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मुंबई: बजट 2025 के पेश होने से पहले शेयर मार्केट एक्सपर्ट एपी शुक्ला ने कहा कि हमें बजट से बहुत उम्मीदें हैं। देश का बैरोमीटर यही है। हमने बहुत समय से कुछ मांगे रखी है, मैं उम्मीद करता हूं इस बजट से हमारी मांगें पूरी होंगी और जनता को राहत की खबर मिलेगी। पीएम मोदी ने भी कल कहा कि युवाओं के लिए सोच रहे हैं इसलिए हमें उम्मीद है कि युवाओं को अच्छी सैलरी के साथ नौकरी मिलेगी। साथ ही उन्होंने देश के किसानों का भी जिक्र किया था।

#budget #budget2025 #sharemarket #share #tax #bse #shareexchange #nirmalasitharaman #pmmodi #bjp #india


00:00We have a lot of expectations from the budget to the whole country, to all the people.
00:05Where you are standing, our market also has a lot of expectations, because this is the country's barometer.
00:11Whatever happens, happens through this.
00:15So, all of us are hoping that this time, FMG is going to give something big from the treasury of the share market for people.
00:29We have a lot of demands from a long time to roll back the STT.
00:36We are not getting any effect of that.
00:39If you are giving tax and you are not getting any effect, then that should not happen.
00:42When the STT was applied, the long term tax was zero.
00:47So, according to that, now they have applied 10 in the long term, then 12.5 in the last year.
00:53So, they are increasing and we are not getting any rebate of STT.
00:56So, if they pay attention to all these things, if they roll back it, then it is a matter of taking out the third dividend tax.
01:06If they do all these things, then this market will show you how green it will be.
01:12We can't even imagine that.
01:14Yesterday, when the Prime Minister addressed the nation, he said that he is thinking for the youth, he will do something good.
01:21So, first of all, they should get a good education and get an effective education so that they can get a job.
01:29The technical job is empty, but what happens to us is that we do BMA, but they do not fit in that criteria.
01:36So, he has done the development of it, so the children who will come out of it should get employment.
01:42AI is a big challenge for people now.
01:44So, how to increase employment, how to take it in sports and what to put in their pockets.
01:49Our children should also get a good salary, which is not happening now.
01:54If the corporate world does not make a good profit, then it will not give employment to people and will not be able to give a good salary.
02:01So, they are paying attention to all these things.
02:03Plus, they said that the economic survey that came this time has 3.8% growth, which is very satisfactory.
02:12It needs to be taken up to 4.5% or 5%.
02:15Then there is to increase manufacturing, from where the job is created.
02:20Our industries should be more.
02:22Our export should increase so that we get dollars.
02:25You are seeing that the dollar has increased a lot.
02:27So, increase all these things in sports.
02:30People are paying attention to all these things.
02:33And that is to cut taxes.
02:36If you cut taxes, then money will come in people's pockets.
02:40When that money goes to the market, you will spend it somewhere, you will buy something.
02:45So, that industry will develop.
02:47So, from there, job creation, production, many things will increase, which will give a message of happiness to all of us.
02:54Look, today is the day of the budget.
02:56The indications are very positive.
02:58So, according to that, the market is also cheering and thumbs up.
03:03So, this time, we all want to encourage people.
03:07Last time, we could not do it, which was a full-fledged budget.
03:10So, this time it is a full-fledged budget.
03:12So, the Minister will definitely make some good announcement and will try to put some more in people's pockets.
03:18So, the market is cheering.
