• hace 2 meses


00:00I have been in constant contact with American Airlines and they do tell us that they do
00:15not provide that manifest.
00:18And so what we do know is that last night several council members including the vice
00:23mayor and I along with the city manager and airport director were at the airport and one
00:30family from this city was there.
00:34So I will not confirm the individual's name but I can tell you one family did show up
00:40to the airport but no additional families have shown up at the airport.
00:46I have been asking for the list of names as I know that our federal partners, our state
00:50partners have all been asking for that and we are patiently waiting.
00:55I believe it's respectful that families get contacted first.
01:00Next of kin should be contacted by authorities and I want that process to follow through
01:07that way.
01:08First, I want to once again express my deepest condolences.
01:13They're waiting for all the families to be notified and there are some folks who are
01:18on that plane who are from overseas and so that's partially the reason for the delay
01:25is really needing to get in touch with those families over there.
01:31But they expected that we'd likely have the manifest sometime tomorrow afternoon.
01:38We know that there are four people from overseas that had not been notified.
01:43We don't know how many actually have.
01:46But you can trust that we're pushing them for answers.
01:50These families need answers to what happened here and so as fast as we can get them to
01:58give us those answers, we'll get them out and we'll get them to the people.
02:02American Airlines is responsible for notifying the families of the folks who perished in
02:11this plane crash.
02:14They would like it very much if you think you might know somebody, if you think a friend
02:20of yours, a family member or someone else was on that plane, please contact American
02:26Airlines and let me give you their number.
02:30It is 1-800-679-8215.
02:42I believe that this is less than 24 hours since a tragic event happened in Washington,
02:48D.C. involving members of Wichita, Kansas, America and the world and I think that right
02:54now what we need most is to comfort the families who right now still don't know all the answers
03:00and I think that that should be priority number one.
03:03So I ask all of us to continue praying for the families affected, for the first responders
03:09who are still there gathering information, helping with the recovery efforts and truly
03:15pray for the entire greater Wichita community, Kansas and America.
03:21We were very proud to have been chosen to host the championships and I believe as a
03:26community we were so proud to see these high-level athletes, their families, their friends, fans
03:33coming to our community and sharing their skills and talents so that the whole world
03:37could see and to end it with this type of tragedy just truly breaks my heart.
03:44I said this this morning.
03:46My heart is truly heavy because this community had a celebration just last week and this
03:58is what is going to be part of that story now.
04:03The first part of your question was frequency of service is daily service so it's one flight
04:09a day that we have and it was departing about 5 30 and getting in about 9 p.m. local time
04:17in DC.
04:19That is our only scheduled flight departure for that route.
04:23The flight for this evening was canceled and as far as we have seen so far the flight for
04:31tomorrow is scheduled so we should see service return but ideally everybody needs to check
04:38with American Airlines if that's who you're flying with.
04:44Our community had a community-wide prayer at noon.
