• last month


00:00Namaskar, friends. My name is Sunil Tripathi.
00:03I have just received a news through media and my friends
00:08in which I would like to give you an explanation about the allegations
00:12that have been made against me by Jessie Gayatri's director Payal Modi.
00:16Jessie Gayatri, I joined GM Operations in 2017.
00:20Before that, I used to serve as a consultant there.
00:23I was influenced by her and she joined me.
00:27After joining, I helped her grow in her business.
00:33Because she was controlled by a Modi family.
00:36Her father used to sit in the factory.
00:38Her father used to look after the factory.
00:41So, everything was focused on my business.
00:44And I used to add a lot of export and domestic buyers to her.
00:48Because I got to know through the employees there
00:51that at night, the tankers of the palm oil are empty.
00:55And in the meantime, she made me a nominee in a lot of things
00:59through a conference held by Mr. Modi.
01:01FSI, EIA, BIS and Factory Rec.
01:06She made me a nominee in a lot of things.
01:08So, I was very scared that I have become a nominee.
01:12What kind of things are these?
01:14Later, I came to know that this is a game of mix-ups.
01:18I had a hard-disk with me during the time of income tax
01:24in which I saw a lot of oil bills, a lot of things purchased by the company
01:31which proves that the company is involved in all these things.
01:35For this, when I complained to her many times,
01:37she assured me and silenced me.
01:40And when I discussed her resignation, she threatened me.
01:45In the meantime, I left the company.
01:49Because there was a game of mix-ups like this there.
01:54When I was in the company, I also saw that
01:58when such complaints were made by foreign traders,
02:03they were told through a promotion that you give a promotion and silence them.
02:09We have given promotions in many countries.
02:13I came to know later that this promotion was done by them to hide their adulteration.
02:19When I left the company, I was accused by Kishan Dori.
02:24And he also threatened me that I will get your family involved in a false case.
02:29And this happened, friends.
02:31When I left the company,
02:33the D.O. and the Home Minister of Dubai were complained about their mix-ups.
02:43And a few days after that, the FIR was raised against us.
02:47In the process of anticipating the FIR, I was caught by the police and sent to jail.
02:54I will tell you how Kishan Modi showed me a photo in jail.
03:00In this photo, you will see that Kishan Modi took a photo of me and all my relatives from the police station.
03:09His entire intention was to take a photo from the police station and scare everyone.
03:14And he scared my family a lot.
03:17I cannot tell you how much he scared my family.
03:20He scared everyone.
03:22And the police made me sign on a plain paper.
03:25And he forced me to sign on that paper.
03:28And after that, he wrote a false story and tried to frame all my friends, people from my company, and my family.
03:41And he did not spare anyone.
03:45And he used to come to meet me in jail.
03:48He used to threaten me.
03:50And he used to give me a lot of threats.
03:52He is such a liar, friends.
03:55What can I tell you?
03:57He put my house, my family, everywhere in the media, in the news.
04:01He put my photo and in this way he terrorized my family.
04:04My mother was also fired.
04:06Because when she found out that I went to jail,
04:10and was trapped by him,
04:12what can I tell you?
04:14I am sad today that I do not have a father.
04:17And I could not give my mother time.
04:19I could not even reach her last rites.
04:21What can I tell you more than this?
04:23Because everything was done by Kishan Modi.
04:28And today he is acting like this.
04:31Let me tell you, when the income tax was being printed in the company,
04:34he used to act and make excuses.
04:37The way he is talking today,
04:39what his family is saying,
04:41if he is right, he will do the investigation.
04:43He will support the investigation.
04:45If he is right, who can trap him?
04:47Because he is wrong, he is a liar.
04:49He diverted the money,
04:51I have all the details of his every action,
04:53which I will share with you.
04:55I would also like to show you,
04:57how when I was in police custody,
05:02how I will face him.
05:04I will give you the complete audio, but listen a little.
05:06You will have to work for 3-4 days.
05:09Because his statements will be written.
05:11There is no issue of Barish Sharma in this.
05:13Barish Sharma was just buying goods from me.
05:16And the discount I gave him,
05:18I gave him the discount because
05:20there was a problem with the price.
05:22Let me tell you, actually the truth is the same.
05:25I did not steal anything.
05:27That is what I am telling you.
05:29If you do not take it,
05:31then I will not get this statement written.
05:33I will get his statements written.
05:36So you have to go inside.
05:38This is the third thing.
05:40This is what I have put in the report.
05:42So I am telling you,
05:44I will make you do it.
05:46Your lawyer will come,
05:48you will have to do it in front of me.
05:50But I need the payment in 3-4 days.
05:52Because as long as he is in remand,
05:54he will not be able to do anything after that.
05:56The police will do whatever they want.
05:58And there is no one who can take your statement and save you.
06:00So he can only do robbery,
06:02and the robbery area is inside.
06:04So you will have to do it in 3-4 days.
06:06And I will meet him.
06:08Let me do one thing.
06:10I will call my lawyer.
06:12He will talk to you.
06:14If he comes to Bhopal,
06:16he will come to Bhopal.
06:18Yes, he will come.
06:20He will meet the inspection officer.
06:22He will tell you how to talk to him.
06:24He will explain it to you.
06:26Okay, I will talk to him.
06:28I will talk to him.
06:30But you said you will have to pay the police.
06:32I will give you the money.
06:34I will give you whatever I have.
06:36I will not ask you for the money.
06:38I will give you the money.
06:40I will take it.
06:42Friends, you can see and hear.
06:44In this way,
06:46he misleads people in the name of administration.
06:48And he has his power.
06:50Because of the money,
06:52in this way,
06:54he plays games with everyone.
06:56Friends, in this regard,
06:58I would like to tell you further.
07:00During the printing of UWK,
07:0262 fake lab certificates were obtained.
07:06As soon as Gayatri used it,
07:08she exported dairy products worth more than 100 crores.
07:12She exported below-tie dairy products.
07:16And when all this came to light in the investigation,
07:20she killed one of her employees.
07:24If her employees,
07:26whom she killed,
07:28leave their jobs,
07:30who made the first lab report of 2024?
07:32This is the subject of the investigation.
07:34And what does he do?
07:36He plays victim cards.
07:38For example, his wife played a victim card
07:40and made a mistake.
07:44he is making a mistake
07:46by accusing her.
07:48This is his job.
07:50I would not like to say anything about this.
07:52I would like to say that if he is truthful,
07:54then he should help in the investigation.
07:56Because I have complete faith
07:58that after the investigation,
08:00all the truth will be revealed.
08:02How he is exporting
08:04below-tie dairy products.
08:06How he is selling.
08:08All this will be revealed.
08:10The entire balance sheet of his account
08:12should be investigated.
08:14If FSI, GST, income tax
08:16are investigated together,
08:18then the whole story will be understood.
08:20There should be a forensic investigation
08:22in which everything will be understood.
08:24This is all for today.
08:26I have many more facts.
08:28I will bring them.
