• el mes pasado
Asegura que el gobierno estadounidense es “fascita”
00:00Bueno, mi gente, aquí estoy, Luis Guzmán,
00:06and I want to express some things today
00:11that are going on towards our community.
00:16First of all, I want to say I'm brown and I'm proud.
00:24I'm brown and I'm proud.
00:27I'm proud of many people in our community.
00:31We are hardworking people.
00:34We go to church.
00:36We raise our kids right.
00:39We work, we work, we work.
00:46And what is happening right now, it's absolutely terrible.
00:54It's racist.
00:57It's downright humiliating.
01:05And again, I'm just pretty devastated.
01:09You know what?
01:10Just to think of this idea that now,
01:14because if you're a brown person, it doesn't matter
01:17if you're born here, born there, wherever.
01:20You're a U.S. citizen and you're brown,
01:24you got to walk around with ID
01:28to prove who you are and where you come from.
01:32And the only place I ever know that that happened
01:36was in Nazi Germany,
01:39where Jews had to walk around with IDs,
01:45with tattoos, numbers.
01:55And this country has regressed.
02:01We're living in a fascist state, people.
02:05And they are targeting our people in our community.
02:13And for those that don't understand this,
02:18you will show up to work
02:21and notice that some of your co-workers are not there.
02:24Your co-workers who you went to their children's baptism,
02:29communion, or they went to your children's baptism
02:33and communion, that you knew were hardworking,
02:37good people, buena gente.
02:44The reason I'm saying this is because we as a community,
02:48we are a big, big community in this country.
02:52And you know what?
02:54There are divisions within our community, granted.
03:01But I also believe that we can unify all together
03:08and fight this and put up the good fight
03:12because it's who we are.
03:15You know, I'm disappointed.
03:17I'm disappointed with
03:23members of certain churches
03:30who are some of the biggest hypocrites,
03:35who quote the lovely Bible
03:42and contradict it.
03:44Contradict it.
03:46Love thy neighbor.
03:49I took in a stranger.
03:53So many quotes that I contradicted.
03:59You know, if it's not in your heart, what's your purpose?
04:06Brown and proud.
04:10Proud of my people.
04:13Yo soy boricua.
04:15But I have friends who are
04:18dominicano, cubano, mexicano, colombiano,
04:22de Venezuela, de Perú, de Panamá,
04:27de Guatemala, de El Salvador, Argentina,
04:31y sigue, y sigue, y sigue.
04:33Somos buena gente.
04:35We're good people.
04:37We bust our ass.
04:38We work hard.
04:40We work hard to put a roof over our family's head,
04:45put food on the table.
04:48We're not all criminals.
04:50And mind you,
04:54this country of ours is being led by one.
04:59What a contradiction, huh?
05:03But I say this.
05:05Let's rise up, people.
05:08Let's stick together.
05:09Let's look out for each other.
05:11Because, you know, no matter what, I make this statement,
05:14I'm sure that all these hypocrites and stuff,
05:19but they will flip in a minute
05:22if they were the ones that were being persecuted
05:26for being good people,
05:29for working hard,
05:32for contributing to their community.
05:35This is blatant racism.
05:39This is blatant racism.
05:41This is blatant racism.
05:46That's all I can say.
05:48We are good people.
05:51We're down and proud.
05:53We raise our children right.
05:55We take pride in who we are.
05:57We take pride in our work,
05:59showing up to work every day, on time,
06:03going on beyond the call of duty.
06:06We raise our children so they can get a good education,
06:11so they can make a good contribution to our community.
06:16We are good examples.
06:19We are damn good examples.
06:21You know?
06:23I'm not going to deal with the hypocrites.
06:25I'm going to deal with the good people.
06:27And to tell you all, please,
06:30stick together.
06:32Look out for one another.
06:34You know?
06:35Because like I said,
06:37the idea that we, all of us,
06:41have to walk around with IDs.
06:46How many Boricuas have been picked up?
06:52You know?
06:54But it's not only Boricuas, like I said.
06:57It's across the board, the whole Latin race.
07:01Are they talking about sending immigrants to Guantanamo Bay?
07:07You know?
07:09That's a concentration camp.
07:12That's a concentration camp for terrorists.
07:17Latinos are not terrorists.
07:20Latinos that come to this country don't come as terrorists.
07:25They come to make a living.
07:27They come to make a contribution to this country.
