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Hingga Kamis (30/01) malam hari, banjir masih merendam sejumlah wilayah Jakarta. Seperti puluhan rumah di Jalan Komplek Film dan Televisi, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat ketinggian air mencapai 70 cm sampai 1 m.


00:05We will start with the first news, where until yesterday, the flood still flooded a number of areas in Jakarta.
00:10Yes, like dozens of houses on Jalan Komplek Film and Televisi Cengkareng,
00:15West Jakarta, the water level reached 70 cm to 1 meter.
00:35This is the condition of the West Jakarta Film and Televisi Cengkareng complex,
00:39which was still flooded until Thursday night.
00:43Floods that are still at a height of 70 cm to 1 meter also flooded a number of four-wheeled vehicles.
00:51Sidiq, one of the residents, said that this flood was caused by high rainfall
00:56and poor drainage.
01:00At the moment, the residents' access to their homes is still cut off due to the high water level.
01:07Yes, that's how it is, sir. Every rain, if it's long, it's always flooded, sir.
01:13If it rains for a long time, like that night.
01:17Meanwhile, another resident said that he was forced to live in Masjid Andur,
01:24which was turned into a shelter for the people affected by the flood.
01:28It's been two days.
01:31How many centimeters of flood, ma'am?
01:33As much as an adult's stomach.
01:36If it's for my contract, if it's here, it's the same as yesterday.
01:41So you can't go home yet, ma'am?
01:43Not yet, it's still full because of the water.
01:46What did you experience while in the shelter?
01:49I didn't experience anything.
01:51Just sleeping is not comfortable.
01:54Although they have received food and health assistance from the government of West Jakarta,
02:00residents complain about the slow handling of water supply in this settlement.
02:05From Jakarta, Miftaul Gani, IDX Channel.
