• 2 months ago
¡Conoce el testimonio de Isabel!


00:00Now I want to get in touch with Matías Vera, because Matías Vera, I don't know if you have any phobia, Matías, I didn't ask you.
00:10Hi Pri, how are you? How are you at home?
00:12Look, I don't know if it's a phobia, but I'm very, very afraid of bugs, spiders especially.
00:17Once I found a cobweb in my house and I started to cry, pale, sweat.
00:20But the truth is that I don't know if I qualify as a phobia, because I don't know if it makes me impossible up to that point, but yes.
00:25Now, I am accompanied at this moment by a very young, but very brave woman.
00:31Her name is Isabel and she kindly wanted to tell us her testimony.
00:34I don't know if you at home have heard of social phobia.
00:37What is it? What does it consist of?
00:39Well, she has it and she has kindly wanted to talk about it with us.
00:44And I want to make it clear that we have had a long and tense conversation before going live.
00:47We established what the distance is going to be, what we are going to find,
00:50because these are things that are more complicated for her than for any of us.
00:54Isabel, thank you for being with us. Please tell me, what is happening to you?
00:57How do you live this situation? Good afternoon.
00:59Hello, thank you very much to you and to the channel for the opportunity you are giving me.
01:04I am happy to be here and to share my life experience,
01:08which I am sure will be very useful for all of you, to get informed,
01:13and especially for those who are living a situation very similar to mine.
01:17Let's land it a little. The situation you are living.
01:20You go out on the street, you face people. What is happening to you?
01:23Look, what happens to me is that, from the start, mentally,
01:28I feel a lot of shame, a lot of terror, a lot of panic.
01:32I get very nervous, and once the brain gives the order,
01:38in the end, I do not avoid the situation and I do not run away from there.
01:42In the end, my body is paralyzed, my hands tremble,
01:46and I end up in a panic crisis, in a crisis of anguish.
01:52But that situation that you try to avoid, what is it?
01:55The physical interaction with another person or with other people?
01:58Talking to other people? Seeing other people from afar?
02:01What is it when you say, avoid this situation?
02:03What specific situation are you referring to?
02:05Look, in my case, my social phobia occurs not in the simplest interaction,
02:12the day-to-day, that is, I do not have a problem talking and raising awareness
02:18in my day-to-day, but it is more, it occurs to me in the closest interaction with another person,
02:24in the relationship of friendship, let's say.
02:27And in the end, this panic is activated, which many times ends in panic,
02:33and in the end, I physically deactivate myself, and in the end,
02:38I get a feeling of danger, basically.
02:41That feeling of danger translates, for example, in that, I do not know,
02:44you feel that something can happen to you, you feel, there are some people who,
02:48for example, in a crisis of panic, they have the feeling that they can die,
02:51how much does it affect you?
02:53Look, the feeling of danger is activated because,
02:58deep down, I feel like, mentally, all the looks of another person,
03:05I feel that everyone is judging me, looking at me,
03:10and deep down, that gives me terror and activates panic.
03:14In fact, before going to the IREPRI, with this I give you the pass,
03:16she told us that if, for example, she goes out on the street and is going to cross a traffic light,
03:20she feels that the people in the vehicles are looking at her,
03:23that the people who are going to cross are looking at her,
03:25that the pedestrian who is behind is looking at her.
03:26Imagine that feeling, and with that I give you the pass,
03:28so that we can talk to this tremendous brave woman who wanted to share her story.
03:31Tremendous brave, especially because,
03:33I also imagine that she is making an effort to give you the interview, Matías,
03:37and probably between the two of you, you can tell me,
03:39how was the meeting between the three of you?
03:41How did you greet each other?
03:42Because usually the interviews are closer,
03:45but now we see it a meter away.
03:49How was that?
03:51Pucha, I think it's better that you tell it, because we don't really know each other.
03:57To begin with, we knew that we were going to talk to a person who has social phobias,
04:00so one arrives with some care, and I always ask him,
04:03how close can I get?
04:05It was like that, a little more distant.
04:07Yes, the truth is that he was very respectful from the beginning,
04:12and nothing, the truth is that he did not show me any difficulty,
04:16no problem, in fact he asked me,
04:19and I told him that deep down it is not my difficulty,
04:22it is not a physical issue.
