• 2 months ago
Matt Pole and Steve Bone talk to Worthing FC owner George Dowell
00:00Welcome to another episode of the Sussex Non-League Podcast where we take a look at all the latest
00:06goings on at grassroots across the county. I'm Matt Powell and on this edition I'm joined
00:11by Sussex sport guru Steve Bone and the latest in our line of special guests. Steve and I
00:16are both delighted to be joined today by Worthing FC owner George Dow. George bought the club
00:21saving it from potentially going out of business a decade ago and the story at Woodside Road
00:25since has been one of steady growth. Under George's ownership the rebels have risen from
00:29the wrong end of the Istvan League Division 1 South, now called the Istvan South East,
00:33to the right end of National League South, the second tier of English non-league football.
00:37This season they are bidding to go one better than last term when they reached the National
00:42League South player final only to lose to Braintree. They're right in the mix for a
00:45playoff spot or even the title and this weekend host Rochdale in the last 16 of the FA Trophy,
00:50the furthest the club has ever gone in the competition. Earlier this season George made
00:55headlines nationally with the release of a new documentary, The Club That George Built,
00:59charting the remarkable story of how, after being seriously hurt in a car crash and being
01:03left in a wheelchair, he bought the club and led the project to build into what it is now.
01:08George, thank you very much for joining us, it's an absolute pleasure having you.
01:11Thank you very much guys, thanks for having me on.
01:13Absolute pleasure and what a season Worthing having
01:17and I'm assuming you must be enjoying it to the full.
01:20Yeah, I'm enjoying it but it's very tense at the top of the league this season. It's
01:25incredible how close it is and yeah what was it like five teams on 52 points until Tuesday night
01:32and then we finally managed to get a three-point lead at the top of the table but yeah it's good
01:38fun but incredibly close so it can swing in on one match day.
01:45Can you enjoy it as a fan still even though you are in the position you're in? Do you still go
01:51along to a match and are you still a fan at heart would you say?
01:55Yeah, yeah I think I am still a fan first and foremost. I go through the emotions of the fans
02:02obviously during the game very much like as a fan and then after the games maybe you look back at
02:08situations and you think okay I can understand that a bit more or I can see that and see that
02:12but yeah first and foremost I'm enjoying it as a fan and I want to see good football and
02:20yeah entertaining wins hopefully.
02:24Earlier in the season as Matt touched on in the intro there obviously we had the documentary
02:30came out charting everything that's happened really to the club over the past 10 years and
02:35your involvement. What was that project like to be involved in? What was it like being filmed
02:41and then seeing the end product and what has the reaction been to it since?
02:45Yeah being involved in it it's just very surreal really. I never thought in my life I'd be
02:50followed around by camera men for long periods of time so yeah it was like nerve-wracking but
02:56after a while because the guys are so good and make you feel at ease you kind of I wouldn't say
03:01you forget they're there because you know but you just begin to start acting naturally and I think
03:07they had that effect on everyone. I think all the people that were interviewed obviously aren't used
03:11to that sort of situation but I felt like in the documentary everyone came across really really
03:15well so yeah credit to the guys that put it all together because I think they did a really good
03:20job and in terms of well coming up to it being released we only found out really like four weeks
03:29or so before it was officially released like what content they would be using and sort of
03:33how they would be telling the story and all that sort of stuff so it was going to be interesting.
03:38We're all really interested to see what story they were sort of going to tell, what footage
03:42they were going to use because the amount of footage they must have had to go through
03:47to pull the documentary together must have been epic so yeah but short story. We're really really
03:56happy with how it came out, how everyone came across, how the town came across and I feel like
04:01the reaction to it justifies that. If you go back to the point where you bought the club George,
04:10did you have an idea in your mind about what was possible? So for example,
04:14did you think 10 years ago that Worthing would be playing former Football League clubs
04:18like Rochdale in front of crowds of well over a thousand at Woodside Road and
04:22maybe potentially pushing to get into the top flight of non-league football?
