Education of a Prince | show | 1927 | Official Trailer | dHNfQ2hZZHRkQ01hN2s
00:00Oh, I just got bit in the eye by something not in Hollywood anymore, huh?
00:08Hello folks, my name is Tom green
00:10I've just made a big change in my life after spending 20 years in Los Angeles working as a comedian actor and TV host
00:17I finally decided it was time to go home
00:20So I sold my house in the Hollywood Hills and I bought this 100 acre farm way out in the wilderness of Canada
00:26But not all that far from where I grew up and close to my family
00:30Welcome to my little slice of heaven
00:32Welcome to Tom green country. Not a lot of bugs around here. Is there I'm not like second-guessing moving to the country at home
00:39No, I love it here, man
00:40You like the chicken coop fancy. Let me be like the guy like fancy chicken. Oh, you want them to have like a good experience?
00:46Yeah, put the hook over first and then I think it will be easier. Really? No your mother
00:52Was a hooker
00:55Your new sisters are coming your new big sisters Wow
00:59Welcome. Hello
01:01Hi guys
01:04Are they supposed to do that? Whoa, you're beautiful. Hi Fanny. Wow, you are a
01:10Gorgeous girl you two are like some of the first TV parents to be pranked on television. I do recall that welcome home
01:23I'm not in Los Angeles anymore. I lived in LA for 20 years, and I never felt at home
01:28I've been back here for just a very short period of time. I already feel like I'm home. Oh, really? You're looking at