04:26But what could I have done wrong, for example,
04:28or any person who is on the street that could have bothered you,
04:30or that could have made you feel this fear, this discomfort?
04:33I mean, obviously, the issue of distance is important,
04:37deep down, maybe if I had practiced, basically,
04:42like hugging or being very close,
04:44there, obviously, the feeling of danger can be activated a little.
04:50It's a matter of physical distancing, Pri, answering your question.
04:52Yes, Isabel, I imagine that this situation somehow
04:56enables you to do certain things,
04:58maybe go to a birthday party, or to the same job,
05:02I don't know, what do you do to tell us a little
05:05how you have been able to overcome all this?
05:07Because, finally, one of your characteristics
05:10is that you can't interact with many people.
05:16Hi, Priscila, look, my difficulty does not enable me at all
05:24in my day-to-day life.
05:26In fact, I am a very sociable person.
05:28I am currently the founder of Happy Children and Enjoy,
05:32which is my company, my business.
05:35I work with children, I work with particular children,
05:39I studied childbirth education, I specialized in early stimulation,
05:42I studied childbirth for two years and then I left,
05:45I studied early stimulation.
05:46So, deep down, I relate to many mothers, to many children,
05:50and I don't have a problem if I start talking to a thousand people
05:53or a chat, or whatever,
05:55that feels like it's my competition.
05:58But, yes, deep down, my big issue, deep down,
06:01is to avoid all social gatherings,
06:03especially very massive, and especially from people I don't know.
06:06For example, marriage, parties, discotheques.
06:10I mean, never in my life, in my 25 years,
06:12I have never stepped into an event like a discotheque,
06:15or a party, or a concert,
06:16because deep down, I know that deep down I couldn't.
06:21Hey, Isabel, I would like to know what you feel.
06:24If you were in a meeting like this, just imagine it.
06:27What are the symptoms that somehow begin to appear?
06:31What produces, not only in your mind,
06:33I imagine it also reacts to your body.
06:39Yes, exactly.
06:41Look, first, mentally, the feeling of danger is activated,
06:45from the brain.
06:46Deep down, it sends the order to the brain.
06:49And deep down, the thoughts start first, mentally.
06:54And then, when you don't listen to what the brain tells you,
07:00deep down, you don't.
07:01Because, in the end, the brain gives me the order,
07:04and I, deep down, I usually run away,
07:06I escape from there, I avoid the situation.
07:08Sorry, but what are those thoughts?
07:10Before moving on to the next phase, let's say, of this situation,
07:13what are those thoughts that reach your brain?
07:15Basically, that I'm in danger.
07:17Get out of there.
07:18Get alert.
07:19That I'm in danger.
07:22Yes, generally, that.
07:24Are there any physical consequences?
07:25Sweat, scratches, I don't know.
07:28First, deep down, mentally,
07:30and then I end up in physical symptoms,
07:33like shaking.
07:34In fact, certain situations paralyze me.
07:36My face has been paralyzed.
07:39I start to shake my whole body.
07:41It ends up leading to what is a panic attack, a gut crisis.
07:45Now, look, how important it is to be able to help you.
07:48First, I want to ask you if you've done therapy,
07:51and how much those therapies work.
07:56Look, I've told the kids here that I've gone through,
08:01let's see, since I was 17 years old,
08:05I mean, we're talking about 8 years ago,
08:08that I live this difficulty as a result of a strong bullying.
08:13I've gone through many types of therapy,
08:16and the most effective therapy,
08:18in all this type of therapy,
08:20for me, has been the therapy focused on trauma,
08:26the MDR,
08:27which is a therapy that works with eye movement.
08:32Yes, that has worked for you.
08:34Now, when you say that you know the root of your problem,
08:37is it a product of the bullying you suffered in school?
08:43Yes, exactly.
08:46Look, it was a very painful experience.
08:51Today, I can talk about it without difficulty,
08:54because I think it's also important to educate the population,
08:58especially the young people,
09:00who often don't think about the damage that words can cause.
09:04But yes, I was a victim of a very strong bullying for 5 long years,
09:08we're talking about 5 years,
09:10and I was on the brink of death,
09:13on the brink of suicide,
09:16and one of the most important and serious consequences
09:19was social phobia.
