• le mois dernier
Nicolás Massú, Christian Garin... les Chiliens après le couac en fin de rencontre Belgique-Chili en Davis Cup.

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00:00What can I say, I mean, I just said in Spanish, I mean, we are affected totally.
00:10You are playing, you are fighting for yesterday, today, you arrived one week before, trying
00:14to do your best and then it's painful to see that the neutral doctor from this time, did
00:24you saw if he asked, check Christian the eye, let's go outside, let's see if he can see
00:31or not.
00:32They were only focused to continue the show, zero, zero analysis of Christian, zero, zero,
00:41because it's one game or one title, very close to finish the match, let's put the show like
00:48what happened, what happened, if he cannot see, if he's affected, do you imagine Christian
00:55going out from that bench to go to play the next four points, do you think that he will
01:00play normal, do you think that he will play like focused, it doesn't matter if he's 1-1
01:06in the third set or 2-2 or 5-6, it doesn't matter, he didn't do anything wrong, he was
01:14going to sit and he was like, he had like a hit in the eye and that's the situation,
01:22but why they try to push to continue if he's not able to play, this I don't get it and
01:31now we are affected, because we are out, we are eliminated, what we do wrong, what we
01:39do wrong, I don't understand.
01:43It's terrible, I mean things happen sometimes, but there's rules, I know that it's Sunday
01:53night and we need to continue, but what happens if one player cannot continue, he didn't do
01:59anything wrong, and one more thing, from where is the doctor, why he didn't check on him,
02:07I don't get it, I talked to the president of the federation, our doctor, the rules,
02:13there's one neutral doctor, you need to check the player, you are journalist, you are from
02:20here, you follow tennis, zero action from the doctor from here, the neutral doctor,
02:25zero, zero.
02:28Everybody saw the hit, this is tennis, you cannot hit one another, even if it's, I don't
02:35know, if you don't want to, but if you hit someone in the eye and he fails, cannot see,
02:43feels dizzy, it's not acceptable.
02:49Are you planning to do an official complaint?
02:52For sure, for sure, because first of all, like I said, I repeat again, the steps to
03:04follow the match, doctor check, if he's able to play, it doesn't matter if you are playing
03:11in Chile, Belgium, Europe, follow the rules, if you go back to all the situations that
03:17happened on the history of tennis, check sometimes, maybe it's an accident or whatever, but if
03:26they put someone out, it's the person or the player, or they put a warning or something
03:36to the player that accidentally or not, but we have the warning three times, warning,
03:43warning, and eliminated.
03:46Why us?
03:47I don't get it.
03:48Until now I don't get it.
03:50Someone need to tell me, he was affected, he hit in the eye, and we are out.
03:57I don't get it.
03:58It wasn't the shoulder, the knee, or whatever, it was my eye.
04:01And it's very important that you see the images.
04:04It was a clear, clear hit impacting the eye.
04:09Christian, he wanted to continue playing, if he's able to play, but he's not able to
04:15What we can do?
04:18One question.
04:20Christian, by which part were you hit on the eye?
04:25With the racket?
04:26With the shoulder?
04:27You can see it.
04:28You can see it.
04:29You can see it.
04:30Look inside.
04:31I've seen the video.
04:32You can check it, then we talk about it, but first check the video.
04:37Yeah, I've checked.
04:38You don't see where?
04:40You don't see how?
04:42I've checked it, but I can see the shoulder, but I don't see the eye.
04:47But I don't see the eye.
04:48I just asked you.
04:49The shoulder, do you see it?
04:50No, I just need to glitter it.
04:51Next question.
04:52That is fine.
04:53Next question.
