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Car safety tips are vital for ensuring a successful road trip. Before hitting the road, it's essential to check various aspects of your vehicle to avoid any issues. This video covers key checks you should perform, including tire pressure, fluid levels, and brake functionality. Additionally, we will discuss important safety measures to ensure a secure journey for you and your passengers. Stay safe and prepared on your next adventure with these invaluable car tips!

#CarSafety #RoadTripTips #VehicleChecks #TravelSafety #CarMaintenance #SafetyMeasures #DrivingTips #RoadTripPreparation

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00:00Hi guys and welcome to DriveSpark, I'm Pramit and today's video is going to be slightly
00:14different because in today's video we are going to talk about road trips and the safety
00:22measures that you need to take care just before you go on your next road trip.
00:27Now road trip is something that really someone wants and someone really wants to go out with
00:33family alone or wherever you're going but a key important thing about road trip is to
00:40check your vehicle just before you start from your place and that thing is really really
00:45important because at the end of the day the vehicle is only gonna take you to your destination
00:50so the vehicle has to be in a very proper condition.
00:55So let's start this video and I will be telling you some tips that you need to follow before
00:59you go for your next road trip.
01:03So number one, number one thing is when you are just gonna go for a road trip a day or
01:10prior before you should check your tyre condition.
01:13Now you just go around your car have a look if there are some issues with your tyre if
01:19some tyre is damaged in some way then you should get it changed because let me tell
01:24you that the tyre is the only point of contact between the road and the car so that is the
01:30number one safety thing that you should take care of and I think checking the tyres is
01:35a very very good thing apart from that not only you should check the treads you should
01:41check the sidewalls but you should also check the air that you're filling in the tyre and
01:48air pressure is very important when you are travelling so if for example this car that
01:55we are sitting in this is the Creta N line and if you just open the door from here below
02:00there is a chart now in that tyre pressure chart it's written that if you're two people
02:06travelling then the tyre pressure can be 33 psi but if you are four people travelling
02:11along with luggage then the recommended tyre pressure is around 35 psi and I think you
02:17should follow what has been given by the manufacturer because they have tested it out
02:22in various conditions with the load with everything and also when is the right time to fill your
02:27car with air so the chart that you see over here now the pressure that is written is cold
02:33tyre pressure now what is cold tyre pressure so cold tyre pressure is basically when your
02:37car has stopped for overnight you have parked it and the next day in the morning when you
02:43go out is when your tyres are cold the air is not expanded inside the tyre and that is
02:49the time you should fill the tyre with the correct amount of air that has been recommended
02:54by a manufacturer now some pumps I would like to mention that they don't have a correct
02:59tyre pressure like it's not calibrated correctly so you should have a pump of your own or maybe
03:05a pressure gauge a tyre pressure gauge of your own so after filling if there is a lot
03:09of pressure because if it's recommended 33 some pumps after filling it can go up to 34 and 35 so
03:15just after the fill you can just move out and you can just deflate your tyres or if there is
03:20slightly more pressure required and if it's and if it's not filled up to the mark then you can
03:24again like come and tell them to fill like one or two psi more so first thing is to take care of
03:31your tyres now the next thing that I would like to mention is that since we're going on a road
03:42trip visibility is very important and for that what you have to do is you have to check your
03:49wiper fluid the tank that is there inside the hood that obviously sprays water on your windshield
03:56now that has to be full because when you're going on a road trip obviously if you're cruising on the
04:01highway there will be some bugs some debris dirt that come and stick onto your windshield now
04:06regular water can get them off but if you have a proper wiper fluid that has been recommended by
04:13the brand or some other brand but typically for the car and typically for your wipers
04:18you should definitely fill that up because again that is a very important thing you should not use
04:25soap or shampoo like some people have been using and I know of some people and I have mentioned it
04:31to them as well so what happens is that when you mix water with shampoo or soap after some time
04:36when you park the car that chemical basically separates and it settles down below the tank now
04:41what will happen is that over time either it will clog the motor that is pressurizing the water out
04:48and if you damage the motor then you have to pay and get a new one there is no repairing for that
04:53motor it's a small motor but yeah a proper wiper washer fluid is what is required so
05:00that is another point you should take care of
05:05now the third thing is fuel now once again obviously if you're driving a petrol vehicle
