• last month
Private Donald is caught going AWOL and Sgt. Pete is waiting in his barraks for him.
Pete is inspecting a camp and goes through the cabins to see all of the soldiers sleeping. Then he notices the snoring sound from a cabin he just inspected abruptly changing, so he checks again, only to see a record and dummies in the beds. Speaking of which, Donald Duck sneakingly arrives at the Army Camp, after some unauthorized leave.

Knowing Donald's coming, Pete hides under the bed to surprise him. Donald Duck goes to his bed, and sleeps in it, knowing that he "put it over on the sarge", not realizing that Black Pete is in. When he does, Donald runs for it. Pete chases Donald and Donald hides under one of three boxes. Donald switches the boxes repeatedly to fool Pete, but when Pete nearly finds him, and fails because Donald is clinging to the inside of the box, he kicks Donald's box which flies through the bladed fence and cracks in half. Donald's lower half falls in a hole, which causes him to think that his lower half has been cut off, and when Pete comes, he believes the same thing and begins to cry over Donald's tragedy. Donald feels so upset, he grabs Pete's gun and attempts suicide. Pete tells him to do it "Over there, behind the bushes", to which Donald comes out of the hole realizing that his lower half hasn't been cut off. Donald feels relieved, but Pete on the other hand feels angry. Pete chases Donald to a sign which says National Speed Limit: 35 mi, so Donald and Black Pete chase more slowly (and even the music slows down) as the cartoon ends with a fade to black.
#Best Cartoon


