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नई दिल्ली: प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने देश के मध्यमवर्ग और नौकरीपेशा लोगों को जबरदस्त तोहफा दिया है। वर्ष 2025-26 के बजट में 12 लाख रुपये तक की इनकम को टैक्स फ्री कर दिया गया है। आज लोकसभा में बजट पेश करते हुए वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने इसका ऐलान किया है। आपको बता दें कि पिछल दस वर्षों के दौरान मोदी सरकार का यह देशवासियों को सबसे बड़ा उपहार है। तीसरे टर्म में प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की सरकार की तरफ से देशवासी किसी बड़े ऐलान की उम्मीद कर रहे थे, लेकिन यह ऐलान इतना बड़ा होगा, इसकी किसी को भी उम्मीद नहीं थी। वर्ष 2014 में जब पीएम मोदी ने देश की बागडोर संभाली थी, तब ढाई लाख रुपये की आय टैक्स फ्री होती थी, जिसे दस वर्षों में बढ़ाकर 12 लाख कर दिया गया है। यानी इसमें लगभग पांच गुना बढ़ोतरी की गई है। मोदी सरकार के इस ऐलान से हर खासो-आम खुश है और दिल खोलकर प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की तारीफ कर रहा है।

#unionbudget2025-26 #unionbudget #financeminister #nirmalasitharaman #pmnarendramodi #pmmodispeech


00:00Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a great gift to the middle class and job seekers of the country.
00:08In the budget of 2025-2026, the Modi government tax-freed the income of up to Rs. 12 lakhs.
00:17Today, while presenting the budget in the Lok Sabha, Vice-Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced it.
00:24Let me tell you that during the past 10 years, this is the biggest gift of the Modi government to the people of the country.
00:31In the third term, the people of the country were expecting a big announcement from the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
00:40But no one expected this announcement to be so big.
00:44While reading his budget speech, when the Vice-Minister announced the release of the bumper in Ayakar, the entire government seemed to be expressing its happiness for a long time.
01:14This government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, has always believed in the admirable energy and ability of the middle class in nation building.
01:25In recognition of their contribution, we have periodically reduced their tax burden.
01:38Right after 2014, the nil tax slab was raised to Rs. 2.5 lakhs, which was further raised to Rs. 5 lakhs in 2019 and to Rs. 7 lakhs in 2023.
01:54This is reflective of our government's trust on the middle class taxpayers.
02:00I am now happy to announce that there will be no income tax payable up to income of Rs. 12 lakhs.
02:10If we take a look at the income tax relief provided to the people of the country by the Modi government in the last 10 years,
02:20then in 2014, when PM Modi took charge of the country, the income tax of Rs. 2.5 lakhs was free, which has been increased to Rs. 12 lakhs in 10 years.
02:32That is, it has been increased by about 5 times.
02:37People were talking about 7 to 8, 10, but 7 to 12 is a very good number.
02:42And because of this, the losses of Rs. 1 lakh crore in revenue will be in the hands of the people.
02:50That is, if the consumption of Rs. 1 lakh crore increases, then I do not know how much overall impact it has.
02:58That is a very good thing.
03:00Because it is not only the benefit of the middle class, it is also of the industry.
03:04If the middle class consumes, then the production of the industry will expand.
03:11If production expands, then our private sector will invest in CapEx.
03:16Now the government's CapEx is more, the private sector's is less.
03:20So I think if consumption increases, then the private sector's CapEx will also increase.
03:24And if consumption increases, then gradually the business of MSMEs will also increase.
03:29If the business of MSMEs increases, then the income of more people will increase.
03:33So a positive cycle will be created under this budget.
03:37Today's budget, as Sita Raman ji said, started with knowledge.
03:43That it is for the poor, it is for women, it is for education and it is for farmers.
03:51So they have covered everything to some extent.
03:55And as far as we are talking, they have talked about a lot of relaxation for the workers, up to Rs. 12 lakhs.
04:02When they talk about the tax-free slab, then the middleman gets a lot of benefit from it.
04:07So looking at this, the tax-free government has done up to Rs. 12 lakhs for the middle class.
04:15This will prove to be very good for the growth of GDP.
04:18So this is a very good measure because the middle class is the largest consumer section of the country.
04:25The middle class will get a lot of benefit from the Rs. 12 lakhs.
04:31And the taxes that were increasing will now be reduced.
04:36The tax slab that we used to get will now be reduced.
04:40So the middle class will get a lot of benefit from this.
04:43People had expectations from the government.
04:46And the government seemed to be moving away from the people.
04:50Especially the service workers, the service class, they are moving away from them.
04:55But this time, I think the minister had decided that the service workers will get relief from this.
05:05People will get a lot of relief from this.
05:07People who have taken loans, education loans, they will also benefit.
05:13Because people used to collect all the documents from all the places to pay the tax.
05:17That used to be a very difficult task.
05:19But this time, we all want to thank the ex-minister.
05:24Thank you very much to respected Modi ji.
05:29In order to benefit the creditors, the income tax slab and the rates of tax have also been changed.
05:35In the new tax regime, the tax on income up to Rs. 4 lakhs will be zero.
05:41On the income of Rs 4 lakhs to 8 lakhs, 5% tax, on the income of 8 lakhs to 12 lakhs, 10% tax.
05:49And 15% tax on the income of 12 lakhs to 16 lakhs.
05:54On the income of Rs 16 lakhs to 20 lakhs, 20% tax.
05:57On the income of Rs 20 lakhs to 24 lakhs, 25% tax.
06:01And on the income of 24 lakhs to above, 30% tax has been proposed.
06:07In addition to this, people in the job market will also get a standard tax deduction of Rs 75,000.
06:16If we add it up, then those who get an annual salary of Rs 12,75,000 will not have to pay any tax.
06:24After this change, those with an annual income of Rs 12,00,000 will get Rs 80,000 every year,
06:30those with an income of Rs 18,00,000 will get Rs 70,000 and those with an income of Rs 25,00,000 will save Rs 1,10,000.
06:40Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has not made any changes to the old tax regime.
06:45As before, there is no need to pay any tax on an annual income of Rs 5,00,000.
06:51In addition to this, the central government has increased the limit of TDS from Rs 50,000 to Rs 100,000 for senior citizens.
