• letzten Monat
Vor einem Treffen mit US-Präsident Donald Trump in Washington hat der israelische Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu erklärt, er werde zusammen mit Trump die Landkarte des Nahen Ostens komplett neu ordnen.


00:00I'm leaving for a very important meeting with President Trump in Washington.
00:05The fact that this would be President Trump's first meeting with a foreign leader since his inauguration is telling.
00:13I think it's a testimony to the strength of the Israeli-American alliance.
00:17It's also a testimony to the strength of our personal friendship.
00:21The decisions we made in the war have already changed the face of the Middle East.
00:25Our decisions and the courage of our soldiers have redrawn the map.
00:30But I believe that working closely with President Trump, we can redraw it even further and for the better.
00:36I believe that we can strengthen security, broaden the circle of peace and achieve a remarkable era of peace through Spain.
