furniture assembly.
00:31:18Who can assemble a piece of furniture the fastest?
00:31:20We kind of did this with the man thing a while back.
00:31:23You did.
00:31:24Smashed it.
00:31:25But yeah, furniture assembly versus the vision test.
00:31:29Start with you, Clemmer.
00:31:30I think the visual one, because it's something we all do.
00:31:32That's what I was trying to think of, like stuff that like anyone does, we all do in
00:31:36It's not blind people, but yeah.
00:31:38Yeah, if you're blind or deaf or anything, mute, you're kind of fucked in most of the
00:31:42situations, I would say.
00:31:43Although I would say maybe something you're better at, though, too.
00:31:46But this one, not the case.
00:31:47Maybe deaf people are really good at it because their senses are heightened.
00:31:50We did dispel that pretty early.
00:31:52I feel like that's a myth.
00:31:53I don't think it is for blind people with the hearing because you need your hearing
00:31:56to be able to like you really need to have it.
00:31:59It's all you have.
00:32:01So one for the vision.
00:32:02So Tommy, this one is a vision, like a vision Olympic test.
00:32:06Like so like the letters.
00:32:08Yeah, it goes back and back and back.
00:32:09Or even like if you see like animal in the woods or like things far away or how do you
00:32:13spot different colors?
00:32:14Peripheral vision.
00:32:16I like just the eye chart.
00:32:17That too.
00:32:18I think just doing that and going back like a bullseye almost.
00:32:20Do you see how far?
00:32:23And that's going up against a furniture assembly, another dad-ish one who can assemble
00:32:28Yeah, I'm going with the vision one as well.
00:32:31Yeah, I think that's a pretty easy one for me.
00:32:33So the vision test is moving on.
00:32:34Now we have the number three seat versus the 14 seat.
00:32:36Three seat is parallel parking.
00:32:38I like this one a lot.
00:32:39It's parallel parking and then the cars get closer each round.
00:32:42Like the gap you need to fit into gets a little bit smaller as you go.
00:32:46One try as well.
00:32:47No rear view cameras.
00:32:48You're just doing full analog in the same car.
00:32:50I really, really, I really like that one.
00:32:52There are certain people that are like incredible.
00:32:54Oh, yeah.
00:32:55I actually, literally, I was picking up Rita yesterday from the gym and she, I was waiting
00:33:00and I watched this lady parallel park and she hit the car three times.
00:33:04I videotaped it.
00:33:05I videotaped it.
00:33:06I have it on my phone.
00:33:06It's like crazy.
00:33:07She just kept hitting it and she got out and didn't give a fuck.
00:33:12And I'm just like, you could, people could just be hitting your car all the time.
00:33:15Oh, yeah.
00:33:16You have no idea.
00:33:16It's like just tapping, but she fucking smashed it like three times.
00:33:20It was crazy.
00:33:22The, and that's going up against parallel parking is going up against number 14 seat
00:33:25untangling things.
00:33:26So you just get a big mess of wires, headphones.
00:33:28That's a satisfying.
00:33:30Fucking Christmas lights, whatever.
00:33:31And you got to untangle it.
00:33:32Whoever can untangle it the faster.
00:33:34This one's tougher because I feel like certain people, like certain, not all
00:33:37tangles are created equal.
00:33:38Like, I don't know how you, you would be able to do that.
00:33:42Like maybe just like the, the, they get laid out the same.
00:33:44And then the guy tosses it the same number of times until it gets tangled.
00:33:47And it's whatever's whatever.
00:33:50So the parallel parking versus untangling things start with you, Marty.
00:33:53Parallel parking.
00:33:54Cause then people could do some tricks to like, just like the movies.
00:33:59Some guy like that.
00:34:00Definitely parallel parking.
00:34:01Cause also untangling really frustrates me.
00:34:04One of my most hated things in the world is untangling things.
00:34:07So I'm going.
00:34:08Parallel parking.
00:34:09I'm going parallel park or sorry, Tommy, go ahead.
00:34:11This is tough.
00:34:12I'm not super big on, uh, no surprise.
00:34:15I am not a parallel park.
00:34:17Well, honestly, I, so I, I actually was a point.
00:34:20I was pretty good at it.
00:34:20Well, decently good at it during driver's head.
00:34:22Cause we're going to go over it.
00:34:24But I was, you know, a little nervous going into my driver's test for it, but too much
00:34:29snow on the ground.
00:34:29Then after parallel parking, huge, honestly bad for all.
00:34:34Bad for us.
00:34:37Now I'll be, I'll power park.
00:34:39And like, say I mess up the first time real look at me and goes, want me to do it?
00:34:44And then it's like, just for a motherfucker.
00:34:47If you ask, like, I know there was a method and like, you know, you line up your, your
00:34:52driver's wheel with the other driver's wheel.
00:34:54That's about as much as I remember.
00:34:56If you asked me now to parallel park would be an issue.
00:34:58All the new cars have the mirror, the cameras now.
00:35:00So it just makes it too easy.
00:35:01I still don't know if I would know which way to put the wheel.
00:35:03So I'm going to go with, but I'll go with parallel parking.
00:35:05It could be cool to watch.
00:35:06I'll go parallel parking too.
00:35:08Especially because if you like that last round, it coming down to the car is being like just
00:35:11basically the car with the part.
00:35:13Like, I don't even know how there's a sensor.
00:35:15If you hit it.
00:35:16It wouldn't even be cars.
00:35:17It'd be like, I'm assuming like a barrier or something.
00:35:19You don't have cars.
00:35:20No, it's gotta be cars.
00:35:21I mean, the, you're driving the car.
00:35:24I'm saying, I know, but still have cars there.
00:35:25You have to avoid.
00:35:26All right.
00:35:27I think we're thinking smaller.
00:35:28I think there should be a whole driving Olympics.
00:35:30Driving would be incredible.
00:35:31You have to go to speed on it.
00:35:32How are you?
00:35:33Have to like all the kind of things you go in the speed limit seems reasonable.
00:35:36Like, how long can you go without going even mile?
00:35:39Oh, like the movie speed almost.
00:35:41Except you can't go over margin.
00:35:42You can't go over.
00:35:43You have to go down or like anything.
00:35:44I just like, I think there's so many driving is that we do every day that like whenever
00:35:48in the parking one, normal parking parking pulling in left.
00:35:52I have a diff.
00:35:52I have a difficult time parking.
00:35:56We're left pulling in left.
00:35:57There's one.
00:35:58There's one.
00:35:59I think it's left that I struggle more pulling in left.
00:36:02I think right is harder.
00:36:04I don't think for.
00:36:05I don't know why I need to get behind the wheel.
00:36:07I feel parking garages are real tough to it.
00:36:09Oh, I hate parking garages do in the city.
00:36:12They're they're brutal.
00:36:13Like you have no margin for error.
00:36:16I think because right you're like further away, but that's why you take a bigger loop.
00:36:21Usually you're going.
00:36:22But it's harder to like, I don't know.
00:36:25No, I see what you're saying.
00:36:26Feels right.
00:36:27So left feels right.
00:36:28For once.
00:36:29Oh, OK.
00:36:29All right.
00:36:31So are you going with the parallel parking?
00:36:33Yeah, totally.
00:36:34Parallel parking is going to move on.
00:36:35Now we have the 10 seat versus the 7 seat.
00:36:37The 10 seat is stopping the microwave before the beep.
00:36:40That's actually, I feel like a lot of guys think they're really good at it.
00:36:44That's easy.
00:36:48Unless you go down to the nanosecond.