04:26That was certainly the plan but yeah that's funny too. I mean I was full of ideas but I didn't really
04:33know how to make that happen. It was just kind of learning on the job trying to get better at what
04:38we did all the time and yeah build the club up from there. I wouldn't say, I think I was
04:45thinking about this the other day, I can't remember the conversation I was having but at the time I
04:50didn't, I think I was a bit naive to how much responsibility or how big that project was going
04:58to be. I was just going in thinking I'm a football fan, I love football, I want to see Worthing do
05:03well and I don't want them to go out of business. I didn't think it would come with maybe a lot of the
05:11I guess media attention that it has done and I also didn't fully appreciate how
05:20obviously I always knew that Worthing had a really really passionate fan base but in the early days
05:25when I was young and things weren't going particularly well straight from the off I was
05:29like oh god this is gonna be tough. It's not like no one's watching and you can make mistakes and
05:34you've got to learn on the job and learn quickly. So I was definitely naive but learned that lesson
05:40very very quickly. You mentioned the media attention there, obviously you've talked about
05:46the documentary and now obviously the highlight of your career has been on this but how difficult
05:53is it to get used to that kind of media attention and scrutiny? It's something that must take quite
05:58some getting used to. I mean it helps because we've been on an upward trajectory really since
06:06I got involved so that obviously helps because the media attention is by and large
06:14pretty favourable to us as a board and the club so that always helps. I could imagine if it wasn't
06:20going so well then maybe it would have been harder to deal with and I'm sure that'll be
06:25what our season is doing and there was when we first got promoted we were in the bottom five
06:33a large part of the season and then obviously Hinch came back and
06:37we started making progress back up the league. I think I'm kind of used to it now. I still don't
06:46necessarily enjoy being centre of attention or anything like that so I still find that difficult
06:51to deal with at times but it's all good for the club so anything that's good for the club I'll try
06:56and keep us in the limelight as much as possible. You mentioned Adam Hinchward there and obviously
07:04he's been a big part of a lot that's happened at the club over the years you've been there.
07:10If we go back to not quite this time last year, a little bit later, I think it was February,
07:15you lost him. He had a very good job offer from York City who approached Worthing I think and
07:22did things the right way and he then took that job. What was the feeling at that point because
07:27that was a bit of a crossroads wasn't it? So much of the football side of things was what he'd led.
07:34Was there a worry at that stage that you might have to take a couple of sort of backward steps
07:39or sideways steps before the club moved forward again or were you always confident that you could
07:45overcome that sort of departure? I think when I first heard the news the initial thought was
07:56oh god here we go this is going to be tough because we had like eight, ten games to go or
08:03something like that. Really good in a good playoff position pushing for the top spots and the thing
08:08you're worrying about is falling outside the playoffs and then not having a very positive
08:13end to the season. So that was like the initial worry for sure and because Hinge had been there
08:18so long, such a big part of everything that we've done, it's not like you're replacing someone that's
08:23only been there a couple of years and then you're going out to try and find a like for like and
08:28finding a like for like for us isn't necessarily that easy because we have a very particular way
08:33of football that we want to play and we need the manager to obviously have his own ideas and his
08:39philosophy but very much buy into what we do as a club and match that. But I had full faith in
08:46Nathan, our director of football, to go out and find us a really good shortlist and
08:53yeah we're really, really happy with the outcome.
08:57Yeah in terms of, I mean obviously Aaron did a good job as caretaker didn't he and
09:02now this season Chris, Chris Agata has got you sort of back up where you were last season
09:06fighting for the playoff so credit to those two to fill those shoes that Adam has left.
09:13Yeah especially sort of Aaron and Dean Hammond who stepped in at the drop of a hat and almost
09:21picked up where Hinge stepped off really and that was kind of the idea behind
09:27getting them in because we knew that it wouldn't change too much. Whoever was going to come in
09:32didn't have a lot of time at the end of the season, that changed too much. We didn't want
09:37them to try and do that, we wanted them to just try and steady the ship, keep things ticking over.
09:42We were already in good form and having a good season, just wanted someone to try and keep that
09:47momentum and obviously Aaron being the former captain and being involved at the club for so
09:51many years we knew that he would fully buy into that and I think they both did a really good job
09:57at the end of last season and missed out just on that promotion.
10:03Absolutely and in the here and now for this season George, what's the dream? FA Trophy
10:09final and the National League self-titled or would you settle for one or the other?
10:14The question was, what's the dream? So the dream is both obviously,
10:18yeah that would be amazing and but yeah equally I would settle for,
10:23actually I wouldn't say I'd settle, let's see what happens, but yeah one of them would be
10:28amazing and I know which one I'd prefer. Which one would you prefer? Are you not going to say
10:34it just in case it doesn't come true? I'll say I'd rather get promoted I think than win the cup.
