• 2 months ago
Timnas Futsal Indonesia berhasil mengalahkan Jepang, dengan skor tipis 1-0 dalam turnamen Internasional 4Nations World Series 2025. Gol sematang wayang Timnas Futsal Garuda diciptakan oleh Samuel Eko Putra Tampubolon di babak ke dua.


00:00We go to another information, the Indonesian futsal team managed to beat Japan with a narrow score of 1-0 in the International Tournament for the National World Series 2025.
00:16Yes, gold in the eye of the field, the Garuda futsal team was created by Samuel Ekoputra without a ball. The match is in the second round.
00:24The match between the Garuda futsal team and the Japanese blue samurai team took place since the beginning of the match.
00:32In the first round, Japan immediately launched an attack on the Garuda futsal team's goal.
00:37Fortunately, Muhammad Al-Bagheer showed an epic performance with an important save under the goalkeeper's misstar and forced a draw in the first round with a score of 0-0.
00:46In the second round, Japan did not delay the attack, but the crowd of home fans in Jakarta International Velodrome, East Jakarta, was getting more and more enthusiastic about the Garuda team.
00:56The result was that Hector Souto's team was able to steal the goal in the 29th minute, which was created by Samuel Ekoputra without a ball, taking advantage of a save from Rio Pangestu.
01:06The semi-final duel also took place between the Argentine Tango team and the Saudi Arabian Green Eagle team.
01:11Throughout the match, the two teams showed an open game and fought each other since the first whistle was sounded.
01:17Until the end of the match, this exciting match must be closed with a narrow score of 8-7 for the victory of the Tango team.