00:36:50Honestly, you know, it would be good enough.
00:36:52It's on here.
00:36:53But similar being gas pump.
00:36:54That is.
00:36:55Hold on to that one.
00:36:57Better than the microwave.
00:36:58And that's going up against number 17.
00:36:59One that someone submitted, I think, is actually pretty interesting because people do do this.
00:37:03You ever see like when they have those competitions where like everyone has to touch a car
00:37:07or something and the last person that is off wins the car.
00:37:10Oiled up plenty during Barstool Idol.
00:37:12Like a competition of that vein with like what I don't even know how you would do.
00:37:16Like who's the best sort of athlete for that?
00:37:18You have to be an endurance athlete.
00:37:19But like is the best like fucking.
00:37:21I think it's well, it's mental.
00:37:23Yeah, that too.
00:37:23That's what I'm saying.
00:37:24It's got it.
00:37:24It would be hard.
00:37:25Eating or drinking like and just like hold on to something.
00:37:27Who's the best that can stand in one go to the bathroom yourself?
00:37:31That would be you just started at like the opening ceremony.
00:37:35Exactly how long it goes.
00:37:36It goes through the entire thing.
00:37:37You can build a massive fucking thing.
00:37:40So you have every country with one person.
00:37:42You wouldn't like you have to drink water.
00:37:44Like you just people just die or drop out or pass out.
00:37:46Yeah, I have water.
00:37:47I think you are.
00:37:48Are you allowed to have that?
00:37:49I think you can have water.
00:37:50You want them to eat food?
00:37:52Oh, OK.
00:37:52They're wearing some sort of glove with the sensor.
00:37:54Like, you know, like, yeah, yeah.
00:37:55So how do they what are they peeing and pooping?
00:37:59That you got to figure out.
00:38:01I think that's part of it.
00:38:02Maybe you wear a bucket.
00:38:03I'd pee on the other contestants.
00:38:05I think you get immediately for that.
00:38:08Try to win.
00:38:09So I'm assuming that the touch car is going to beat out the stop in the microwave based
00:38:12on that reaction.
00:38:13I do think stopping on the nanosecond is harder than.
00:38:16Yeah, but if the gas pumps on here, I'd rather do that.
00:38:18I also don't think it's I don't want to watch that.
00:38:20You just open a microwave door.
00:38:22No, you mean, do you want to watch people just stand there?
00:38:25I think I'd be more interested.
00:38:26I think you would check in.
00:38:28Yeah, like I wouldn't.
00:38:29I actually would like late at night.
00:38:31I would totally have that on for sure.
00:38:32So you start to like you start to like the other contestants.
00:38:35I'm rooting for this guy, that guy.
00:38:37So you're going to stop.
00:38:38You're going with touching the car.
00:38:39Yeah, yeah.
00:38:40By a mile.
00:38:40I'll go touching the car, too.
00:38:41I do think that'd be really funny.
00:38:42I think it's lame.
00:38:43I wonder how if it went all the way to the because how long is the Olympics typically
00:38:47or do the Olympics typically last a couple of weeks?
00:38:50Two to three weeks.
00:38:51Me longer.
00:38:53No, it's not as long as you think.
00:38:55Yeah, something like that.
00:38:57But yeah, I think I would go for a touch in the car, Tommy.
00:38:59Yeah, touch.
00:39:01Touching the car.
00:39:01Yeah, touching the car.
00:39:02Touching the car.
00:39:03Going to move on.
00:39:05Next, we have the number two seed was the 15 seed chain.
00:39:07You know, the 15 seed chain game.
00:39:09First, hide and seek the first option.
00:39:11I do think that could be very fun as long as you have to do the same course for each round.
00:39:15And I don't know, like, like it maybe just be like a woods.
00:39:19You know what I mean?
00:39:19Like, you just throw in a big force and like, go high.
00:39:22I think it's got to be one on one, too.
00:39:24Yeah, and you're wearing the same thing.
00:39:25Everyone has to wear the same.
00:39:26If I find you, I catch you.
00:39:27I got to tag you.
00:39:29Just fine.
00:39:29I think fine.
00:39:31Yeah, it'd have to be a very big area in time.
00:39:35So hide and seek hot dog eating, which we just went.
00:39:37We would smoke Joey Chestnut.
00:39:38I put that on there because I was like, wait, that's that's a USA goal.
00:39:42It'd be us in Japan, maybe.
00:39:44And we would still smoke them like it would be a massacre.
00:39:48But I'd still like to watch roast battles someone put.
00:39:51I don't know how it works just for the language.
00:39:54But it was submitted.
00:39:55And I was like, I do like the idea of, like, imagine, like,
00:39:57Roan having to rap against, like, England's best rapper.
00:39:59I think that would be cool.
00:40:00But at the same time, like, again, the language thing really fucks that up.
00:40:04Changing a diaper was submitted a lot.
00:40:05A lot of parents, I think, are very interested.
00:40:07You could change the diaper the fastest.
00:40:08I don't think it would make for an electric television.
00:40:11Non lethal duels.
00:40:12I do like.
00:40:13So like a gun duel, but it's like you're not shooting a real bullet.
00:40:17Like they're doing like the Old West or whatever.
00:40:18Like you walk ten paces, turn and shoot.
00:40:21I do think that could be really cool.
00:40:23And then extreme mini golf, because I don't think the best golfers would be involved.
00:40:27Like, you know, you're not having fucking Rory do that.
00:40:30Like you're going to have that.
00:40:31He doesn't have the same skill set as the best mini golfer in the world.
00:40:33And I also have no idea who would win that.
00:40:35I have no clue who the best mini golfers in the world are.
00:40:38So we'll say hide and seek, hot dog eating, roast battles, changing a diaper,
00:40:42non lethal duels or extreme mini golf.
00:40:48Competitive eating makes the most sense.
00:40:49But I don't know.
00:40:50I kind of want to see people play mini golf.
00:40:51I don't know.
00:40:52I get bored after a while.
00:40:53I don't know.
00:40:53I think that would get less boring than hide and seek.
00:40:55I think so, too.
00:40:57Extreme mini golf.
00:40:58Yeah, I'm going to go with that.
00:41:00One for extreme mini golf.
00:41:02Again, the competitive eating, like you're saying, it makes sense.
00:41:04We would just win, though.
00:41:06Like for now, but then eventually when Joe Chestnut retires, like it would.
00:41:11Other countries find a way.
00:41:12Like, you know, it might take 20, 30 years.
00:41:15Yeah, it's kind of crazy, though.
00:41:16How long has it been going on for now?
00:41:18The 4th of July.
00:41:21The 4th of July thing.
00:41:22And Joey Chestnut's been the best for I know he's just breaking his own record.
00:41:27How is there not one person even coming?
00:41:29Like I know Kobayashi was like at that time, but then he beat the shit out of him.
00:41:33How is there not one person?
00:41:34I'd like to see somebody like come along and beat Joey.
00:41:37We need competition.
00:41:39He needs a rival.
00:41:40Yes, that's why it was the best.
00:41:42I bet he wants one.
00:41:43Yeah, he definitely does.
00:41:44If you're him, don't you want one?
00:41:45Yes, we need.
00:41:47It's just crazy.
00:41:48It's been 20 years.
00:41:48We still haven't had one person close.
00:41:50How old is he now?
00:41:52He's got to be 40 something.
00:41:54Yeah, right.
00:41:55How long can he do it for?
00:41:57I don't think he's slowing down.
00:41:58He does like keep doing better, right?
00:42:00He's 41.
00:42:01He's younger than you.
