• 2 months ago
Just how good is Tom Brady's memory?! #NFL
BC HC and former Patriots' OC, Bill O'Brien, recounts this Brady story!
00:00Good morning, Bill.
00:02Morning, guys.
00:03How we doing?
00:04Doing great.
00:05How are you?
00:06I'm good.
00:07I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio.
00:08I'm hitting every Catholic school in Ohio.
00:12Recruiting grind.
00:14Oh, yeah.
00:16We have a Super Bowl coming up.
00:18I am going to ask you all of the questions that are debated day in and day out when it
00:23comes to the Chiefs.
00:24So, I'm going to start on the dynasty side of things, seeing that you were part of the
00:30greatest one ever.
00:32Is this team now, can we call them a dynasty now, or do they need to win this one?
00:39I don't really know the definition, you know, the exact definition of a dynasty.
00:46The Patriots did it over a, you know, 20, whatever, 20-year span.
00:53And, you know, I just, you know, in two different times, right?
00:59So, they won, you know, three times in the early 2000s, and then three times in the later,
01:05you know, the 14, the 16, the 18.
01:08So, look, if they win three in a row, that's incredible, and they're probably in the conversation.
01:13But the fact that the Patriots did it actually twice is going to be hard to beat.
01:19And then you obviously look at Mahomes v. Brady, and is Patrick Mahomes, does he move
01:30himself, I mean, I guess he obviously moves himself further along, but if he gets the
01:36Chief Pete, is he somehow ahead of Brady when it comes to the GOAT discussion?
01:44He's in the conversation, but he's not ahead.
01:48You know, Tom, you know, people always say he won seven, which is incredible, but, you know,
01:53he went to 10.
01:56And so, like, you know, to win three in a row, like, look, I'm a big Pat Mahomes fan.
02:04You guys know that.
02:05I think the guy's awesome.
02:06But to be considered the greatest of all time, you got a long way to go to beat Tom.
02:12Tom, and obviously I'm very, very biased, but Tom is the greatest of all time.
02:18Bill, I don't know if you heard Belichick talking about the Lombardi Trophy, wanting
02:22to rename it maybe the Brady Trophy.
02:24Where do you fall on that?
02:27Yeah, I don't know.
02:30I mean, you know, I probably would keep it the Lombardi Trophy.
02:35You know, I just I love the history of the game.
02:38And, you know, I just enjoyed over the many, many years studying about Vince Lombardi.
02:44So I would probably keep it the same, not name it after a player right now.
02:48But I didn't hear that.
02:50That kind of hit the funny bone for me.
02:54I'm just curious, Billy, when you worked with Tom on the offensive side, was there
02:58a moment when you started working with him where you understood why he was so different?
03:03Was there a certain approach?
03:04I know you guys had a couple of shouting matches that are well documented.
03:07But was there anything that you witnessed in person that you had heard about that
03:12confirmed your belief or made you think of him in a different light?
03:16Oh, yeah.
03:17I mean, I have a million stories about that.
03:19But the one that I tell the most is the story about his memory.
03:23I mean, he had an incredible memory, which is huge for a quarterback.
03:27So when I started coaching him, you know, he was in the let's just call it the middle
03:31of his career.
03:32It was 2009, 10 and 11.
03:34And we were getting ready to play the Buffalo Bills in 2010.
03:38And he, you know, had a play that he wanted to run named Crunch Stock.
03:44That was the name of the play.
03:45It was a play action pass.
03:46And he wanted to run this play.
03:48And he said, you know, we ran this play against whoever the coordinator was
03:51for the Bills.
03:52We ran this play when this guy was with the Bears or something like that.
03:55And I was like, well, what year was that?
03:57He said, oh, it was 2002.
04:01It was on the right hash going away from the lighthouse.
04:03It was a home game.
04:04It was the third play of the game.
04:06I hit Troy Brown.
04:07This is 2010.
04:10So this is eight years previous.
04:132010, I'm in this meeting with him.
04:18And I'm like, get out of here.
04:19You don't remember.
04:20That's thousands of plays ago.
04:22And he said, look it up.
04:23And you could go on the system and you could look it up.
