• last month
Armed with The Airshot Pro hairdryer and The New Original Iron straighteners and the Magical Remedy conditioner and Magical Quick Dry Potion, I wanted to see if I really could see improvements by switching up my haircare routine.
00:00Hi, I'm Jamie Jones, editor at National World,
00:03and today I'm going to be talking about hair,
00:05perimenopausal hair, in fact.
00:07So for women who, like me, have reached their 40s
00:11and noticed their hair is thinning, perhaps drying,
00:13having all of those horrible effects
00:15that you get at this time of life,
00:18I'm gonna be having a look at some of the products
00:21that Cloud9 are offering.
00:24Their products are specifically designed
00:26to reduce heat damage in your hair
00:28and hopefully combat some of those effects
00:31that are happening now.
00:34So I'll be opening these up, giving them a go,
00:38and I'll let you know if they do what they promise.
00:42So the first thing, I've got the original iron,
00:48styling iron.
00:49So this comes really nicely boxed
00:52and comes complete with its own handy little bag
00:57to pop it in.
00:59All nicely protected.
01:00I'll take that off so you can see that properly.
01:04There we go.
01:06It's pretty swanky.
01:14This is what they look like.
01:15So you've got the protective cover there
01:20for while you're using them.
01:24And they look pretty nice.
01:28I've got very fine hair,
01:29so heat styling does seem to have a big impact on it.
01:37Hopefully that will help.
01:39And also the Cloud9, the AirShot Pro hair dryer.
01:47Now, if you're anything like me,
01:49you will just have a hair dryer,
01:50have it on its normal,
01:52whatever the setting it comes with,
01:53either high or low, and just blast it.
01:56Now, apparently that's not good for your hair.
01:58And Cloud9 offer a temperature calculator
02:03where you can put in all the details about your hair
02:05and know what temperature to style your hair at.
02:08And I have done that already,
02:11so I know what to do with this when I get going.
02:16Again, it's looking very swanky.
02:19It's not like a normal hair dryer.
02:23There's the close-up of the button.
02:26So that looks really, really good.
02:28So hopefully it is effective as it is attractive.
02:32I've also opted for these two products.
02:36This is a leave-in conditioner
02:38where you can just use a pea-sized amount
02:40and leave that in for shiny locks.
02:43But also you can use it as an intensive treatment,
02:49slather it in it, and leave it on 15 minutes
02:52to use it as a treatment.
02:56That's the magical remedy there.
02:58And also the magical quick-dry potion looks really cool.
03:05You've got to shake it up to activate it,
03:07mix all of those goodies together,
03:10but that's going to look really cool
03:11on the dressing table anyway.
03:13And that not only protects your hair against heat,
03:16but it should also help speed up the drying,
03:21which means less heat on your hair.
03:24So we're going to give those a go.
03:28I'll come back and let you know how I got on.
03:30I'm going to give those a go.
03:31I'll come back and let you know how I got on.
04:00And I'm back.
04:01So I've used all of the Cloud9 products for the first time.
04:04And I have to say, I'm pretty impressed.
04:07There's no frizz.
04:08That feels really smooth, shiny, and healthy.
04:11And I'm going to give those a go.
04:14I'll come back and let you know how I got on.
04:17I'm going to give those a go.
04:19And I'm back.
04:20So I've used all of the Cloud9 products for the first time.
04:23And I have to say, I'm pretty impressed.
04:26There's no frizz.
04:29And, yeah, without using the hairdryer and the hair straightener,
04:35before even using that,
04:38using these two products genuinely made my hair feel much smoother
04:46and not frizzy.
04:49The hairdryer is really quick.
04:52It does say it can cut hair drying time in half.
04:55I have to say, my hair never took an age to dry because it's quite fine.
04:59But it definitely felt like it took a lot less time,
05:02which has got to be better for hair health if it takes less time to dry.
05:09And just blow-drying it, it was definitely smoother,
05:15less of a frizz ball than it usually is.
05:20And then I occasionally also straighten.
05:24So I used the straighteners today just to see what the overall effect was
05:32with using all of the products.
05:36And, honestly, it doesn't feel like it was frazzling my hair.
05:39I was able to adjust the temperature to the temperature it suggested
05:43on the calculator on the website.
05:46And, yeah, that is not bad at all.
05:50So, yeah, definitely recommend if you're in your 40s,
05:55you're finding that your hair, it does feel drier than it used to.
06:01It would be worth giving these products a go.
06:05I used this, as mentioned earlier,
06:09the Magical Remedy can be used just before styling
06:15or rather just before blow-drying
06:18or it can be used as an intense treatment.
06:21I used it today as a treatment.
06:24So I left it on for 15 minutes and then rinsed out.
06:29And straight away, even wet, my hair felt a lot more or a lot less dry.
06:37So that's definitely worth it.
06:39And then, as mentioned, this one really did help cut the drying time.
06:43It all smells lovely as well.
06:45So you kind of smell like you've been to the hairdressers, which is nice.
06:48Yeah, so really impressed.
06:51And will definitely keep using the Cloud9 products now
06:55to keep my hair nice and shiny.