10:43Whenever a team goes on a cup run, however good it is, it always comes back to the league is what
10:49you're there for isn't it? So year on year if you can move up those leagues that's kind of what
10:54you're there for and what the fans want. Yeah absolutely, the cups are really good days out
11:00and we love being involved in the cups but essentially that is what it boils down to,
11:04it's a really good day out whereas yeah climbing the leagues, that's what we're all here to do.
11:12And say for example George, someone came up to you and said right I've been offered the chance
11:16to be an owner of a football club, what would you say to them and what advice would you give them?
11:25I think first I'd just like try and emphasise the fact make sure you're doing it for the right
11:31reason, one, because I feel like fans aren't stupid and they can see through people that
11:36are maybe there for the wrong reasons or like an ego trip or to try and make, well yeah if
11:42you're looking to make money then definitely don't do it. Yeah but equally if you're a football fan
11:49and also enjoy like the business side of things then it's probably perfect for you because
11:55you get to combine both of them things in one and something you're passionate about and that was
12:00very much the reason that I wanted to get involved in football is because I knew that it's something
12:05that I wouldn't quit because I loved it so much. So regardless if it got hard or there was certain
12:10elements of the day stuff that I didn't really enjoy doing I knew that at the end of the week
12:15I get to go and watch a game and feel like I've done something towards that without actually having
12:22or being able to play. So that was, I wanted to be involved in a team to try and make things
12:29better for a club that I loved. So yeah if you're going into it with the right intentions I feel
12:34like you'd really really enjoy it and I feel like that a lot of people do that, a lot of volunteers
12:38they just want to support their local club and they get involved and they do it because they love
12:42it. If you're doing it for that reason then yeah do it, if you're doing it for any of the other
12:46reasons you've seen at some other clubs in the past then yeah maybe don't bother because it'll
12:53be very stressful. Yeah I can imagine it's incredibly stressful but yes thank you very
12:58much George and we'll come back to you later on but now we'll move on to looking at how Sussex's
13:02non-league club's been getting on and we will start in the National League South where we've
13:07spoken about Worthing's exploits this campaign but Eastbourne Borough are also on to have a
13:12potentially history-making season and we've kind of touched on how tight it's been Steve but then
13:16what's the latest from our two sides at Step 2? Yeah so George, as George said at the start of
13:22Tuesday night there was five teams all on 52 points which is amazing at this stage of the
13:29season for it to be that close. Worthing are now three points ahead of the, I think there's a couple
13:34of games called off in midweek so Worthing have got the advantage and have still only played pretty
13:40much the same number of games as all the other sides there so Worthing three points ahead going
13:44into this weekend when obviously Worthing aren't playing in the league because of the FA trophy
13:49against Rochdale but one of those other teams in the group just behind is Eastbourne Borough.
13:56We've been following them all season, we had Adam Murray on the podcast earlier in the season
14:00talking about their hopes and they're on a very good run. They went eight games without
14:06conceding a single goal recently, I think it was eight might have been nine, lost track in the end
14:10of couldn't keep up. They did concede a goal last weekend, they beat Chelmsford 2-1 so happy with
14:17the win, a little bit disappointed I think for that record of clean sheets to go but they're
14:22right in there you know three points behind Worthing at the moment and not losing games
14:26and not conceding goals and if you're in that sort of position at the moment that's a good place
14:31to be. First half of the season they fell to a couple of two or three defeats away from home
14:39that they would probably have been disappointed at. They're a little bit weak in some of their
14:43defending away from home but they seem to have put that behind them. They've got solid defence,
14:50keeping the clean sheets and at home they still haven't lost at home so that in itself is a big
14:56factor in their favour and George just to ask you, you obviously sort of keep an eye on what
15:01all your rivals are doing, Eastbourne Borough I would imagine you know being that they're close
15:06to you sort of geographically as well as in the table you're probably keeping quite a careful eye
15:11on what they're doing down there aren't you? Yeah like you say we're keeping an eye on everyone
15:16sort of in the top half of the table because it is so close so but yeah Eastbourne after
15:22last season yeah they're having an incredible season this year so fair play to them. Yeah who's
15:28been the best side you've played so far George in your opinion in National League South?
