• 2 months ago
Aviation expert explains why US airspace is not 'the safest' in the worldMIXED


00:00I don't, I guess I first wouldn't necessarily say it's the safest, it's certainly some of the most
00:05controlled and scrutinized airspace in the world. But it's also airspace with an extremely high
00:13amount of traffic volume, and a lot of compression and very high expectations and demands on the
00:22entire system, from the pilots that are operating into that particular airport, and the airspace
00:29constrictions around them, difficult approaches, difficult runways, short runways, coupled with
00:39the demands and expectations on air traffic control to keep things moving so things aren't
00:46badly delayed. There's definitely a lot of pressure on air traffic control not to be in the
00:53middle of the news to show that they are delaying flights going into the capital, so there's going
00:59to be a lot of pressure all the way around.