07:31You know?
07:32The priorities in this country, at this moment, at this time,
07:36are absolutely wrong.
07:40You know?
07:41This election happened.
07:43People stayed on the sidelines.
07:46This is the consequences.
07:48This is the consequences.
07:51You know?
07:53Racism is a consequence of staying on the sidelines.
07:59This mass deportation is the consequences of staying on the sidelines.
08:07Las familias que han vivido aquí 20, 30, 40 años,
08:13que han sido deportadas,
08:15estas son las consecuencias de quedarse en las esquinas.
08:20Fieras y orgullosas hasta el día en que muera.
08:23Y yo ayudaré a mis pueblos,
08:25y estaré ahí para nuestros pueblos,
08:27porque sé que mis pueblos estarán ahí para mí.
08:34Bob Marley lo dijo.
08:39Quédense por sus derechos.
08:44Nuestro Benito,
08:46que es Bad Bunny,
08:49está haciendo unas hermosas declaraciones con su música
08:52en nombre de nuestros pueblos.
08:56Vamos a unirnos, hombre.
08:59Hagamos lo correcto.
09:02Hagamos lo correcto por nuestra comunidad.
09:06No más quedarnos en las esquinas.
09:09Y a los hipócritas,
09:13sí, se los llevaron.
09:16Muy mal.
09:19Pero te lo digo.
09:21Tienes todo el derecho de cambiar tu mente.
09:24Tienes todo el derecho de decir,
09:25wow, mis vecinos son buenos.
09:28¿Por qué tuvieron que suceder con ellos?
09:32Hacemos las elecciones.
09:33A veces no hacemos las mejores elecciones.
09:35Pero escuchen.
09:38En la unidad hay fuerza.
09:40Vamos a unirnos, mi gente.
09:43Me gustaría que todos compartieran esto,
09:47porque necesitamos tanto apoyo
09:49de cada uno
09:51por cada uno
09:53por nuestra comunidad.
09:55Somos buena gente.
09:59¿Sabes qué?
10:01Si te encuentras en algún lugar
10:03y de repente hablas español,
10:05eres un objetivo.
10:08Eres un objetivo.
10:12¿Por qué?
10:14Porque somos negros.
10:16El racismo es real.
10:19Y así es el fascismo.
10:21Y está sucediendo
10:23justo antes de nuestros ojos.
10:26Aquí, en Living Color.
10:31Párate, gente.
10:35Párate por las familias,
10:37las familias que trabajan duro
10:39que ponen comida en nuestras tablas.
10:43Párate por esas jóvenes
10:45que van a la universidad
10:47para tener una vida mejor.
10:50La gente no viene aquí para recoger el bienestar.
10:54La gente viene aquí para trabajar,
10:56para tener una vida mejor,
10:58para tomar trabajos
11:00que la gente de aquí no hará.
11:07Y mira lo que está sucediendo.
11:09¿Sabes qué?
11:10Me pongo en la frontera.
11:14Tengo mucho que ganar,
11:16porque no estoy perdiendo.
11:18No, no voy a estar en las fronteras.
11:20Voy a ser una voz.
11:23Y todos esos otros que están ahí,
11:25sean esa voz.
11:27Sean esa voz, por favor.
11:29Necesitamos más voces.
11:32Necesitamos gente que esté ahí.
11:35Porque, como dije,
11:36somos gente buena, hombre.
11:38Queremos tener una buena vida.
11:41Soy ciudadano.
11:42No debería estar
11:44haciendo este...
11:46este comentario,
11:47pero lo estoy
11:49por la injusticia
11:52que está pasando hoy.
11:55No puedo creer
11:57cómo hemos regresado
12:07Eso es todo lo que realmente tengo que decir ahora.
12:10Habré más cuando el momento esté correcto.
12:13Pero por ahora,
12:15Brown and Proud,
12:16estaremos juntos.
12:18Estaremos por nuestros derechos.
12:20Somos buena gente.
12:22Por favor.
12:24Por favor.
12:29en la solidaridad.
12:32¿De acuerdo?
12:33En la solidaridad, gente.
12:35Porque así somos.
12:39Dios es bueno.
12:41El verdadero Dios.
12:43No es el hipocritico.
12:48Te amo.
12:50Te amo a todas
12:52nuestras buenas personas.
12:54Dios me lo bendiga a todos.
12:56Adelante, gente.
12:58La lucha