00:42:01But the thing is the week after he's doing chicken wing ones and he's doing
00:42:05pierogies the next week.
00:42:06Like he just goes to he goes like halftime shows and just eats.
00:42:10He should devote his body to science when he does.
00:42:13Like what gives you?
00:42:14He's a guy that will live till he's like 100 too.
00:42:17Like he's most probably unhealthy guy.
00:42:18But he goes to we did the dozen once he was in Thailand detoxing.
00:42:23So like he's just like he goes to Thailand for like months after and he doesn't eat.
00:42:28I think he just fasts.
00:42:29Yeah, he fasts for like a while.
00:42:31You think that would shrink your stomach, make it harder to compete.
00:42:33Yeah, I don't know.
00:42:35So Joey has the record at 76 hot dog eating.
00:42:38He also has 75.
00:42:39He also has 74.
00:42:40He also has 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 66.
00:42:44It's in a really short time.
00:42:4563, 62.
00:42:47And then 62 is the only one where anyone has also on the line.
00:42:51It's Matt Stoney, who I've seen in YouTube videos before.
00:42:54And then again, after him, it's Joey Chestnut, Joey Chestnut, Joey Chestnut.
00:42:57Poor Matt Stoney.
00:42:57I mean, imagine if Joey Chestnut was never born.
00:42:59Yeah, guy's the king of the fucking planet.
00:43:01And we'd be like, wow, that's so many hot dogs.
00:43:02I know.
00:43:03That's insane.
00:43:04Wow, 62 hot dogs.
00:43:05That's crazy.
00:43:05And I was like, oh, congrats to Matt Stoney.
00:43:09Only 62.
00:43:11So you were going with the extreme mini golf between these.
00:43:16The non-lethal duels are the extreme mini golf.
00:43:18I think of the two I would want because the duels would be really cool.
00:43:21It's just like, what is that paintball?
00:43:22Is that airsoft?
00:43:23Not as fun as an actual duel.
00:43:24Like, I think it's real or get the fuck out.
00:43:27So I would go with a mini golf.
00:43:28And like, I too, I'd watch a real duel, I think.
00:43:31Then I'd be sad.
00:43:32To our credit too, our mini golf thing was exciting.
00:43:35So and if it was like actually very, very good people.
00:43:39That's a crazy course.
00:43:40And the course would be insane.
00:43:42It'd be like they'd have been doing this insane geometry to it.
00:43:45Like, yeah, I'm going with the mini golf, Tommy.
00:43:46Mini golf, easy.
00:43:48They should just actually add that.
00:43:50Mini golf.
00:43:51I'm assuming.
00:43:51Or there should be like at least a mini golf league in the US.
00:43:54Like professional, I would definitely.
00:43:55If it was crazy courses you've never seen in your life, like no idea how they do this.
00:43:59Yes, I would absolutely tune it.
00:44:01Your mini golf as well.
00:44:02So mini golf is going up against the number two seed.
00:44:04You mentioned it, Tommy.
00:44:05Stopping a gas pump on an exact number.
00:44:07I do think there is another thing where I think enough people could be good at it.
00:44:10You know what I mean?
00:44:11Oh, yeah.
00:44:12But I mean, it's so, I try all the time.
00:44:14But I mean, I haven't in a while because it's illegal in New Jersey.
00:44:18But it's truly, do you guys always leave it on like an even or odd number?
00:44:24Or do you not care?
00:44:25What do you mean?
00:44:26Like every time I do it, I have to end on a,
00:44:28like I'll keep pumping until it gets to an even number.
00:44:31I usually just pumps until it's full.
00:44:32I don't think.
00:44:33No, no, I do too.
00:44:34But I just keep pumping, like I keep pressing it till the price gets to an even number.
00:44:39Do you ever have like the thing overflowing?
00:44:41Yeah, of course.
00:44:44Sometimes I keep getting even numbers.
00:44:46Just to be a part of your business.
00:44:47I keep getting odd numbers.
00:44:48I've also one time, one time I've seen a guy literally drive away with the thing in his,
00:44:55oh, in his car, still in the hole.
00:44:57And it popped off.
00:44:58And he was drove away.
00:45:00I didn't see him come back.
00:45:01He drove away with it in his car.
00:45:03So what I see, this happens in the movie Garden State,
00:45:06but you don't see it happen.
00:45:07You just see like the aftermath because the handle and the hose just like what?
00:45:10What just goes with them.
00:45:12And like, because it did stop like a gas and come fly out because it did stop already.
00:45:17But it just flew out and then whipped away like the,
00:45:21that piece whips out of his car and just drove away.
00:45:25How stupid can I get?
00:45:27I can see.
00:45:28I don't know.
00:45:28I actually don't know.
00:45:29I could see like the gas cap being open.
00:45:32That happens once in a while, but it's stuck in there.
00:45:34It's crazy.
00:45:35I'm actually kind of surprised it doesn't happen more often.
00:45:36I feel like he must have run in to get something.
00:45:41I've always said the story where I, I literally, I was,
00:45:45I'd smoked once and we were in the, went to Taco Bell, ordered, paid and left.
00:45:53And I went home, sat down on the couch and was like, fuck, and never went back.
00:45:59Never went back.
00:46:00You ever do the thing where like you leave something like you put on the top of your car
00:46:04and you drive away and let it fall?
00:46:06That's like a drink or something.
00:46:07Usually my favorite, like sippy cup as a kid that way.
00:46:11Tommy's sippy cup.
00:46:13So now we have the gas pump is going up against mini extreme mini golf.
00:46:17It's a good matchup.
00:46:20I think I'm gonna go mini golf still.
00:46:21I like the, I think the numbers thing I would like, and then I'd be like, ah, all right,
00:46:26we got it.
00:46:27Mini golf.
00:46:28There's so many different courses you can have each time.
00:46:30And someone choking, like not being able to get in the clown's mouth.
00:46:35One night, one day I get silver.
00:46:36It's kind of funny.
00:46:38You know what else I just thought of?
00:46:39But I saw this Tik Tok of this guy putting a key perfectly in a door.
00:46:44Without like touching an edge.
00:46:45There's this, let me find this Tik Tok and I can send it to you, put it in.
00:46:49It's like the most impressive thing I've literally ever seen.
00:46:52But it has to touch the pins.
00:46:53How does it not make like a noise?
00:46:56No, it maybe you have like sensors on the edge where it would be like operation.
00:47:02Where like you press the engine to buzzes.
00:47:04Oh, that does sound actually.
00:47:07This video, I still, no matter what it would be voting for mini golf, by the way, because
00:47:12mini golf extreme, I'm going for the gas thing.
00:47:14I think like the crowd roar when you get it exact.
00:47:18I think would be like the 180 and darts.
00:47:21Yeah, I think the mini golf, like imagine a hole in one on the most.
00:47:25I think the hole in one will be even bigger.
00:47:26I'm with mini golf as well.
00:47:27I don't want to watch people pump gas for hours.
00:47:29Oh, I got it.
00:47:30I got it.
00:47:30I got it.
00:47:31I don't know if anyone cares, but I'm on an undefeated streak of putting my key in my
00:47:35door lock really good.
00:47:36I watch this.
00:47:36I do this daily.
00:47:40Yeah, no, that is.
00:47:41That is very impressive.
00:47:43That is very impressive to you.
00:47:46Either way, mini golf is going to move on.
00:47:48It's almost like that lock.
00:47:49I've seen a lot of keys, though.
00:47:50Maybe, you know, that's that's the Bonnie blue of love.
00:47:55Before we get to the playoffs, let's talk about Rocket Money.