05:11now this is the radar line so this is a petrol vehicle and I always recommend Indian oil because
05:18they have obviously I fill some of my cars with XP95 as well but regular fuel is also good now
05:25what happens is that some people I have seen that they will fill the tank up to the brim now that
05:30is really not required and especially if the climate outside is really hot you are in some
05:35really really hot climate especially in India during peak summers what happens is that the if
05:40you fill it to the brim obviously there is a valve on the cap that goes on top but if you don't have
05:47that what happens when the car moves the there is gas that has been created because of the movement
05:53and because of the heat and it needs to escape now obviously nothing will happen but I mean the fuel
05:59pump will come under load and is that is the time when you have to just put in your if you're going
06:05for a full tank what you can do is just tell them to fill it till your first cut so whenever the cut
06:12happens you should know that obviously your tank is full little more than that is fine but I have
06:17seen many people just shake the car and until it just starts overflowing well that is really really
06:23not necessary so yeah fuel and also you should notice that the density of petrol since we're
06:29talking about a petrol car I'll be telling you that the density of petrol should be between 710
06:34and 790 now the pump that I fill in usually has around 739 so it is nice if you go on a hill
06:42station obviously density will be slightly higher and a higher density is always better it should
06:47not go below the recommended lower density that is 710. Also the fourth tip is when you are leaving
06:55for a road trip so first thing before leaving or a day before that you should do one thing you should
07:01open your hood and you should take out the dipstick and while you're taking out the dipstick
07:05you should be careful you should have a cloth wipe the dipstick completely dip it back again
07:09and take out and see if your oil level that is the engine oil level is up to the recommended mark
07:15now sometimes what happens that we don't usually there is some sort of leak where people slightly
07:21neglect it it is not physically visible to the eyes but it is happening on the inside or maybe
07:27some engine oil is burning due to some wear and tear and that is when you will have a little less
07:32level on the dipstick and that is when you should either refill it or and first thing is you should
07:38go get your car checked if not if you're in a hurry then you should definitely carry some oil
07:44in reserve and you should top it up other than that if you are going for a long trip again a
07:49recommended thing is that you should get your air filter checked once engine air filter is because
07:56if you're going on a highway and for example if you are doing a service and 10,000 kilometers
08:01now what will happen is that if you have already driven five to six thousand kilometers if you've
08:05driven through dusty environment and some roads that have a lot of dust and debris now there is a
08:11possibility that obviously your air filter might be slightly clogged so the best thing is before
08:15you go to a road trip is either take it out best way is to get a pressurized air pressurized gun
08:20and just just blow air on it so that the dust whatever dust is there can just come out other
08:27than that if you don't have a air gun you can slightly tap it either on the wall or on the
08:31floor a flat surface a clean surface and you will see that some amount of dust will fall off and when
08:36you do that that is when your air filter will be slightly more cleaner giving you a better fuel
08:42efficiency because obviously a better airflow means slightly more power and better fuel efficiency so
08:48you will have a advantage if you're going on a road trip if you do all of that a few tips to
08:57end the video is that you should always carry like a very clean cloth over here like you see
09:02this is like a microfiber cloth and you should generally have this not to clean the outside of
09:07the car but to clean the windscreens because sometimes as I mentioned your wiper fluid
09:12might not clean the entire windshield so you should have a nice cloth where you can just
09:16just put some water on it and you can wipe it yourself obviously if you have a nice cloth you
09:21don't want to spoil it and clean the mud off the body you should have a separate cloth for that
09:25but visibility wise you should have a cloth maybe there is fogging inside so you should
09:29have a clean cloth where you can clean the windshield or the IRVM from inside or the ORVMs
09:34if the visibility is less so next time when you're going for a road trip you should definitely check
09:39these things out and I think before going to a road trip it is very necessary to thoroughly
09:45check up your vehicles and I also forgot to mention one thing you should definitely check
09:49out your lights once headlights taillights indicators everything should be working so
09:55whenever you're going for a next road trip you should please check all of this before you do
09:59that and you will have a safe and lovely road trip I hope you enjoyed this video if you liked
10:04it please give it a thumbs up share and subscribe to all our social media channels I'm Prameet
10:08signing out see you next time thank you so much for watching take care be safe and drive safe
