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Aapa Shameem Episode 59 | 3 February 2025 | Fahad Sheikh | Zoha Tauqeer | Faiza Hassan | ARY Digital

Aapa Shameem" is a heartwarming story of love, sacrifice, and familial bonds. It delves into the lives of daughters who, bound by tradition and expectations, put their dreams on hold to support their families and in-laws.

Cast :
Faiza Hasan,
Fahad Sheikh,
Zoha Tauqeer,
Munawar Saeed,
Maham Aamir,
Saleem Sheikh,
Sajjad Pal,
Sabahat Bukhari,
Rashid Farooqui,
Ahmed Randhawa,
Zehra Kashif,
Rahat Ghani & others.

"Aapa Shameem" Daily At 7 :00 PM Only On ARY Digital

Writer: Asma Sayani
Directed by: Zeeshan Ali Zaidi

#aapashameem #fahadsheikh #zohatauqeer #mahamaamir #saleemsheikh #munawarsaeed #faizahasan

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00:00There were so many pains in the past
00:06that came to my heart
00:17And what do you think?
00:19That I forgot everything?
00:21And I forgave you?
00:24Not at all
00:26You have caused me a lot of pain
00:30And until I get rid of it
00:34You will have to go through the same pain
00:38that I am going through
00:42Kashaf, where is my blue shirt?
01:07What happened?
01:19What are you thinking?
01:26Yesterday I spoke to you in a fit of anger
01:30Is that why you are upset?
01:39Kashaf, I realize my mistake
01:42But what can I do?
01:48After my father's death
01:52After my father's death
01:55My heart has become very heavy
02:05I feel that
02:09I am at fault
02:11Because of me leaving this house
02:14He is not among us
02:17If I hadn't left
02:21None of this would have happened
02:26I am just trying to make up for the loss
02:29that Shamim has suffered because of me
02:35She is very lonely
02:39I don't want her to realize that she is alone
02:44She shouldn't even think about it
02:48That's why I give her as much time as possible
02:54I agree to everything she says
02:59Because I don't want to hurt her
03:08After my father's death
03:11She is the eldest in this house
03:15I don't want to hurt her
03:21I know that in my efforts
03:24I have been unfair to you
03:29I am sorry for that
03:36Please forgive me
03:44Please forgive me
04:17I have brought food
04:20Where is she?
04:26Where were you?
04:28I have been calling you
04:30Raza, I can't stay here anymore
04:32I have to leave
04:35Shumaila, I...
04:37I don't want to listen to anything
04:39I am telling you clearly
04:42I won't stay in this house even for a minute
04:44Whether you steal, rob or fall at your parents' feet
04:49Get me out of here
04:51I can't stay here
04:53Do you think I will keep you here for the rest of my life?
04:56Why will I keep you where I don't want to stay?
04:59All this is a temporary solution
05:03As soon as our situation gets better
05:05I will take you to a better place
05:08Are you serious?
05:09No, I am kidding
05:10I am telling you the truth
05:12I promise you
05:14Look, there are ups and downs in life
05:17You have found a good partner who can support you
05:21If Saira was in your place...
05:28Sorry, I didn't mean to
05:30I just said it
05:59Shamim, for God's sake
06:01Don't fire me
06:03Shamim, what will I do?
06:05I have small kids
06:06How will I run the house?
06:07My husband doesn't have a job
06:09What will I do, Shamim?
06:10Have some mercy
06:12For God's sake, Shamim
06:14Please forgive me
06:15I will do as you say
06:33Don't be so angry, Shamim
06:35If I have made a mistake, please forgive me
06:38But for God's sake, don't fire me
06:44That's it
06:45I don't want to listen to your drama
06:47Get out of here
06:48I would have fired you long back
06:50Dad used to pity you
06:52But now...
06:54I don't need you anymore
06:56Get out of here
06:57Go, hurry up
06:59I didn't like you at all
07:01Because of people like you, there are fights in the house
07:04Brothers and sisters become enemies
07:06You used to follow Kashaf around
07:09You used to badmouth me
07:11Now you will see
07:13Get out of here
07:14I can't tolerate you in this house anymore
07:17Get out of here
07:18Hurry up
07:29Don't say that, Shamim
07:31I have served this house for years
07:33This is how you are repaying me for my hard work?
07:36Yes, we were not making you serve us for free
07:39We used to pay you salary
07:41And I would have hired two more servants
07:44You are good at serving people
07:46Get out of here
07:52Shamim, please forgive me
07:54Please forgive me
07:57Please forgive me
07:58Get out of here
08:00Don't irritate me
08:01Get out of here
08:23What happened, Kashif?
08:26I don't know
08:27What happened?
08:28I don't know
08:29I don't know
08:30I don't know
08:31I don't know
08:32I don't know
08:33I don't know
08:34I don't know
08:35I don't know
08:36I don't know
08:37I don't know
08:38I don't know
08:39I don't know
08:40I don't know
08:41I don't know
