• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolto nel salone dei 500 di Palazzo vecchio a Firenze, l'evento di celebrazione della Giornata Nazionale delle vittime civili delle guerre e dei conflitti nel mondo, giunta all'ottava edizione. La giornata, che si celebra il 1° febbraio di ogni anno, è stata voluta dall’Associazione Nazionale Vittime Civili di Guerra per conservare la memoria dei conflitti del passato e per attirare l’attenzione sul dramma che vivono i civili nei teatri di guerra contemporanei.


00:00It took place in the Salone dei Cinquecento of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, the celebration event of the National Day of Civil Victims of War and Conflicts in the World, reached the eighth edition.
00:15The day, which is celebrated on February 1 of each year, was wanted by the National Association of Civil Victims of War to preserve the memory of the conflicts of the past and to draw attention to the drama experienced by civilians in contemporary war theaters.
00:30This is a day of tremendous authority, if we think about it, in remembering the victims of civil war, the civilians themselves, who are the ones who in fact pay the highest price in this moment of war.
00:45We see it close to us, in the neighboring countries, which are the ones we feel the most, and then in other parts of the world.
00:55In the morning, the winners of the scholastic competition organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit were awarded.
01:03Then the thirteenth edition of the Atlantic of Wars and Conflicts in the World was presented, an annual update of contemporary wars, in which the association collaborates through the Observatory, its own international research center, on civil victims in conflicts.
01:19Today we bring a testimony, a presence with the boys of the schools, involving the municipalities of Italy. Today we will predict the work of the boys of the schools, because we think that the message brought by the boys of the schools is important and fundamental.
01:36This is already the seventh competition and therefore they are very important precisely to convey this knowledge and this awareness of the importance of honoring the victims of civil wars.
