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Name City: El Dorado
Time Period: Pre-Columbian era
Century: 16th century
Located: Believed to be in South America, near Colombia or Venezuela
End of Empire, Year, and Lost in History: Never proven to exist
Reason for Collapse: Likely a myth created by Spanish explorers

10 Facts:
"El Dorado" means "The Golden One."
Originally, it referred to a king covered in gold, not a city.
European explorers searched for El Dorado for centuries.
Many expeditions ended in failure and death.
The legend caused Spanish explorers to map South America.
The Muisca people performed a ritual covering their leader in gold dust.
Some believe the legend was based on real gold-rich cities.
The search led to the discovery of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.
Lake Guatita in Colombia is linked to the myth.
No evidence of a real "golden city" has ever been found.

10 Legends:
The city was made entirely of gold.
El Dorado held an endless supply of treasure.
The Spanish destroyed it before leaving South America.
It had streets paved with gold.
Its people had supernatural abilities.
A curse would strike those who found El Dorado.
Hidden tunnels led to underground treasure vaults.
A great flood swallowed El Dorado.
The Incas knew the city's location but kept it secret.
The city still exists but is hidden by magic.

10 Myths:
It was home to immortal beings.
The city's gold was from outer space.
A secret map exists leading to El Dorado.
It was guarded by giant snakes.
The Spanish found it but covered it up.
The gold turned into dust when touched.
It could only be entered by the pure-hearted.
It lay at the bottom of Lake Parime.
The treasure is buried deep in the Amazon.
It was built by an ancient alien race.
#HistoriesSecret , #ElDorado, #LostCityOfGold, #HistoryMysteries, #AncientCivilizations, #MythicalCities, #SouthAmericanHistory, #GoldLegend, #HistoricalMysteries, #Exploration, #Conquistadors, #AncientRuins, #Mythology, #Archaeology, #HiddenTreasures, #LegendaryCities, #HistoricalLegends, #MysteriousPlaces, #AncientGold, #EpicHistory, #UnsolvedMysteries.