04:27And there it was.
04:28Third play of the game, right hash, going away from the lighthouse.
04:32They ran Crunch Stock.
04:34Charlie Weiss was the coordinator.
04:35Hit Troy Brown for a 30-yard gain against the same coverage that we were
04:39going to see this guy run with the Buffalo Bills.
04:41I mean, I was like, this is incredible.
04:43The guy's, you know, brain power is memory.
04:46That was one of the first moments.
04:47Well, not first, but that was one moment where I said, man,
04:50this guy's incredible.
04:52That's one of the most forgotten great games because the Pats didn't make
04:55the playoffs that year.
04:56But that was at the University of Illinois in Champaign.
04:58And he threw a pass to win that game that may be the best throw he's
05:02ever made.
05:03Yeah, I mean, just the whole memory deal is incredible to me.
05:09It's incredible.
05:10And when he said, look it up, he meant that Ernie had an index card
05:14that had it written down on it somewhere.
05:16Is that what he meant?
05:19I'm not.
05:20I love Ernie.
05:21I'm not sure what index cards he had.
05:23I mean, you know.
05:24But, no, this was in a quarterback meeting.
05:29So there's a new Ernie in town, you know, by the way.
05:31Mike's got Stretch.
05:33That's the new Ernie.
05:34I mean, he's brought in an awful lot of, you know, his own coaches.
05:41And what do you think of the staff that he's assembling?
05:43I think it's good.
05:45I mean, Mike's got, you know, what I would call like a tribe of coaches
05:48that he really believes in.
05:49And, you know, Mike, just like all of us, puts a real importance on the
05:59chemistry of the staff.
06:00And it is true.
06:02And I believe the same thing.
06:04Because if you don't have good chemistry on the staff, that trickles down
06:08to the players and then you have a problem.
06:10And I've actually witnessed that over 33 years of coaching.
06:14So, you know, he puts a big emphasis on that.
06:17And so he's getting his guys together.
06:20Good group of guys.
06:21And they all probably have thick skin.
06:23They all know how to, you know, bust chops each football.
06:27And those players will benefit from that.
06:30Bill, our current colleague, my former teammate around here, Ted Johnson,
06:36who's on in the afternoon.
06:38He went through a percentage pie of what, you know, the, you know,
06:42players and coaches are.
06:44And he gave Bill Belichick.
06:45Well, this is the dynasty.
06:46The dynasty.
06:47And was asked about to put a percentage on most responsible.
06:52And so 60% went to Brady.
06:5630% went to the players.
06:5710% went to Bill.
06:59And 10% went to Bill Belichick.
07:02I disagreed with that.
07:03I think it's more.
07:07It's ridiculous.
07:08I mean, you know, no, I, you know, look, I, I, I know Ted Johnson.
07:14He was on radio in Houston when I was there.
07:16He's a, he's a good friend, but he's wrong on that one.
07:19I mean, you know, having been there and having coached there and knowing how
07:25Bill, you know, coach the team, taught the team off season in season,
07:30how he met with the quarterbacks,
07:32how he taught the quarterbacks from a head coach perspective.
07:35You know, I think everybody's got a fairly equal piece of the pie.
07:40You look at the end of the day,
07:42there's no correlation between winning and bad players.
07:46So you got to have great players to win.
07:47So he had the greatest quarterback of all time and Tom went out there and
07:51carried out the mission and won the mission way more times than he didn't.
07:56And so, you know, Tom gets a lot of credit, but Bill,
07:59Bill should get just as much credit, in my opinion,
08:01for how he coached the team and prepared the team when they were winning.
08:07Oh, Mr.
08:08Football has a question.
08:09Good morning.
08:11Morning, Bill.
08:12One of your players is making some waves down at the senior bowl.
08:16That'd be Ozzy Trepillo, a BC high guy like myself.
08:19So I had to ask about him.
08:20When you watch him, I mean, he's massive.
08:23First of all, he throws cinder blocks for hands.
08:25He looks like he's going to be a big guy.
08:27He throws cinder blocks for hands.
08:29He looks pretty good.