15:34Maidstone is a tough game. I feel at home in a way that they're just very very physical,
15:41don't give you a second to breathe. I know we beat them at the weekend but second half they
15:46really really put us under pressure and especially at their ground the amount of noise coming from
15:50behind. I don't know what side of the ground it is but behind one of the goals where they've got
15:55the big stand it's a really intense place to play so I thought they were yes really really tough
16:01games. Chris Haggart has said they didn't so much throw the kitchen sink at you second half they
16:07threw the whole kitchen at you. Yeah yeah yeah it was and it was brilliant to see our boys come
16:14through that because I think a lot of people level us that we haven't,
16:18we may be a really pretty team to watch but when it gets tough that sometimes
16:23we can't hang on to a win like that but I feel like yeah you've got to do both sides and I feel
16:27like this season we have done that quite a few times like where we've won ugly if you like and
16:34I don't want to say we played really well first half it was only the second half they really
16:37really put us under pressure and obviously they were really pushing for the win we had something
16:41to hold on to so yeah but I credit to our players who hung on and Aggie he kept his nerve on the
16:47sideline. Well on to the Isthmian Premier now where Horsham and Chichester City continue to
16:53fly high although the Hornets experienced a minor setback last weekend but things are starting to
16:59look decidedly dicey for struggling Hastings United and Bognor Regis Town. How have our six
17:04Isthmian Premier clubs got on Steve since the last podcast? Yeah similar story and similar sort of
17:11pattern of results for pretty much all of them actually so we'll start at the bottom and go up
17:18and Hastings and Bognor are starting to look at how many games are left and how they're going to
17:22get out the bottom four. Bognor particularly are running out of time, three points of drift
17:29in bottom spot but actually 12 points of drift of the safety line and with not many games to come
17:36I think they've got a quick calculation 15 games left so you know you put running together you
17:41can still make up that that gap but it's a big ask now. They had a really good win
17:48about three weeks ago which we spoke about on the last podcast at Dulwich Hamlet where they were
17:523-1 down with 10 men and somehow 1-4-3 but they haven't really been able to build on that
17:56results wise. They've had a couple of good performances very nearly got a draw against
18:00Dover who are now the leaders last weekend it was one all going into the 90th minute they then let
18:06in a penalty lost 2-1 and I think when you're at the bottom those sort of things can happen.
18:14So time running out Jamie Howell and Michael Boehme keep them going. Jamie Howell was on
18:19the last podcast we did talking about how you know they know relegation is a possibility and
18:24they're sort of planning they're not so much they're planning for that but they are looking
18:28to what they would need to do if that happens you know it's not just a short-term thing there
18:33but yeah looking looking quite bad for them. Hastings as well need to start picking up some
18:37points because they are their third from bottom they're only five points below the line but again
18:44not really finding too many wins they've had a couple of games postponed as well which has sort
18:49of disrupted their rhythm bits they have got a couple of games in hand. Going up from there
18:54Whitehawk have improved under Sean Saunders as most people thought they would so they're
18:58a little bit clearer of the relegation zone now. Going in the other direction though Lewis
19:0310 games without a win now I think it is for Lewis although quite a few draws in that
19:08they've had a couple of games where they've been leading late on and just haven't quite got
19:12the three points. Two of those sides play this weekend which we'll come to in my game of the
19:18weekend at the end of the podcast but there are some teams down there that need points pretty
19:22quickly. Up at the top end as you've alluded to Horsham still in the playoff zone first defeat
19:28in nine I think wasn't it at Folkestone? They haven't won at Folkestone for about 70 years or
19:33something I think you said not quite that long but it probably seems like that. It feels like it
19:38Steve yes. And you've got Horsham fifth Chichester sixth but there's actually six points between them
19:44so that top five a little bit ahead of the rest. Chichester on a great run seven wins in eight
19:51um Myles Rutherford I spoke to this week he's still saying we need a few more points before
19:57we know we're going to stay up uh and and that's sort of the pragmatic sort of outlook you get
20:01from him that survival is their aim and if they can get there early they'll be pleased with that
20:06but um terrific run by them you know nobody gave them a hope of getting into the Eastmead South
20:11playoffs last year did they and they did so I wonder might we see Horsham against Chichester
20:16in the playoffs this year would be great if we did but um so yeah mixed fortunes all around in
20:20that league. Yes absolutely and George we've spoke about Horsham there they're currently leading the