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00:48:42Go to RocketMoney.com slash bracket today.
00:48:45That's RocketMoney.com slash bracket RocketMoney.com slash bracket.
00:48:49All right.
00:48:50First up, we have the number four seed Magic versus number five seed Lawn Mowing.
00:48:54Very good matchup.
00:48:55Let's start with you, Clemmer.
00:48:56Which one do you think would be a better Olympic sport?
00:49:01Sanctity of the bracket here.
00:49:03I'm going to go with Lawn Mower.
00:49:04I think Magic is almost like too professional.
00:49:08What do you mean?
00:49:09Like it's too much of like a theatrics than it is like athletic.
00:49:16But so is like, what's the thing where they do all the dances in the water?
00:49:20Synchronized swimming.
00:49:22Yeah, I guess that argument is somewhat fair.
00:49:24I feel like it's even more theatrical with the Magic.
00:49:28I just don't think Magic and Olympics.
00:49:30They have like floor routine.
00:49:32They're running around.
00:49:33They're being athletic.
00:49:34There's nothing really athletic about it.
00:49:35Penn and Teller were magicians.
00:49:37Very good ones.
00:49:38It's very true.
00:49:38Um, yeah, so I'm not going to choose Magic.
00:49:41One for Lawn Mowing.
00:49:43I think Lawn Mower, as far as like.
00:49:44I don't think Lawn Mowers are very athletic either, but I just feel like it's more to the
00:49:48what we're doing.
00:49:49It could be more artistic and like you'd be more interesting to see.
00:49:52But like, I don't know how you judge.
00:49:53I feel like the Magic would be more entertaining.
00:49:55Oh, by far more entertaining.
00:49:56But I think what we're doing here, I think the Lawn Mowing is the better option.
00:49:59But it's close.
00:50:00I think I think I'll go with Magic.
00:50:02I think seeing the world's best magicians all in one place competing against each other
00:50:06to make the best trick, especially with movies like the Prestige.
00:50:09Like imagining that, except it's every country going up against each other.
00:50:12That sounds incredible.
00:50:13Or the Illusionist.
00:50:15Oh, they're much better.
00:50:16The Illusionist.
00:50:17Then for the Prestige.
00:50:21I'm going to go Lawn Mower.
00:50:22Now, like in a vacuum, I'd rather watch someone do magic tricks than mow their lawn.
00:50:26But for the sanctity of these Olympics, I do.
00:50:32Yeah, it's all.
00:50:32Yeah, Lawn Mower.
00:50:33Lawn Mowing.
00:50:35That's going to be a tough one to beat for me.
00:50:37Yeah, you are.
00:50:38I didn't know you were big into Lawn Mowing like that.
00:50:40Oh, yeah.
00:50:40I miss it.
00:50:41Yeah, me too.
00:50:43Mowing your lawn, then jumping in the pool.
00:50:45My God.
00:50:45Every now and then, when I'm at my in-laws, I'm like, you mean to mow?
00:50:48I'm like, I crave those tasks because I don't do them anymore.
00:50:54It's like I would go home and power wash their patio and do that shit.
00:50:57And I'm like, I just want to do it again.
00:50:58My house had a hill, so it was a little bit of a workout as well.
00:51:02So it's kind of nice.
00:51:03I enjoyed it.
00:51:04I don't like edging, though.
00:51:06No, edging is too hard.
00:51:07I get nervous.
00:51:09Like hit a rock or something.
00:51:11Yeah, that too.
00:51:12With the weed whacker.
00:51:14So Lawn Mowing, let's move on.
00:51:15Now we're going to have the number one seed versus the number eight seed.
00:51:18The one seed is the grocery bag Olympic we're talking about.
00:51:21We're again, we're clarifying it as every contestant gets a giant pile of groceries.
00:51:26They can pick out as much as they think they can carry.
00:51:29And then I'm thinking it gets judged when you get back as far as like, if anything rips,
00:51:33you're getting points off.
00:51:34If you carry more, you get more points.
00:51:36You know what I mean?
00:51:37It's up to your discretion as the athlete.
00:51:39So the grocery haul versus going to sleep as fast as you can.
00:51:43The REM sleep competition, like you were saying.
00:51:47Start with you, Marty.
00:51:50I'm going to go with the bagging.
00:51:52I find that very, because even when you drive in the car, you make sure none of it falls
00:51:56out, falls down.
00:51:57You got to place it perfectly.
00:51:59There's a lot of things that you could do with it.
00:52:01So I'm going to go with the bagging.
00:52:02One for the bagging.
00:52:03I'm going with the sleeping.
00:52:05I just think the crowd factor, maybe it's just because I don't fall asleep that fast,
00:52:12and I'm just impressed by people who can fall asleep really fast.
00:52:15But to be able to shut your brain off and fall asleep that quickly would be wild to
00:52:22So one to one right now.
00:52:23I think I would go for, this is tough because I think the going to sleep one could get old
00:52:28fast, and the grocery one would keep being entertaining across rounds.
00:52:33Especially because you'd be essentially trying to, as you got deeper into the rounds, you're
00:52:37upping the amount of groceries you're taking, adding more risk.
00:52:40I don't know.
00:52:41I think the grocery one, there's more legs to it.
00:52:43But you could have the Usain Bolt of sleepers.
00:52:45You could have a time where it's like, holy fuck.
00:52:47No one could ever beat that top back guy.
00:52:49He fell asleep in seven seconds.
00:52:51They drug test him.
00:52:52You could just send him to the grocery and have this guy who goes to 280 pounds of groceries
00:52:55going, shit.
00:52:56I'm with the groceries.
00:52:57I like the strategy involved with the groceries.
00:52:59So groceries is going to-
00:53:01Because each level could get heavier.
00:53:03Maybe you add more glass items or whatever.
00:53:05You get less bags.
00:53:07I like that.
00:53:08There's a lot you could do with it.
00:53:10If you have a certain amount of bags, you could double bag if you want, but then you lose a bag
00:53:13and amount of stuff you can bring.
00:53:15You could put some strategy into it, too.
00:53:17Imagine if you're almost there and the bag rips.
00:53:19You're opening the door and it gets snagged on the thing.
00:53:22Oh, my God.
00:53:23Slow mo.
00:53:24Orange juice falls out of the bottom.
00:53:27So the grocery game is going to be, it's the lawnmower.
00:53:29We really narrowed in on the dad thing here.
00:53:33Let's start with you, Clemmer.
00:53:34Grocery, bagging versus lawnmower?
00:53:36Lawnmower, yeah.
00:53:38Is this the championship?
00:53:39Is to go into the finals.
00:53:41Because I know-
00:53:42I think-
00:53:43There's one guy here that I want to ask to do this.
00:53:47This is very-
00:53:48We can split this vote.
00:53:49This is very close.
00:53:51Pat, yeah.
00:53:51If we split.
00:53:53I'm going to go with lawnmower here, but it's very close and I'm not decisive.
00:54:00Because I would like to see both these things in the Olympics.
00:54:03I think between these two, the more we talk about these two events, the more I'm into
00:54:06the grocery one.
00:54:07So I'm going to go with the grocery one.
00:54:09I'm going lawnmower.
00:54:10It also would be pretty good to see a bodybuilder do it against some old dad.
00:54:16Like some dad that's just really good at it no matter what.
00:54:20Like some fucking-
00:54:21I bet the bodybuilders eventually would take the sport over though.
00:54:23I think they would-
00:54:24I think, I don't know.
00:54:25Their muscles might be too big.
00:54:28Because they're skinny guys.
