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Ve el episodio completo en: https://www.wearenotzombies.com/canales/music/onplugged/l.a.-witch


Presentamos a L.A. Witch, una banda de punk originaria de Los Ángeles. En esta sesión, nos traen su sonido crudo y auténtico desde Near Alluvium Studio en North Hollywood, con un estilo que captura la esencia del punk en su forma más pura.

Onplugged es el espacio para conocer las historias detrás de las propuestas sonoras que le dan fondo musical a nuestras vidas

#wearenotzombies #musicsessions #music #livemusic #ritmos #musica #wanz #lawitch #losangeles #punk #northhollywood #onplugged #sesiondemusica #mexico


00:00The first time we had gotten together, I was like,
00:05okay, well, show me your songs,
00:07because I felt like I was kind of in their territory, you know?
00:10And so I was like, okay, I'll play to, you know, your songs.
00:13And they were like, oh, we don't, we have, we have, like,
00:17let's play your song, and so they played one of my songs
00:20that I had written solo, and they were like, oh,
00:23you know, and I guess they liked it.
00:25And so we kept playing kind of my songs,
00:28and I think that's kind of what we figured works best, you know?
00:33There's one song that's about drugs,
00:35but all of them come from, you know, from just love, you know,
00:41whether it's like the hate part of love
00:44or just like the love part of love, if that makes any sense.
00:48I guess the good part and the bad part,
00:51but I mean, that's what I write about.
00:54We're L.A. Witch. We're from Los Angeles, and this is Sleep.
00:57guitar, bass, & drums play rock
01:08Oh, baby
01:12Oh, baby
01:16Where did you go, my pretty baby
01:23Oh, baby
01:28Oh, baby
01:32Where did you go, my pretty baby
01:42I'm not dead, I'm not tired, and I'm not leaving
01:50I'm not dead, I'm not tired, and I'm not leaving
01:59I'm not dead, I'm not tired, and I'm not leaving
02:11Oh, baby
02:15Oh, baby
02:19Where did you go, my pretty baby
02:28Oh, baby
02:32Oh, baby
02:36Where did you go, my pretty baby