• 2 months ago
Lucy Kemp, from Bedford, decided to reverse £80k of cosmetic procedures and now feels “totally herself”, adding unrealistic beauty standards are “destroying young boys' and girls' mental health”.


00:00There was quite a bit of pressure to look the same as everybody else and keep up with everything that was latest.
00:06The industry back then was very good. We got paid quite a lot of money for not doing an awful lot, which was great.
00:13But I came out of the modelling industry maybe about four years ago and I decided that I wanted to go back to a more natural look.
00:23I had my fillers dissolved. I haven't had Botox for years. I had my breasts reduced right down to a completely natural look.
00:33And what you see today is that I've got no fillers, no Botox. I have eyelash extensions on.
00:40But I don't wear lipstick. I don't wear eyeshadow. I don't have to have my hair done all the time.
00:47As the years have gone on, I'm looking at girls online and I'm seeing the amount of pressure that they are under to look like what they see on social media,
00:56which I know from being in the industry, not even just lighting and good photographers, but the filters that are on these apps that you use now.
01:05I would be surprised if many girls, influencers, models, or just any girls who are in any industry, working anywhere,
01:14put pictures up of themselves that are actually true to what they really look like in real life.
01:19It's really, really affecting people's mental health, being so unachievable.
01:24You can have filters on your camera to make you slimmer, to smooth your skin.
01:31And if you saw those people in real life, they're still so beautiful, but they don't look like that.
01:37And the girls, the young girls these days, I feel so sorry for them having so much pressure to look at something that is totally unachievable.
01:47I would love it if more people would put up more natural pictures.
01:52Just lose the filters. Do your makeup. That's fine. Not a problem. Do your makeup.
01:56But if your makeup is looking a bit patchy or a little bit greasy and it's not completely smooth, that's fine.
02:02Why can't we have that as an acceptable thing to see on social media?