00:54:30You could get a lot of bags over your arms.
00:54:33Like this.
00:54:34Imagine how big, like imagine a rock's forearms trying to get into that.
00:54:39Might break a bag.
00:54:40You're putting more strain on it.
00:54:42Can't break a bag.
00:54:43So we're two for lawnmowing, Marty?
00:54:45Yeah, I'm splitting it.
00:54:46You're splitting it to the grocery game?
00:54:47Oh, I want to get him.
00:54:48Let's go get Pat.
00:54:49Is he here?
00:54:50I saw him earlier.
00:55:02I got him.
00:55:15You got him?
00:55:16I just watched episode one, by the way.
00:55:18All right.
00:55:19All right, Pat.
00:55:20Here, let him grab your mic real quick.
00:55:24All right.
00:55:25So it's a pretty by-the-numbers question.
00:55:28Which one of these things do you think that you would rather watch
00:55:31in like an Olympic-level competition?
00:55:33Us versus the rest of the world sort of thing.
00:55:37The first one is carrying groceries in.
00:55:40Who can carry the most groceries in?
00:55:42We're saying it's like a competition where you essentially get handed,
00:55:45like you get a giant pile of groceries.
00:55:47You can take as much as you want or as little as you want,
00:55:49and you'll get a point-graded system.
00:55:51If the bag breaks, you lose points.
00:55:53It's a whole fucking thing.
00:55:54Big thing.
00:55:55As it rounds.
00:55:55You got to get it there without spilling it.
00:55:57You got to get it there without spilling it.
00:55:58You got to get through the door onto a table without spilling it.
00:56:00Figured that out, of course.
00:56:02Pat, you show up.
00:56:04I'm on top of the game.
00:56:05And that's going up against lawn mowing.
00:56:08So basically mowing the perfect lawn, doing the edges, doing like your shrubs.
00:56:12They have judges.
00:56:13Like they judge, you know, the perfect die.
00:56:15Before you answer, are you good at any of these?
00:56:18Yeah, I do.
00:56:19I do the shopping in my house, and I used to mow the lawn.
00:56:22Now I use the landscape.
00:56:24Of course.
00:56:24But do you try and bring in a lot of bags when you get home?
00:56:27Yes, I do.
00:56:30I feel like you think you're getting interrogated right now.
00:56:32No more plastic bags in New York, though.
00:56:34Oh, yeah, that's true.
00:56:38Do you make your kids come out and say, hey, I'm home with the bags?
00:56:42Yes, I do.
00:56:43We're saying plastic because we want them to be able to tear.
00:56:46And that way you lose, basically.
00:56:47You could lose it.
00:56:48So these grocery games, we're saying, versus lawn mowing.
00:56:51Which one of these things would you rather watch in a competition setting?
00:56:53Us versus the world.
00:56:55The grocery game.
00:56:56Grocery game.
00:56:57All right.
00:56:57Grocery game.
00:56:58He sides with me and Mush.
00:56:59Thank you, Pat.
00:56:59Thank you, Pat.
00:57:00We appreciate it.
00:57:01We might need you again soon.
00:57:03Very possible.
00:57:05So groceries are going to move into the final.
00:57:08Groceries are going to move into the finals.
00:57:10Now on the other side, we have the number three seed versus the number six seed.
00:57:16How old do you think Pat is?
00:57:17Anyone know?
00:57:19I would say he's about 52.
00:57:22I would have guessed roughly the same.
00:57:24Because I know he has a kid in college, I think.
00:57:28So either way.
00:57:30On the other side, we have, oh, almost forgot.
00:57:31You're so right, though.
00:57:32I'm sorry.
00:57:33He literally, he answers questions like you're interviewing for murder.
00:57:40Like, yes, I was there.
00:57:44I do run the grocery game, yes.
00:57:46Not to my recollection.
00:57:49But actually, before I forget, before we do this other plus, let's talk about our last
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00:58:20I almost said pick six.
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00:58:48Chiefs, Chiefs, Chiefs.
00:58:49Nothing but Chiefs.
00:58:50That's going to be such a fucking easy one.
00:58:52What's the deal with the Pro Bowl this year?
00:58:54Where even is it?
00:58:55Flag football is in Florida.
00:58:57Drake May is in his Pro Bowl.
00:58:58So what does it matter?
00:58:59I mean, like, well, Mack Jones was in it like two years ago, right?
00:59:02Tyler Huntley was in it.
00:59:03Used to be in something.
00:59:05When he was in, like, Hawaii and like-
00:59:06I think it's never meant anything.
00:59:08I'll say it's never meant less than it is right now.
00:59:10Ocho Cinco would play and they'd play, like, they'd tackle, they'd play football.
00:59:14Sean Taylor, like, crushed a guy.
00:59:16Do you remember that?
00:59:16Fucking flag football.
00:59:17I think they should just give it up.
00:59:21You've got enough going for you.
00:59:23You know what's crazy?
00:59:23It still gets better TV ratings than a lot of other sports programs.
00:59:26Oh, I'm sure it gets better than, like, most of the- some of the bowl games.
00:59:28Like, it's probably-
00:59:28You're sitting there on Sunday and there's nothing.
00:59:32College basketball is down.
00:59:34NBA is barely playing.
00:59:35You're like, yeah, I might as well see them throw a ball into fucking Target.
00:59:39I don't think I watched any of it from last year at all.
00:59:42I don't think I watched this-
00:59:42I don't think I've watched a Pro Bowl in 10 years.
00:59:44Yeah, me either.
00:59:45I watched when-
00:59:46But it is- I'll say it is more interesting now with the events and not the pro-
00:59:50Yeah, maybe I'll tune in.
00:59:52Yeah, the game-
00:59:53I think we just convinced ourselves to watch.
00:59:54That was so easy.
00:59:55Not to the game, but to the events.
00:59:56Yeah, the events I think are better than, like, the long throw or Target.
01:00:00I think that's way better than the very lame games.
01:00:03The fact that it's after the season hurts.
01:00:05It's got to be something else to do.
01:00:07So now we have parallel parking versus the vision test, which Klamer had brought up.
01:00:12Marty, you're up first.
01:00:13This is a tough one.
01:00:15I think I- I think the vision one is pretty-
01:00:19I'm going to go with vision because imagine some guy sees, like, a letter from two miles away.
01:00:24And it's like, wow.
01:00:26It'd be pretty cool.
01:00:27I'm trying to think of the max someone can ever possibly- like, 50 yards?
01:00:29Like, what's the max you could physically read something?
01:00:32Do you think long?
01:00:33Guess we're going to find out.
01:00:34Yeah, we'll find out when-
01:00:35You think someone on a football field can, like-
01:00:37Oh my god.
01:00:37There's no way.
01:00:38There's no way.
01:00:38No way you can read that.
01:00:39That last line?
01:00:40That'd be crazy.
01:00:40Yeah, that'd be the most impressive thing I've ever seen.
01:00:43That'd be sick.
01:00:44Like, I think the max you could probably do is, like, 50 yards and it'd have to be big letters.
01:00:47It'd have to be-
01:00:47It's crazy we don't have, like, a sniper's competition either.
01:00:50They have, um, like, skeet shooting- or what do you call it?
01:00:52What's the thing where you shoot-
01:00:53Part of, uh, triath?
01:00:54In winter.
01:00:55Biath? Is it biath?
01:00:56But what's, like- isn't that- what is it?
01:00:57Chris Kyle or whatever could do it from so far away.
01:01:00And, like, you could put cans somewhere.
01:01:02It'd be so cool to see that.
01:01:03Like, an actual sniper competition would be really cool.