20:25way in the Eastmead Premier for Sussex sides and they knocked Worthing out of the Sussex
20:29Senior Cup on penalties and I don't know if you were in attendance for that one what did you make
20:33of Horsham when you saw them? I actually wasn't there I had an operation the day before so I
20:37couldn't make it but from what I hear um yeah Horsham were really really impressive and deserved
20:42the win so um yeah it's I do quite like Horsham not sure why that is but uh yeah
20:51I think they've got a few Rx players so I like to see Rx players doing well uh obviously I didn't
20:56want them to knock us out the cup but yeah good to see them doing well in the league. I suppose
21:01in a way they they kind of they want to be the next Worthing in Sussex they want to get up into
21:05that National South don't they and and they probably think that they could make the sort
21:09of impression there that Worthing have that's that's the sort of natural next step for them
21:14really. Yeah yeah yeah you'd like to think that everyone's trying to yeah climb the ladder so
21:19they could be um yeah follow us into that division it gives us another another local
21:24derby which is always good I remember when we were playing in that league I think we had like
21:28five or six local derbies you had one every other week it was um yeah really really good for the
21:32atmospheres and the grounds. Next we're going to take a look at the Eastmead South East where
21:37Burgess Hill Town remain firmly in the playoff picture. The battle at the bottom also looks set
21:42to be an exciting one with Lansing and Illampton Town scrapping to keep their heads above the drop
21:46zone. What's the latest from our eight clubs at step four Steve Bone? Yeah as it has been all
21:52season Burgess Hill are the headline makers for Sussex in that league on a really good run still
21:57uh they they won it um uh they won in midweek and went up to third place um they are quite a long
22:06way behind the top two I think I've said a couple of times on this podcast um this season Ramsgate
22:11and Sittingbourne are racing away with the top two positions similar to how Ramsgate and Cray Valley
22:17PM did last year so you would expect those two to be to finish as the top two but Burgess Hill
22:22are going to give them a good run for their money by the look of it um game in hand on both those
22:26two but 11 points off second but Burgess Hill at the moment looking very good for a playoff place
22:32uh and and you know a chance of taking that other promotion spot um they're actually 14
22:38points ahead of sixth place at the moment obviously six would be the first team that
22:42doesn't get into the playoffs so got a great chance of playoffs if they can if they can just
22:46keep the keep the run going uh we've spoken fairly regularly to Jay Lovett and Gary Mansell
22:53about how it's going there they made some good signings last summer those signings have all
22:56gelled really well uh and they've just got on a bit of a roll getting some good crowds um down
23:02there as well so good good to see and hope that continues um for the rest of our Sussex sides
23:07it's a mixed bag really um a few of them in mid table you've got three bridges Eastbourne and
23:12Broadbridge Heath and in fact East Grinstead all very close together just below halfway three
23:17bridges on quite a good run at the moment um they're climbing the league whereas others are
23:22sort of you know up and down really I think is the best way to put it um the worry for Sussex
23:27sides is uh three of our teams really in danger of going down and that's Stenning who are currently
23:33bottom although only by one point Littlehampton who are in the top relegation spot uh and Lansing
23:40who have been leaking goals quite badly recently letting 17 I think in the last three uh they're
23:45just outside the relegation zone at the moment so any of those three are in you know they're all in
23:51a little bit of danger um but with time to get out of it um hopefully they'll all stay up um you
23:57know nice to see so many Sussex teams in that division and keep them all in there you know even
24:03if we lose Burgess Hill at the other end that would be that would be good for Sussex football
24:07Absolutely and finally a quick look at the SCFL where we have a runaway leader in the Premier
24:11but things are decidedly more tasty at the top of Division One and what have been the main talking
24:16points from these two divisions Steve since we last spoke? Yeah it's kind of as you were in the
24:20SCFL Premier really, Hassox have now hit the 60 point mark which is amazing really for you know
24:26still in January they've got 60 points um good win at Bexhill last weekend um Roffey have emerged
24:34as their main uh sort of rivals main other contenders there but Roffey are eight points
24:40behind them having played a game more so that's that's going to be quite a big gap to to make up
24:45over the course of the season. Habersheath were level with with Hassox for quite a while they've
24:51slipped back a little bit they're now back in fourth and they're actually 16 points behind
24:55Hassox um a lot of changes at Habersheath this season um and and they've yet to sort of find
25:01their find their top gear again uh they have got game in hand or two over the sides above them so
25:06they'll still have hopes and of course what you've got to remember in in this division is that second
