• 2 months ago
Un tren de carga quedó parcialmente suspendido en el aire tras el colapso de un puente ferroviario en Orcones, Salta. El incidente, que no dejó heridos, ocurrió en medio de obras públicas suspendidas y condiciones climáticas adversas. La locomotora y 13 vagones vacíos, pertenecientes a Trenes Argentinos de Cargas, quedaron colgando sobre un precipicio. Las autoridades buscan retomar las obras para evitar futuros accidentes.


00:00in Salta, precisely in the Salteña locality of Orcones.
00:05A freight train, there we are seeing some images,
00:08which is partially suspended in the air
00:11after this railway bridge collapsed.
00:14Thank God there are no injured because it was a freight train and it was only...
00:18The image is shocking.
00:19Of course, it is shocking because it is a precipice below this bridge.
00:24There we also see the state of how the bridge was.
00:28But really, this incident occurs around noon yesterday,
00:32kilometer 953 of the connecting route Rosario de la Frontera with Metan.
00:38This formation belongs to Argentine freight trains.
00:42It is made up of the locomotive and what we see are 13 empty wagons.
00:48The locomotive hangs from this bridge that collapses
00:52and is supported by the wagons that remain on the ground.
00:58I'm going to ask Mimí if there is a climate issue
01:01that could have influenced this, Miriam.
01:05Could there have been a collapse there? What happened?
01:08You were talking about rains, right?
01:10The last days, the last 48, 72 hours,
01:13extremely intense rains were recorded in the city of Metan.
01:18Metan is approximately 150 kilometers to the south of the city of Salta,
01:24in the capital city, and recorded intense rains.
01:27In fact, strong floods were recorded,
01:30and these heavy rains caused, of course,
01:33the loosening of the earth in general terms.
01:37Of course, this produces slush, this produces slush,
01:41and all this is evidently manifested also there,
01:44under the railways, which are supported by fairly solid earth pillars.
01:50Well, the intense rainfall that has been occurring in recent hours
01:54has made this possible.
01:57This is one of the causes, at least, right?
01:59Yes, it is true, because what is being studied
02:02is that these rains would have flattened the support of the bridge,
02:06and this would be one of the causes that would cause this collapse.
02:09Let me greet Alejandro Echart, who is a colleague who is there in the area,
02:13who is a colleague of the newspaper El Vocero de Salta.
02:16Alejandro, Facundo Pastor greets you.
02:18How are you? How are you? Surprised with the image?
02:21How are you, Facundo? Thank you very much for communicating.
02:25Yes, the truth is that a complex situation,
02:28yesterday's day, so that we can locate ourselves geographically.
02:33Orcones is an area that is located more or less
02:36about 150, 160 kilometers south of Salta capital.
02:42Here in that place there is a small train station
02:45and about 15 houses, more or less, all scattered,
02:48a place that is not very inhabited.
02:51And there was a work being carried out
02:54that had been paralyzed in the framework of all the works
02:58that had been left without being able to advance
03:01from the suspension that was made of the public works
03:05with the assumption of the new government.
03:08This work corresponds to the roads,
03:12the renovation of the roads between Metan and Rosario de la Frontera.
03:15In that place there was something inconclusive
03:18that had been sustained with something precarious during this time.
03:23And as you explained, last weekend in Metan
03:27we had some rainfall out of the ordinary, out of the normal.
03:32It rained on the last weekend
03:35about 200 millimeters, which caused floods,
03:38which even caused a person to lose his life
03:41when he had left the hill area to be able to practice some sport.
03:45The body was found lifeless by police personnel
03:48from the province who had gone out to look for him.
03:51And this, added to the fact that there were floods
03:54in different sectors due to the amount of water,
03:57this obviously led to the collapse of the bases
04:00of the place where the train passed.
04:03This formation, which had started from Metan
04:06to Tucumán, had left very early
04:09and, unfortunately, this situation occurred
04:12which, thank God, did not go any further and there were no injuries.
04:15Of course, there are no injuries, right?
04:17We are going to reiterate that, Alejandro, tell us a little bit.