01:01:05I think, like, the BB shit and, like, that's- like, the Turkish dude with, like, the air rifle.
01:01:08Like, that's not as cool.
01:01:09I need the full-on sniper.
01:01:11Like, you can't even tell they shot the gun.
01:01:13You know what I mean? Like, it's crazy.
01:01:14Um, so, one for the vision test.
01:01:18I'm gonna go with the parallel parking, actually.
01:01:20I think that could be exciting.
01:01:22As close as they get.
01:01:26I'll go with the parallel parking.
01:01:27I think I'm with you because I think that, like, and I want to expand it,
01:01:30and like Clemmer was saying, into being, like, almost a stunt driving thing.
01:01:33Where it's, like, a full driving competition.
01:01:35Not, like, NASCAR or whatever.
01:01:36Like, you have to do crazy shit.
01:01:37Like, you have to do, like, some insane-
01:01:39Like, you know where, like, you're driving really fast one way,
01:01:41and they turn and start driving the other way.
01:01:42Like, that shit.
01:01:43That, I think, would be really cool to watch.
01:01:46So, I'd go with parallel parking, Clemmer.
01:01:47I'm gonna go with vision.
01:01:48Gonna go with vision.
01:01:50Should we bring in Pat for this one, or should we flip a coin for this one?
01:01:53I'm not sure.
01:01:54Flip a coin for this one, yeah.
01:01:54He would, I don't even, I can't explain this.
01:01:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:01:58He would definitely go-
01:01:59We could just call someone random.
01:02:01Call someone.
01:02:02Who are you gonna call?
01:02:03I don't know.
01:02:04All right, everyone go on your phone.
01:02:08And just scroll, and if it's someone-
01:02:10This is an osdementalist trick.
01:02:11If someone's not-
01:02:12If it's someone that you feel comfortable calling, you call them.
01:02:15Someone that I feel-
01:02:16Who the fuck is this guy?
01:02:17Three, two, uh, five, four, three, two, one.
01:02:22Uh, Dante the Don.
01:02:25I landed on Jan Pats.
01:02:28He's busy right now.
01:02:28I landed on Bibs.
01:02:30You landed on Bibs?
01:02:31Call Bibs.
01:02:32Who the fuck is Australian Tim?
01:02:36I'll call Bibs first.
01:02:37Wow, who are these?
01:02:38You have these people in mind, too.
01:02:40Oh, Ellie Schnittman would have been funny.
01:02:42I just found the Don.
01:02:44It's Jeff.
01:02:44Can you come to the phone right now?
01:02:46Oh, no.
01:02:48Who the absolute fuck is Australian Tim?
01:02:50I really want to know Australian Tim.
01:02:51Call him!
01:02:53Yeah, you gotta call him now.
01:02:55Just call him.
01:02:56Maybe he has a good answer.
01:02:56We don't know.
01:02:57I want him to sound-
01:02:59I want him to not be Australian.
01:03:00And not at all.
01:03:01Might be an awesome guy.
01:03:02Just call him.
01:03:03What's the matter?
01:03:04Call him.
01:03:04Who cares?
01:03:05You trying to see if you texted him before?
01:03:06No, I'm trying to just type in Australian Tim.
01:03:09I like my text.
01:03:10He's probably a good guy.
01:03:11Have you ever texted him?
01:03:12You never texted him or anything?
01:03:13Did you ever meet anyone named Tim from Australia?
01:03:14It's gotta be someone from like college.
01:03:16Can you please call him?
01:03:17Just call him.
01:03:18All right, fine.
01:03:19Then I'm gonna say-
01:03:19I'll just say-
01:03:21I'm gonna say-
01:03:22I want to hear who-
01:03:23You want to hear what he's gonna say?
01:03:24Why did you say Tim?
01:03:25What's Tim gonna say?
01:03:26I'm gonna say...
01:03:29I wonder if he has your number programmed in.
01:03:32Put it up.
01:03:36What's Australian Tim doing?
01:03:48What's the matter?
01:03:53I want to hear the voice-
01:03:54Please have a voicemail.
01:03:56All right.
01:03:58Australian Tim.
01:04:00Wade is off-road,
01:04:02ripping the trail and living the dream.
01:04:05And you may or may not get a return phone call.
01:04:10What the fuck is that?
01:04:12What the fuck was that?
01:04:14Did that say Tim is off-
01:04:17What are you doing?
01:04:18You're off time.
01:04:19Living the dream.
01:04:20What is-
01:04:21Who is that?
01:04:22Who the fuck is Australian Tim?
01:04:25What's the area code?
01:04:28What the fuck is this guy?
01:04:31Living the dream.
01:04:32Why was he like doing like-
01:04:33It's gotta be from like some random worker.
01:04:36That was the scariest voice.
01:04:37That was horrifying.
01:04:39It said like he's off-road, living the dream.
01:04:42Probably can't come to the phone right now.
01:04:44Definitely not Australian.
01:04:45No, that guy did not sound Australian at all.
01:04:46No, but that wasn't Tim.
01:04:48That was Tim's-
01:04:48It sounded like someone speaking for Tim.
01:04:51Like Tim's off-road, living the dream.
01:04:52Why would you have that guy speak for you?
01:04:54Who the fuck is-
01:04:56I'm just going through Tim's I follow on Instagram.
01:04:59That's so-
01:04:59All right, so who were you-
01:05:00That was unsettling.
01:05:01I did not like that voice.
01:05:03I'm really upset.
01:05:03Who the fuck is Australian Tim?
01:05:06Are you looking at Instagram for Australian Tim?
01:05:08No, just Tim.
01:05:11Living the dream.
01:05:14Oh, my buddy Predick.
01:05:15I'll ask him.
01:05:16Go ahead.
01:05:17Let's see.
01:05:26Fuck, he's probably at work.
01:05:31I'm going to text like a few different-
01:05:33Yo, can you hear me?
01:05:36Can you hear me?
01:05:38I have a quick question.
01:05:38Could you give me an answer?
01:05:41Which one of these things do you think would make a better Olympic game?
01:05:45Like something you'd watch like competition wise, us versus the world.
01:05:50Parallel parking where like it's-
01:05:52You have to perfectly parallel park and like each round,
01:05:54like the two cars that you're parking between get a little bit closer together.
01:05:58Or like a vision competition where like you have to keep backing up
01:06:02like the sign you have to read over and over and over again.
01:06:05Yeah, I think I'd say parallel parking.
01:06:08Parallel parking?
01:06:09Yeah, as an Olympic sport.
01:06:10Yeah, exactly.
01:06:11Yeah, I feel like that'd be entertaining.
01:06:13Yeah, I agree with you.
01:06:14I voted with the same thing.
01:06:15All right, thank you.
01:06:16All right, bye.
01:06:18All right.
01:06:18Parallel parking it is.
01:06:19Thank you, Predick.
01:06:19Was that Pradick you said?
01:06:21All right, Pradick.
01:06:22Shout out to Pradick.
01:06:23All right, parallel parking, go to-
01:06:24Who the fuck is Australian Tim?
01:06:27I am.
01:06:27This is driving me-
01:06:28Did you text him?
01:06:29No, I'm texting like a high school friend group and a college friend group.
01:06:33To see which one knows who Australian Tim is?
01:06:35If any of them.
01:06:36Now, I will say there are times, and this is a bad habit of mine,
01:06:40and I've gotten better at it, but if I'm like out at a bar drunk
01:06:43and like a stoolie or something comes up and is like,
01:06:46oh, like, you know, take down my number and like,
01:06:48I'm never good at being like, no, I don't want to give you my number stranger.