09:22Look, I want to take this opportunity to open this conversation,
09:25because we're all listening attentively,
09:27and before we go directly to the specialists,
09:29I want to ask you, Marcelo, Jairo,
09:31what do you think about this?
09:33Because when we talk about phobia,
09:35and we raise this issue in the team to discuss it in the program,
09:38we can talk about spider phobia,
09:40height phobia, claustrophobia,
09:42but social phobia,
09:44it's hard to understand it,
09:46and here's a tremendous example.
09:49Hey, Isabel, thank you.
09:51Seriously, you said it at the beginning of your speech,
09:53you thought that your testimony
09:55was going to open your mind a lot,
09:57openly, to people who are watching you,
09:59and we are watching you,
10:00and you did it to me.
10:02And if you did it to me here in the studio,
10:04you probably did it to many people at home.
10:06So thank you for that,
10:08and what comes next,
10:10is something that I think,
10:12how do you relate to love?
10:14Because you're a very pretty girl,
10:18does it also cost you in the issue
10:20of life as a couple,
10:22to go through that barrier
10:24of being able to talk to someone
10:26in a more affectionate way?
10:30Look, in these 8 years of therapy,
10:32I still haven't been able
10:34to overcome this difficulty.
10:36I still work in therapy
10:38with a psychiatrist,
10:40with a psychologist,
10:42a whole team,
10:44but this difficulty is still very strong,
10:46and I think mentally
10:48that my great terror
10:50and my great panic
10:52is that I can't form the family I want,
10:54I can't get
10:56and achieve the man in my life,
11:00But that means, Isabel,
11:02and this is a question from Marcelo,
11:04that you haven't been in a relationship
11:06in this time,
11:08you haven't established a love bond.
11:10Exactly, I haven't established it,
11:12I've been in several situations,
11:14as it's called now,
11:16I've had small meetings,
11:18like dates,
11:20but I haven't progressed from there.
11:22What happens, why do you get frustrated
11:24in those dates?
11:26Because in the end,
11:28I end up isolating myself,
11:30I don't like couples,
11:32which is where my terror is most activated.
11:34Yes, besides asking you, Isabel,
11:36if in a few minutes
11:38you've liked someone,
11:40and probably because of
11:42what you suffer, this social phobia,
11:44you don't have the tools
11:46to get close to this person,
11:48and it can end up being super frustrating.
11:54Yes, I've liked someone
11:56in three opportunities,
11:58I've had three dates,
12:02and in the end,
12:04in the three opportunities,
12:06I've only had one chance
12:08to go out with each of them,
12:10and then,
12:12I end up isolating myself,
12:14and yes, it's very frustrating,
12:16because in the end,
12:18the panic and the terror
12:20that because of this,
12:22I'll end up
12:24practically alone.
12:26Yes, and I imagine that's
12:28the permanent concern. Jairo,
12:30when we know the story
12:32of Isabel, who comes
12:34to talk about a topic
12:36that starts from the bullying
12:38that she suffered in school,
12:40which was so traumatic
12:42that now she suffers a social phobia,
12:44we have several lessons to learn.
12:46Many lessons to learn.
12:48The first is that we live in a society
12:50like the Chilean one,
12:52where we are very close.
12:54We hug each other,
12:56we kiss,
12:58we are very close.
13:00So, it's very important, Isabel,
13:02to be able to learn from this,
13:04because I had no idea
13:06that this type of social phobia existed.
13:08And on the other hand,
13:10it's great to see you so empowered
13:12and so worried
13:14to be able to overcome
13:16this situation that you are living.
13:18So, Isabel, thank you very much.
13:20Yes, Isabel, you mentioned
13:22that it had worked,
13:24at least it had better results.
13:26Can you repeat what it is?
13:28Because we can also talk about that
13:30with the specialists.
13:32Yes, look, of all the therapies
13:34that I have used,
13:36the amount of psychiatry and psychologists
13:38that I have gone through,
13:40the only thing that has helped me
13:42are two types of therapies.
13:44The MDR therapy,
13:46which is focused on the eye movement,
13:48basically, behind the trauma.
13:50Another therapy that has helped me a lot
13:52is my current therapy,
13:54which is the DVT therapy,
13:56which is for limited personality disorder.
13:58So, MDR and DVT.