25:10to fifth go into playoffs so even if you don't win it you've still got a good chance of getting
25:14that second spot the other sides in there in the you know in the playoff places at the moment uh
25:20along with Roffey are Petersfield, Habersheath and Crobra. Crobra are always there on movement
25:25we seem to mention them regularly on here uh never sort of far off the um off the the the
25:31teams pushing for it. Eastbourne United are on a good run as well had a slow start to the season
25:37um when they weren't able to play at home because of all the all the changes down at the Oval
25:42they're up to six now right on right on the hills of the playoff chasers so
25:46uh you wouldn't be surprised to see them finishing the top five um it's pretty much as we were down
25:52at the bottom really little common and Saltdine are the two sides and they are a little bit adrift
25:56with uh with games starting to run out um division one as well it's it's a similar picture really um
26:04to when we last spoke about it two two horse race for the title Seaford and Forest Row
26:11uh neck and neck actually um still at the moment on points uh Forest Row have got a game in hand
26:16but Seaford have been up there all season so good luck to them uh good luck to both those
26:21sides in for the running um and at the bottom we've still got Old Fold bottom Montpelier Villa
26:27just ahead of them and they are a few points adrift of all the other sides so uh like i say
26:32you've got one we've got three months left of the season so all is not lost for the teams at
26:37the bottom um but you know in another sort of month's time if you're still down there you're
26:42going to have to start to think about uh where you're going to end up yeah absolutely and finally
26:48as is tradition with our non-league podcast we finish by picking our games of the coming weekend
26:52and i'm going to ask you what your game of the weekend steve and i have a feeling that um your
26:56game of the week might be the same as mine but i might have to ask you for a different choice other
27:00than the one i think you're going to say yeah i mean clearly the game of the weekend is uh the
27:05one that george will be at worth worthy against rochdale in the trophy and we'll maybe just ask
27:10george about that at the end the other one that i've picked out apart from that game is uh quite
27:18a big um sussex derby in this being premier um alluded to earlier hastings against lewis at the
27:24pilot field on saturday so hastings will see that as a good chance to get a win and just start to
27:30get themselves out of trouble because as i say lewis haven't won in 10 uh they've sort of lost
27:36the lost the knack of winning um lewis at the same time will think that if the if this can be the
27:41game where they do get that win that will put quite a big gap between them themselves and any
27:46worries about relegation so you you would think a draw would be the obvious outcome there but
27:51this division is so unpredictable that it could be sort of five two to either team couldn't it
27:56we'll we'll wait and see i'm sure it'll be a lively game there's always there's a bit of rivalry
28:00between those two clubs a few players have played for one and then the other so uh it should should
28:04be a good game down at the pilot field on saturday yeah absolutely and as i'd like you steve i can't
28:10look past worth in the rochdale and the fa trophy um but if i am to be pressed to pick another i'm
28:14going to go for a proper local derby between near neighbors roffee and hawsham ymca in the scfl
28:19premier and the balls have been the league surprise package sitting sitting sitting second in the
28:24table sorry uh while ym picked up an excellent win over at fc von denian's last weekend so yeah
28:29that'll be a proper proper derby but yeah george you must be incredibly excited for saturday some
28:34cup tie that yeah yes um yeah really interesting obviously the trophy we went out of in the earlier
28:41rounds and got back in um but yeah pleased obviously to be in it and what a time to have
28:46at home home to rochdale another big club uh coming down to woodside so yeah very exciting
28:52it's been an exciting seven days really when i made stone away and then bore and wood at home
28:58now rochdale at home hopefully we can finish the week strong and and george can we just say that
29:03the main reason worthy need to carry on in the fa trophy and get to the final is so that we can all
29:08come to wembley to cover it because the food and drink supplied to the media at wembley is very
29:14very good as we know from when we went to cover little hampton town a couple years ago so if you
29:19just tell the last to bear that in mind on saturday yeah well maybe i'll put myself down
29:24as part of the media team for that game then i think you should definitely help us
29:29excellent stuff well yeah best of luck to worthing on saturday george i'm sure you're going to do
29:33sussex proud and but yeah that's all for this episode our thanks to george for joining us
29:37and don't forget to keep checking out sussexworld.co.uk forward slash sport for all the best
29:41coverage of local football plus your local sussex weekly papers uh joining us again soon for another
29:46look at all things non-league in sussex thank you very much for listening um it's been an
29:50absolute pleasure and we'll see you when we see you see you soon