08:30But how would you pitch Ozzy Trepillo to an NFL team that's interested in
08:34drafting him?
08:36Just real quick.
08:37First of all, Sean, I didn't know that you went to BC high.
08:40Sure did.
08:41Yeah, I went to St. John's Prep, so I'm sorry about that.
08:44Shine was a two-time volleyball captain over there.
08:49Water boy.
08:51What St. John's Prep says, BC high, BC low.
08:53Yeah, I know.
08:54It's okay.
08:55Me and Bill can get past this.
08:56It's all right.
08:57Yeah, so Ozzy, I think every NFL team should be interested in Ozzy.
09:03Ozzy's a great guy, comes from an awesome family.
09:06His mom, Kim Trepillo, is awesome.
09:08He was a unanimous captain, was a quiet guy, led by example,
09:14showed up every day, never missed practice.
09:17He's a large human, got good athletic abilities, got great length.
09:22If I was drafting in that league, Ozzy Trepillo would be right up there,
09:28high on the draft board as an offensive tackle.
09:31He's got all the qualities that you want to play that position.
09:35Well, another guy that you have, Bill, is Donovan Ezraku,
09:40who they're saying might be able to sneak into the first round.
09:43Talk a little bit about for NFL teams, and we see it all the time,
09:48how important the edge rusher is.
09:50What would make him a great player, and what teams should be expecting
09:54if they're drafting a kid like him?
09:57Yeah, he's got great ability off the edge.
10:00He's got an ability to—his takeoff at the snap of the ball
10:06is very difficult to deal with, and then once he gets past the tackle,
10:09he's got great acceleration to the quarterback.
10:12He actually—I give Donovan credit.
10:14I mean, he literally took over two or three games that we won.
10:18We won the game because of Donovan,
10:20which is rare from the defensive end position.
10:23Another guy that was a captain, great ambassador for B.C. football,
10:27great teammate, very, very smart, very hard worker,
10:31comes from a great family in New Jersey.
10:33This guy had every Ivy League school recruiting him
10:37when he came out of high school, came to B.C.,
10:39and was the ACC Defensive Player of the Year,
10:42first team All-American.
10:45He was another guy that you want in your locker room in the NFL.
10:48All right, Bill O'Brien.
10:50Sorry, I just had one more, a B.C. one.
10:53Ty Chan, there were a lot of articles written about the Notre Dame transfer
10:58maybe wanting to go to B.C. He's a kid from Lowell.
11:02I know he ended up at UConn, but was there conversation there?
11:05Was there interest there?
11:08What did you feel about Ty Chan?
11:12Ty Chan, I'm sorry, Courtney.
11:14That one doesn't ring a bell.
11:16I don't think we – maybe we missed on that one.
11:20I'm not sure.
11:21That one doesn't ring a bell.
11:23There are other kids at Notre Dame that are from Boston,
11:26a couple guys from Catholic Memorial, but they're staying at Notre Dame.
11:31But no, Ty Chan, that doesn't really ring a bell.
11:33Sorry about that.
11:34All right, O'Leinman.
11:35There were some articles written saying that he had interest in B.C.
11:39He's at UConn now.
11:41Picked UConn two days ago.
11:44Well, reach back out and tell him that Shyam's going to be a part
11:48of your coach's clinic.
11:49Maybe that will do the trick.
11:51Yeah, Shyam's going to be on the – his face will be on the brochure
11:55that we send out.
11:57It's a good-looking face now.
11:58You better make it like a double piece of paper.
12:02All right.
12:03Is Cincinnati chilly today, Bill?
12:06I think that's – isn't that the food of –
12:09Yeah, I was in Nashville yesterday.
12:11I was in Tennessee yesterday.
12:13I saw Tim Hasselbeck down at Ensworth High School
12:16and a bunch of other schools, and it was very nice weather down there.
12:19And today is not the same in Cincinnati.
12:23Well, they talk highly of the chilly.
12:26That's the Kelsey brothers' neck of the woods.
12:28I guess it is.
12:30All right, Bill.
12:31We will talk to you next week.
12:34Thank you, guys.
12:35All right, there you have it, Bill O'Brien.