01:06:51It's a really hard number.
01:06:52Like, how do you, you said you're getting better at that?
01:06:54How do you like say, like, it's hard to say no.
01:06:56I say like email me or DM me.
01:06:57Ah, smart.
01:06:59So I'm trying to think of like, have you ever been to Wyoming
01:07:01for like any of the events or anything like that?
01:07:04Anywhere close to Wyoming?
01:07:05The other thing I thought of is like maybe like something I did with Sidney Wells,
01:07:08like if it's outdoors.
01:07:10Australian Tim, though.
01:07:12I just think you remember that voice.
01:07:13I'm like really unsettled by that voice.
01:07:14And you would-
01:07:15Benicio del Toro and Denimora.
01:07:16You would definitely remember like an Australian man you met too.
01:07:22That's so specific.
01:07:24That's why I'm thinking it's a random just drunk dude.
01:07:30Australian Tim.
01:07:32Have you seen that Denimora show?
01:07:34Don't tell anybody.
01:07:37So scary.
01:07:38Parallel Parking is move on as we try to get to the bottom of Australian Tim.
01:07:42Mini golf, extreme mini golf versus the touching the car thing.
01:07:47Like who can stay the longest touch to a single item.
01:07:50Start with you, Clemmer.
01:07:53I'm gonna go with the extreme mini golf.
01:07:54I think there's something to be-
01:07:55I think that like we just said earlier, like that probably should be an event.
01:07:58I'm gonna text Australian Tim.
01:07:59Please do.
01:08:00I'm sorry.
01:08:00I know this is a weird question.
01:08:01Oh, say Tim, give me a call back.
01:08:03Yes, please.
01:08:04Don't even ask that you don't know.
01:08:05So we can get a call back.
01:08:07I know this is-
01:08:08No, no, no, no.
01:08:10Because I'm genuinely curious.
01:08:12Well, if he calls you back, you can talk to him.
01:08:14Like, please give me a ring back.
01:08:16He's off road having a fucking adventure.
01:08:17Yeah, he's having a good time.
01:08:18He's having an adventure.
01:08:19Yeah, whatever that means.
01:08:22But yeah, so we have two for mini golf right now because I'm voting for mini golf too.
01:08:25I do think that'd be legitimately a good off-roading or a good Olympic event.
01:08:30He's two.
01:08:31He's two.
01:08:32Sorry, I'm texting Australian Tim.
01:08:36So it's mini golf versus the touching the car mini golf, for sure.
01:08:40Yeah, mini golf's gonna win regardless.
01:08:43You know, Tommy, you know what?
01:08:44It's gonna be so underwhelming.
01:08:45It's who you met once.
01:08:46Substantially, that's an Australian.
01:08:47He's on his fourth sentence right now.
01:08:49I know, like this is like-
01:08:50Oh, could it be someone on one of Dana Beer's bachelor parties?
01:08:55That feels like a character.
01:08:57I'm gonna say no, 69, I'm scrolling through random contacts on my phone right now with
01:09:00friends and I have to ask, how do we have each other's numbers?
01:09:02I just have you in as Australian Tim.
01:09:05I'm just gonna say it.
01:09:06I now have to know.
01:09:08He is this poor fucking guy.
01:09:11So mini golf versus parallel parking to go into the finals.
01:09:13Are you saying who you are?
01:09:16Because he might not have you in this phone at all.
01:09:17Also true.
01:09:20Yeah, I don't know what to-
01:09:21I don't know how to handle this.
01:09:22Who the fuck is-
01:09:23I wouldn't handle that.
01:09:24I'm gonna try-
01:09:24We'll reverse look up his phone number later.
01:09:26We'll find who this guy is.
01:09:28So to go into the finals, mini golf versus parallel parking.
01:09:35I'm gonna go mini golf.
01:09:37Mini golf versus parallel parking?
01:09:39Mini golf.
01:09:40I'm going mini golf as well.
01:09:41The more I think about it, the more I can actually see it as an actual Olympic event.
01:09:44Mini golf probably should be an event, mini golf.
01:09:45Yeah, mini golf.
01:09:46Parallel parking is cool.
01:09:47Driving would be an awesome one.
01:09:48But if we're just simplifying it to the actual thing, mini golf.
01:09:50So mini golf versus the grocery bag competition that we talked about earlier
01:09:55to win the competition.
01:09:58This is tough.
01:09:58So the-
01:09:59I just wanna make sure of a safety bracket.
01:10:01The question was what now exactly?
01:10:04We said-
01:10:05What non-athletic event should be-
01:10:07Which of-
01:10:07Yeah, which non-athletic event should be in the Olympics?
01:10:10Is mini golf an athletic event?
01:10:13It gets-
01:10:14That's where it gets-
01:10:14It tows that line, right?
01:10:15It's hairy.
01:10:17But like you don't need to be in-
01:10:18What non-athletic-
01:10:19But like also like there is people that are good at mini golf that are really bad athletes.
01:10:24Yeah, we have-
01:10:24We have that guy we just hired who's like an incredible golfer.
01:10:26But like golf is in the Olympics already.
01:10:29Yeah, but mini golf's a totally different game.
01:10:30Mini golf is definitely not-
01:10:32It is and it isn't.
01:10:32Like the guy that won mini golf-
01:10:34There are mini golfers-
01:10:35In our event, we're all good golfers.
01:10:36But I'm sure like a mini golfer, like the best mini golfer would smoke any of the top
01:10:40golfers in the world.
01:10:41There is a mini golf league.
01:10:43Yeah, there is.
01:10:43I've seen that.
01:10:44It's really fucking good.
01:10:46Mini golf versus grocery.
01:10:47I'm going to say, saying to the bracket here, I'm going to say mini golf is a better event
01:10:52potentially, but I think grocery bagging is what we're trying to do here.
01:10:56After that explanation, I think I would agree with you.
01:10:58I do think that would be fun, really fun to watch the strategy and to watch the type of-
01:11:03Like who wins that?
01:11:04I have no idea.
01:11:06Like with the build of person.
01:11:07Do you stand to have like really long arms and like really like, I don't know, like intuitive
01:11:12thinking or like, because I'm assuming you don't, you go practice with whatever items
01:11:15you want, but then the items they give you during the Olympic could be random.
01:11:18I'm sure they change it between rounds.
01:11:19I don't know.
01:11:21I'm just so hung up on Australia.
01:11:23Fucking guy.
01:11:24It's going to be some random guy.
01:11:25Oh, yes.
01:11:26How would I put it?
01:11:27I have probably so many people on this phone that I don't remember.
01:11:30I don't know.
01:11:31But like, here's the thing though.
01:11:33In that scenario where it's, you know, drunk and a stoolie and I give them my number.
01:11:37Which I do, you have more, you give guys your number more than girls.
01:11:42That's probably true.
01:11:44No, I've gotten better at it, but it is hard to say because they don't ask.
01:11:51But okay.
01:11:51But here's the thing.
01:11:52It's not.
01:11:52I've gotten asked for my number all that.
01:11:54I said, no, I just don't give my name.
01:11:56That's what I say.
01:11:57Just DM me on Instagram.
01:11:58But here's the thing.
01:11:59Here's the thing.
01:12:00Even if it is that scenario, right?
01:12:02Okay, fine.
01:12:02I gave this guy my number.
01:12:04That can't be it because he would have texted me or I would have texted him.
01:12:09I just, I went, I just went in my contacts and created a contact for Australian.
01:12:16Can you see when you created a contact for someone?