14:02Right now,
14:04I am still only using
14:06the DVT therapy.
14:08So, I want you to explain to us,
14:10here we are with Dr. Escorza
14:12and also with Alexandra Vidal,
14:14because to apply these therapies,
14:16I imagine,
14:18I want to ask you first,
14:20does the patient have to be diagnosed?
14:22Hi Pri, nice to see you again.
14:24Well, yes.
14:26The most important thing is a good diagnosis,
14:28as I have said many times.
14:30Social anxiety can be generalized
14:32or not generalized.
14:34When we talk about generalization,
14:36we mean that it occupies fear,
14:38fear, anguish,
14:40to many areas of the social,
14:42of the contact path.
14:44As Isabel said,
14:46it can be the intimate situations
14:48of the partner,
14:50it can be the situations of work
14:52or school.
14:54Therefore, it affects a lot
14:56people who have a lot of quality,
14:58it affects them in many areas
15:00of their development
15:02and produces a handicap
15:04that is clearly due to social anxiety,
15:06which is an irrational fear,
15:08persistent and that produces
15:12which is what all phobias have in common.
15:14Social anxiety has treatment,
15:16Isabel, it is noticeable that it is well treated
15:18and that it has gone a long way
15:20and that it has a diagnosis,
15:22as Pri said,
15:24a diagnosis that refers to,
15:26we have to know,
15:28social anxieties,
15:30only 30% is pure social anxiety.
15:32Most social anxieties
15:34have comorbidities with
15:36depression, as Isabel mentioned,
15:38with addiction disorders,
15:40looking for solutions,
15:42sometimes taking the same
15:44medications, sometimes with alcohol,
15:46with personality disorders
15:48and those personality disorders,
15:50the ideal therapy is the DBT.
15:52Among the personality disorders,
15:54the most complicated are
15:56the avoidance disorders,
15:58which are very similar to social anxiety
16:00and the dependence disorders.
16:02The ideal treatment
16:04for social anxiety
16:06is the integrated treatment,
16:08that is,
16:10there is a pharmacological
16:12and psychological treatment.
16:14In the case of Isabel,
16:16she mentions the EMDR,
16:18which is specific for trauma situations,
16:20because this originated
16:22in a trauma.
16:24Yes, now Alexandra,
16:26you can help us with
16:28the other treatment
16:30and see if it works for
16:32other types of phobias.
16:34Isabel, I would like to tell you so many things,
16:36but unfortunately television is like
16:38First, I want to explain to you
16:40that it is very good because
16:42the EMDR technique
16:44is through the eye movements
16:46and also the bilateral sounds
16:48and also the
16:50kinesthetic sensations.
16:52Through these movements,
16:54the right and left hemispheres are activated
16:56and we get out traumatic situations.
16:58Can we do something here?
17:00Yes, of course, I can do it with you.
17:02Look, Isabel,
17:04you tell me if you want to do the same.
17:06She has, for example, a trauma.
17:08Your trauma, Isabel,
17:10is that she suffered from bullying
17:12and that is her biggest trauma.
17:14She brings a traumatic situation
17:16like bullying and an image
17:18that is repeated permanently
17:20of that traumatic situation.
17:22I ask you to think
17:24about that traumatic situation
17:26looking at the movement
17:28without moving the head,
17:30only the eyes.
17:32There we are.
17:36Look at the movement
17:38without moving the head,
17:40only the eyes.
17:42You tell the patient to think
17:44only about the traumatic situation.
17:46What happens?
17:48You have the cerebral amygdala
17:50and also the limbic system
17:52where the brain is.
17:54I will explain it later.
17:56Traumatic situations are stored
17:58through the hippocampus.
18:00She is going to fall asleep.
18:02She is going to fall asleep.
18:04Yes, I fell asleep.
18:06You take a deep breath,
18:08you exhale and you wonder
18:10what is coming.
18:12I activated the cerebral hemispheres.
18:14You tell me.
18:16The first thing that comes
18:18are sensations in your body
18:20like depression in the chest.
18:22Some people feel cold, hot.
18:24You take that sensation
18:26and then you go to the image.
18:28What did she see in the present moment?
18:30And from there,
18:32the traumatic situation is worked.
18:34In the case of Isabel,
18:36I would like to ask you a couple of questions
18:38because you say you are very well informed
18:40through the techniques
18:42that the feeling of fear comes.