04:20And they are also working, because there was information
04:23that there was a crane working to rescue, above all, the cargo wagons.
04:26Is that so?
04:28That's right.
04:30Machinery had started from Tucumán to be able to work in the place.
04:34But it is very complicated because the ground is very vulnerable.
04:38That is, there is a lot of humidity.
04:41After so many rainfall, it is very difficult
04:44that heavy machinery can settle on the base of the ground
04:48to be able to work in the place.
04:50So, since yesterday, Argentine train people are still working
04:53to try to remove this machine.
04:56It is 10 meters to the void.
04:58If it fell, it was going to fall 10 meters approximately.
05:01And, obviously, the consequences for the people
05:04who were going to go in that locomotive were going to be unthinkable.
05:08But, thank God, as we just said, it did not go any further.
05:11They are now working in the place.
05:14A convoy had left from Tucumán at 7 a.m. yesterday
05:18with different machinery to be able to assist, to be able to work.
05:22And, well, it was expected to be able to solve it
05:25in the course of today's day,
05:27if the weather conditions allow it.
05:30Well, one sees the images, Alejandro,
05:33and there were no injuries or major consequences.
05:37It's a miracle, right?
05:38It's a miracle, yes, yes.
05:40It's a miracle, it's a miracle.
05:42It was held with the tips, let's say, of the ground.
05:47That is, it was literally in the air, that locomotive.
05:51The images speak for themselves.
05:53And for you to have dimension,
05:56the tracks that followed the locomotive
05:59are buried in the mud, that is, they are inward.
06:02Ah, of course, of course.
06:04So, one way or another, if it continued to travel,
06:08well, it was going to suffer some kind of...
06:11Of course, it was no longer in the precipice,
06:13but it was not going to be able to move forward,
06:15because everything was clearly denied.
06:17Yes, yes, yes, that's right.
06:19The company that was working just to resume the works
06:24now in recent times,
06:26but they had been able to move forward last year
06:28with some resources they had,
06:30that had released trains.
06:32Argentina had managed to move forward
06:34with the work, with some sewers,
06:37with some minor infrastructure,
06:38but the bulk of the work could not yet be finished
06:42to be able to allow the total renovation of the tracks
06:45between, at least, Metan and Rosario de Alba.
06:48Alejandro, a big hug and thanks for these minutes.
06:52No, please, a big hug.
06:55On the way to noon, we open the window
06:57to see how the city of Buenos Aires is.
06:59Extreme heat, Miriam said,
07:01that will be experienced in Argentina
07:03until even next Monday
07:05with, Miriam, 37 degrees?
07:07Yes, that's what awaits us next Monday.
07:1037 degrees of temperature here in the city of Buenos Aires.
07:13The weekend is also very warm.
07:15On Saturday, 33 degrees is what is expected.
07:17And on Sunday, a maximum of 35.
07:21Tomorrow we will have a maximum of 31 degrees
07:24here in the city of Buenos Aires.
07:27Yellow alert, yellow alert for eight Argentine provinces,
07:31including much of the province of Buenos Aires
07:34and, of course, also the federal capital
07:36and the city of La Plata.
07:38What does the yellow alert imply?
07:40Well, you have to take precautions.
07:42Go out with light clothes, light clothes, loose clothes.
07:45Try to wear a head cover.
07:47A sunscreen is very welcome
07:49if you are going to be outdoors
07:51between eleven and a half in the morning
07:53and three and a half in the afternoon.
07:56Keep in mind that you must also hydrate.
07:59This is also a very good advice.
08:01And consult your doctor
08:03in the face of any physical indisposition
08:05you feel related to the heat stroke.
08:08Do not perform extenuating tasks
08:11and try to stay in cool places as much as possible.
08:15These are the recommendations
08:17that are given under this type of alert.
08:20Meteorological alert then for heat wave.
08:23The affected provinces, as I told you,
08:25a large part of the province of Buenos Aires,
08:27also the province of La Pampa,
08:29the province of Mendoza,
08:31which will record high temperatures.