01:12:18Is it like, you know how Facebook will kick in some like
01:12:20parts like into your contact list automatically if you sync up with it?
01:12:23But wait, what's the point of you having a log of everything you do if you didn't write Australia?
01:12:29No shit.
01:12:29Yeah, that's a good question.
01:12:30To do that.
01:12:31Well, it could be before the log.
01:12:33Or you were blacked out from when you did it.
01:12:34You type your log or you hand write it?
01:12:36The log is in my Google Docs.
01:12:38So you can control F, Australian Tim.
01:12:39Can you do that on Google Docs?
01:12:43You can search it.
01:12:44Now on your phone.
01:12:44I think so, right?
01:12:45Oh, find and replace.
01:12:48I'm just going to type in Tim.
01:12:50Or Australian.
01:12:51Quit out.
01:12:53Australian probably use less than Tim.
01:12:56Yeah, but I think try it on the computer later.
01:13:00Let me see if we can get.
01:13:00No, but the people have to know.
01:13:02Well, I was thinking if we get to the bottom of this, I could stitch it in and post.
01:13:04That's okay.
01:13:05I'm going to run and get my laptop right now.
01:13:08People are driving to work right now.
01:13:09I'm afraid to even go in the office until they hear this resolution of Australian Tim.
01:13:13Well, let's see.
01:13:14Are you going to go with mini golf?
01:13:15Are you going to go with the grocery?
01:13:16I'm going to go grocery.
01:13:17So that means that grocery bags, the grocery bag Olympics or whatever we're going to call
01:13:21it is going to win.
01:13:21But that is really an afterthought compared to the real story.
01:13:24The real story Australian Tim.
01:13:27Someone Tommy may have met at a bar three years ago.
01:13:30We should just end it and not let anyone know.
01:13:33Because no, it's one of those underwhelming things of all time.
01:13:36Oh, I did meet him at a bar.
01:13:38Three years ago.
01:13:40When is time?
01:13:41But Tommy literally thinks he's the main character in all of our lives.
01:13:46So we all need to know.
01:13:48Also, I've given my numbers to Stewie's and stuff before.
01:13:51They haven't necessarily texted me back.
01:13:52So they just want the number.
01:13:53I don't really know why.
01:13:54Any idea how Australian Tim is?
01:13:56He looks like a ten head.
01:13:57Ten head.
01:13:58How the fuck would he know?
01:13:59I don't know.
01:14:00Maybe it's something.
01:14:01I tried looking up Australia Tim.
01:14:02It's in your phone and you don't know.
01:14:03How the fuck would he know?
01:14:05I'm just fucking getting evidence here, Clemmer.
01:14:10Not a lot of Australian Tims.
01:14:14There's Wikipedia for Australians named Tim.
01:14:16You think that he was in Wikipedia?
01:14:19No, probably not.
01:14:20Tim Cahill.
01:14:22Oh, that's a pitcher.
01:14:26Tim Cahill.
01:14:26There's a soccer player.
01:14:28There was a Cahill pitcher on the A's.
01:14:30You're a Cahill.
01:14:30I know, but do you remember that?
01:14:31The Cahill?
01:14:33Trevor Cahill.
01:14:33Trevor Cahill.
01:14:36There's 445.
01:14:38Try Australia.
01:14:39No, Australia.
01:14:40I just have that had Australia Wagus for dinner.
01:14:45But how did it be like 10?
01:14:46I'm guessing.
01:14:47Honestly, Tommy, it might have been so inconsequential.
01:14:49It wasn't even your log.
01:14:50I mean, it also could be pre-log.
01:14:52When does the log begin?
01:14:52Pre-log begins.
01:14:53The log begins in 2021.
01:14:55Do Tim with like a space.
01:14:58Let me try Tim with a space.
01:14:59Because that way you'll get rid of time.
01:15:01Oh, seven.
01:15:02Oh, okay.
01:15:02Oh, all right.
01:15:04Tim Robinson.
01:15:05That's the guy.
01:15:06That's funny, guys.
01:15:07That's life in times of Tim.
01:15:09That's a cartoon.
01:15:09Life in times of Tim.
01:15:11What's the life in times of Tim?
01:15:12Tim Benz.
01:15:13When I made the Arrested Mincy.
01:15:16Tim Benz.
01:15:17Oh, that was funny.
01:15:20Wait a minute.
01:15:24No, that's not it.
01:15:26This Tim sales guy, of course.
01:15:29Oh, could it be?
01:15:31Could it be him?
01:15:31Is Tim these?
01:15:32Well, no.
01:15:33Tim's our sales guy.
01:15:33He's not out there.
01:15:34Australian guy here.
01:15:35Maybe Australian.
01:15:36He's a joke.
01:15:37And he's off-roading crushing.
01:15:38In Chicago one night.
01:15:41Good night, John boy.
01:15:44The bunch of people.
01:15:45MB, Nick, his sales guy, Tim.
01:15:48Greer, Tom Lange.
01:15:50But why would I?
01:15:51Wait, who's sales guy, Tim?
01:15:53Tim is some guy that.
01:15:56Wait, isn't there a Tim that works?
01:15:58This honestly.
01:15:59What's the next smoke show is going to be?
01:16:01Who the hell is Australian, Tim?
01:16:03Like this, though, is like the really behind the scenes of how things really are in the office.
01:16:07This is like this is what we do when we're not taping is stupid mysteries like this.
01:16:13Who is this guy?
01:16:14We just happen to be on micro this one.
01:16:16I'm texting Nick Mulcahy.
01:16:18Is it this guy?
01:16:20I don't fucking know.
01:16:22I don't know who the fuck Tim is.
01:16:24Come back here.
01:16:25Oh yeah, that's the guy I'm thinking of.
01:16:27OK, man, I'm assuming that's not Australia.
01:16:28Oh, is there any Australian?
01:16:30Is there any Australian connection there?
01:16:32And he's from we went to West New England University, which I think is not from Wyoming.
01:16:36I don't know.
01:16:37We're going to figure this out.
01:16:38And if you ever discover it, we'll we'll put it in post.
01:16:41I hope he's a good guy.
01:16:42Yeah, I hope he's not like that.
01:16:43Boys kill you.
01:16:45That voice.
01:16:46I think that was like a machine recording.
01:16:48I don't think there's a machine.
01:16:50Call me to play it again.
01:16:51I'm not calling.
01:16:52Oh, well, we'll play it back.
01:16:55Play it back.
01:16:55Yeah, but we'll be back next week.
01:16:58Next week, the guys will be in the in New Orleans for the Super Bowl.
01:17:02We might be able to pass.
01:17:03Wait, wait, hold on.
01:17:04What's what's his number?
01:17:06Oh, yeah.
01:17:06Google his number.
01:17:07No, I'm Nick Mulcahy.
01:17:08Said yes.
01:17:12Where's the number ended?
01:17:13If Nick has it.
01:17:14Oh, this is no, no, no.
01:17:18My friend from college sent me the link of a Fordham basketball player.
01:17:23All right.
01:17:23Who I did know, but his name's not Tim.
01:17:25His name's.
01:17:26Is he from Australia?
01:17:27Only Australian.
01:17:28I knew it Fordham.
01:17:30My friend just sent this kid's profile that only Australian.
01:17:32I knew his name's.
01:17:33There's a candy in Australia called Tim Tams.
01:17:35All right, we're we're done.
01:17:37Wait, wait, wait.
01:17:38I got I got nimble.
01:17:40Ah, no.
01:17:40Mulcahy's kid's number is not 307.
01:17:43Who the fuck is Australian Tim?
