00:00oh that looks like a good mess up the car windshield yeah and who is oh nice okay
00:12i guess so is it illegal to have a nut which is totally black a net over your car probably i mean
00:19it's illegal some places to have like blackout windows right yeah but usually you can add some
00:24foil on your you know this this tint on your car true this is black and it's illegal but is it
00:32illegal to use the net i don't know guys let us know is it illegal to do what they just did
00:39yeah we just need to know before after yeah before it was just the worst it's actually i
00:47always put my my head between you know the car body and the seat and i'm stuck yeah
00:55i just don't sleep in the car no i mean but if you have to sleep in the car there you go
01:01do you ever had some long road to some somewhere like a road trip yeah uh i had road trips growing
01:08up but like we would stop in like a little motel or something oh boy or like we would camp you know
01:16okay not bad we actually have had some nine hour hours road and oh yes this time i was slept in the
01:25car okay fair enough while i was driving guys what was the most insane road trip you've ever been on
01:31let us know yes
01:35all right we got this see this is this is my style i could do this
01:39and then you have to leave the car door open and with your legs dangling out
01:42but you can try yeah see that looks pretty comfy i'm all right with that
01:51cleaning foam okay foam everything all right satisfying satisfying okay
02:03little spray spray it's a good looking wheel nice gadget yeah
02:08this one the pump the pump ah more doritos in the car okay and here we go ah smart
02:19it's like a macgyver whoa what a nice protection protection i liked it yeah all right good way to
02:28paint your wheel all right okay this is supposed to wow get rid of the bends in your car not too
02:34bad test it we should test it not bad not bad at all we're going to test it
02:40what oh to get it out yeah why would you want to get out the coolant liquid if it was too much
02:47you know when you over you overdid it you overdid it on the coolant liquid yeah i do that all the
02:52time that's okay that's actually nice with a lemon on a drill and baking soda i feel like
02:58the drill could easily go through and then damage the thing that's true you need to be careful a
03:03little worrying or just use your hands all right cool you pull that off okay that actually works
03:09but there was still a dead doesn't doesn't it leave a little bit of residue of the glue or does
03:14it come off right away uh i think it come off right away but if it would stack some pieces you
03:20can easily remove it with the spray with a stick remover okay that actually works well with the
03:25glue gun sticks all right all right looks like these guys are playing with a full deck of cards
03:29oh cool and goop cleaning goop all right i've always seen the the commercials about cleaning
03:36goop but i've never actually dealt with cleaning goop myself do you have any experience uh no okay
03:42but i need to guys if you've used cleaning goop tell us if it's actually effective i feel like it
03:46would get gross after one time you use it one time and that's it like no more cleaning goop
03:51i'm not believing in such a thing yeah oh it's very towel and some spray
03:57true cleaner or something all right so they're making their own cleaning goop yeah very nice
04:03all right very good very nice looks good more goop okay it's all goop here today what's the
04:10point it's actually this goop mostly for from the dust or something like this right yeah i think so
04:16from some dirt which already stuck on your wheel yeah yeah i mean who eats doritos in their car
04:21really guys come on i'm just kidding i totally eat doritos in my car
04:28okay so i saw your car yeah i know it's pretty bad
04:33uh-huh all right what the ugly i don't like that
04:38oh that looks like a good mess up the car windshield yeah and who is oh who is this
04:45gentleman it looks like our friendly neighborhood doc no maybe not i don't know
04:52yes yes okay all right let's tie these together oh it's just a nice nice knot okay for towing stuff
05:03okay for towing stuff okay doc knew a lot about that yeah doc's been a scientist from a very young
05:11age in that video he was only five years old exactly okay we're doing some cable management
05:17hacks uh-huh all right let's bring this together and i think they will get it up
05:25to get this shape ah to put them on the engine ah interesting wow okay in an interesting way
05:32i guess yeah if you want to warm things up pop it on your engine you want to make a cup a cup
05:36of coffee that got cold warm put it on your engine yeah but don't drive it at the same
05:40time no it's probably not i don't i don't think that's possible even yeah nice looks good this
05:47old style foam cables yes exactly which is nice oh okay magnet light not too bad yeah nice so we
05:56got some some car gadgets going on we got a little self-desk it reminds me of like a
06:02an airport like an airplane tray you know yeah those are never comfortable to use if you spend
06:09a lot of time in a car why not i think it's useful for the taxi drivers or uber drivers
06:15yeah yeah they need to write their notes and stuff i don't know write some poetry i feel
06:19like taxi drivers all are very good poets oh ah oh i mean it's obviously you know it's not it's
06:30not real stuff but you get the you get the intention there yeah coke coke can get rid of
06:36bird poop okay okay if you say so let's test it where do we get bird poop to do this point
06:44i think his water will help you with it oh it might yeah you're right just the word okay
06:50what's with the roof of this car look at this i don't know where does his hat go uh the hat just
06:57disappeared is that part of the hack yeah that you can push your car using his belt you know
07:04yeah but his hat disappeared so it's part of the hack ah okay ah i'm just i'm sorry i'm confused
07:11it's okay it's okay i forgive you
07:16ah okay okay it's good water resistance want to watch the ipad while you drive
07:22don't don't do that at all no never do that so the driver needs all the concentration
07:28on the road so maybe don't distract them with a giant ipad up here exactly
07:31all right so is it a net for your for your toys for kids that's nice yeah okay but nothing you
07:44can see you know in your mirror oh hide all your jewelry and your money underneath a coaster
07:50perfectly hidden wow now i can eat and drink in peace without having to worry about a thief
07:59stealing my jewelry yeah wow okay oh we saw this gadget right yeah we just film it in our way
08:08yeah okay very nice it's like a baby tray yeah ah interesting
08:17deodorant to lubricate your gears that really lubricates my gears
08:25yeah not gears it's designed yeah it's not the best yeah what okay no judgment but it's an ugly
08:32design yeah it's actually a way who who knew you wanted screws in your tire i thought you
08:40wanted to prevent that but okay they actually i i sell some special uh special screws which
08:47you can buy to restore your uh wheel ah so they're like intentional for for restoring the wheel okay
08:53cool i didn't know but as i remember they have plastic one this i feel like i don't know it
09:00depends on where your head is like what if one day you have like a crick in your neck you wake
09:04up in the wrong side of the bed yeah you're like okay and now you'd crash into everything on the
09:08side of you exactly doesn't work very well and also if someone move your chair uh in a car
09:15it's screwed up that's it that's it you're done for you gotta replace it that's hard work
09:22yeah for sure i think we might have gone too far with that one yeah
09:27spray paint it to instead of cleaning it of course it works like so now
09:32guys you don't need to clean anything just spray paint it yeah guys don't even take a
09:36shower just spray paint skin color on yourself exactly that's it uh what i don't actually wash
09:44my dishes yeah i just get white spray paint and that's nice yeah there's like some lumps
09:49underneath but it's cool and i think it's safe eating off of that right uh yeah for sure no it's
09:55not don't do that don't try it don't do that but nice life hack yeah suggest it's like personal
10:04personal life hack maybe five minute crafts will take it all right yeah what do we do okay we got
10:12a balloon balloon and to pour it so it will make this