18:44While you are afraid
18:46in this brain that has the limbic system
18:48and the cerebral amygdala
18:50and the hippocampus that registers
18:52traumatic situations or things that remain
18:54in the unconscious,
18:56every time you feel fear,
18:58why is it a real fear?
19:00Why is it your fear, for example,
19:02to go out with a young man
19:04and something can happen to you?
19:06That fear in our brain
19:08does not know how to differentiate
19:10between a real fear
19:12versus a non-real fear.
19:14Therefore, it will think
19:16that you are in a dangerous zone
19:18and activates the amount of symptoms
19:20that she feels.
19:22She feels depression in the chest,
19:24tachycardia and a series of symptoms.
19:26Have you worked, for example,
19:28the traumatic situation of bullying?
19:34Yes, it has been worked
19:36during all these years
19:38until today.
19:42However, I have already been able
19:44to overcome it.
19:46Today it is no longer a topic
19:48so present.
19:50I can talk about it
19:52and today I am focused
19:54on being able to talk about it
19:56and inform the population
19:58that I think there is a lot to do,
20:00especially today,
20:02the violent society
20:04that we are seeing today.
20:06So yes, I have worked it
20:08throughout this year
20:10in different forms of therapy.
20:12And the self-esteem that was destroyed
20:14by that bullying,
20:16have you worked your self-esteem?
20:18Yes, also.
20:20In fact, it goes hand in hand
20:22with the experience itself
20:24of bullying.
20:26And it is being worked
20:28until today,
20:30which is something that I still have to continue
20:32working day by day,
20:34there is still a long way to go.
20:36However, I have also been advancing a lot
20:38and today I tell you
20:40and I want to be able to
20:42transmit to everyone
20:44who is watching me.
20:46And I always say,
20:48as I said in the movie
20:50that no one destroys your dreams.
20:52However, I was on the brink of death,
20:54I had a bad time,
20:56but deep down I got ahead,
20:58I managed to empower myself,
21:00I managed to get ahead
21:02and for a single reason,
21:04because deep down I realized
21:06that my children, my students,
21:08my chicks, as I say,
21:10needed me and needed me well.
21:12That clung to my life
21:14and that really changed everything
21:16and turned my life 360 degrees.
21:18And I was fighting,
21:20fighting, fighting
21:22and I overcame anorexia,
21:24I overcame bulimia,
21:26I overcame everything that got in my way
21:28because deep down
21:30I wanted to be able to achieve all the dreams
21:32that I have been achieving and that have come out
21:34as a result of a long road,
21:36of a long road of effort,
21:38a long road of perseverance
21:40and of never giving up.
21:42How generous, Isabel.
21:44I would like to give you a round of applause.
21:48Thank you, Isabel.
21:50Maybe I have already used it,
21:52but I would like to give you a gift,
21:54to you and to the people who are listening to us,
21:56because not only is this gift
21:58for social phobia,
22:00but it is also for phobia,
22:02for panic attacks.
22:04I want to give you a technique
22:06called the ABCD technique.
22:08For example, I took some things
22:10that you said,
22:12A. What is the situation?
22:14B. What do you have from that situation?
22:16You said, I'm going to be alone.
22:18C. What happens to you
22:20with that negative thought?
22:22Anxiety, chest pressure,
22:24not going out with the partner.
22:26I want to give you and all the people
22:28who listen to us the letter D.
22:30We are going to validate
22:32how real that negative thought is.
22:34You are 25 years old,
22:36you are young, you are physically healthy,
22:38you are professional,
22:40you are beautiful,
22:42I have had suitors,
22:44etc., etc.
22:46You are putting all the positives
22:48in the here and now,
22:50and you confront it with the B,
22:52and you ask yourself,
22:54under all these characteristics
22:56that I have put,
22:58am I going to be single?
23:00No, you are not going to be single,
23:02because people, all your problem
23:04due to traumatic situations,
23:06lie in those little monsters of thought.
23:08Negative thought, negative emotion,
23:10negative behavior in the room.
23:12So I hope you can take it,
23:14you and those people who are listening to us,
23:16to move forward.
23:18And thank you for your testimony,
23:20because there are many people who are locked up
23:22due to social phobia.