08:42I don't know
08:43I don't know
08:44I don't know
08:45I don't know
08:46I don't know
08:47I don't know
08:48I don't know
08:49I don't know
08:50I don't know
08:51I don't know
08:52I don't know
08:53I don't know
08:54I don't know
08:55I don't know
08:56I don't know
08:57I don't know
08:58I don't know
08:59I don't know
09:00I don't know
09:01I don't know
09:02I don't know
09:03I don't know
09:04I don't know
09:05I don't know
09:06I don't know
09:07I don't know
09:08I don't know
09:09I don't know
09:10I don't know
09:11I don't know
09:12I don't know
09:13I don't know
09:14I don't know
09:15I don't know
09:16I don't know
09:17I don't know
09:18I don't know
09:19I don't know
09:20I don't know
09:21I don't know
09:22I don't know
09:23I don't know
09:25I'm so sorry
09:26This is all happening because of me
09:28You have no fault in this, Kashifa
09:35Keep this money and go to this address
09:37This is my mom's house
09:38You'll get work
09:43But this...
09:44You don't have to say anything
09:46Just go to my house
09:47I'll talk to mom myself
09:49Your house won't get cold
09:55Thank you so much, Kashifa
09:58May God bless you
10:00May you never face any problem
10:03Don't worry
10:04Sorry, this is all happening because of me
10:24Thank you
10:55I'm sorry
10:56I'm sorry
10:57I'm sorry
10:58I'm sorry
10:59I'm sorry
11:00I'm sorry
11:01I'm sorry
11:02I'm sorry
11:03I'm sorry
11:04I'm sorry
11:05I'm sorry
11:06I'm sorry
11:07I'm sorry
11:08I'm sorry
11:09I'm sorry
11:10I'm sorry
11:11I'm sorry
11:12I'm sorry
11:13I'm sorry
11:14I'm sorry
11:15I'm sorry
11:16I'm sorry
11:17I'm sorry
11:18I'm sorry
11:19I'm sorry
11:20I'm sorry
11:21I'm sorry
11:22I'm sorry
11:23I'm sorry
11:24I'm sorry
11:25I'm sorry
11:26I'm sorry
11:27I'm sorry
11:28I'm sorry
11:29I'm sorry
11:30I'm sorry
11:31I'm sorry
11:32I'm sorry
11:33I'm sorry
11:34I'm sorry
11:35I'm sorry
11:36I'm sorry
11:37I'm sorry
11:38I'm sorry
11:39I'm sorry
11:40I'm sorry
11:41I'm sorry
11:42I'm sorry
11:43I'm sorry
11:44I'm sorry
11:45I'm sorry
11:46I'm sorry
11:47I'm sorry
11:48I'm sorry
11:49I'm sorry
11:50I'm sorry
11:51I'm sorry
11:52I'm sorry
11:53I'm sorry
11:54I'm sorry
11:55I'm sorry
11:56I'm sorry
11:57I'm sorry
11:58I'm sorry
11:59I'm sorry
12:00I'm sorry
12:01I'm sorry
12:02I'm sorry
12:03I'm sorry
12:04I'm sorry
12:05I'm sorry
12:06I'm sorry
12:07I'm sorry
12:08I'm sorry
12:09I'm sorry
12:10I'm sorry
12:11I'm sorry
12:12I'm sorry
12:13I'm sorry
12:14I'm sorry
12:15I'm sorry
12:16I'm sorry
12:17I'm sorry
12:18I'm sorry
12:19I'm sorry
12:20I'm sorry
12:21I'm sorry
12:22I'm sorry
12:23I'm sorry
12:24I'm sorry
12:25I'm sorry
12:26I'm sorry
12:27I'm sorry
12:28I'm sorry
12:29I'm sorry
12:30I'm sorry
12:31I'm sorry
12:32I'm sorry
12:33I'm sorry
12:34I'm sorry
12:35I'm sorry
12:36I'm sorry
12:37I'm sorry
12:38I'm sorry
12:39I'm sorry
12:40I'm sorry
12:41I'm sorry
12:42I'm sorry
12:43I'm sorry
12:44I'm sorry
12:45I'm sorry
12:46I'm sorry
12:47I'm sorry
12:48I'm sorry
12:49I'm sorry
12:50I'm sorry
12:51I'm sorry
12:52I'm sorry
12:53I'm sorry
12:54I'm sorry
12:55I'm sorry
12:56I'm sorry
12:57I'm sorry
12:58I'm sorry
12:59I'm sorry
13:00I'm sorry
13:01I'm sorry
13:02I'm sorry
13:03I'm sorry
13:04I'm sorry
13:05I'm sorry
13:06I'm sorry
13:07I'm sorry
13:08I'm sorry
13:09I'm sorry
13:10I'm sorry
13:11I'm sorry
13:12I'm sorry
13:13I'm sorry
13:14I'm sorry
13:15I'm sorry
13:16I'm sorry
13:17I'm sorry
13:18I'm sorry
13:19I'm sorry
13:20I'm sorry
13:21I'm sorry
13:22I'm sorry
13:23I'm sorry
13:24I'm sorry
13:25I'm sorry
13:29Abdul bhai start the breakfast
13:32no please
13:33I'm having throat pain
13:35there must be an infection
13:38but you had told me that I would have madewheat
13:41Kashf is making it
13:44how would she know that?
13:45how to make wheat!
13:46and what is added!
13:47I'll make it for you.
14:04I think you didn't tell Abdul Bari anything.
14:10Otherwise I thought there must have been a storm in the house in the morning.
14:16But there's a lot of silence here.
14:20What happened?
14:22Your tongue moves like a scissor.
14:27We don't say a word and you have an answer.
14:31And now?
14:32Silence like this?
14:34Have you gone dumb?
14:38Have you lost your voice too?
14:41That you can't speak?
14:46You have lost your mind.
14:52You need a serious treatment.
14:57Okay, do one thing.
14:59Fulfill this desire of yours.
15:05But remember one thing.
15:09Bloodshed is many times more than a wife's love.
15:16What if Abdul Bari stands with his sister instead of his wife this time?
15:29Then what will you do?
15:31You won't be of any use.
15:45To be continued...
16:15To be continued...
16:39Have you thought about the future or will you just keep scrolling?
16:42What do you mean?
16:44I mean that you have found a place to live.
16:47How will you feed me?
16:49Your parents didn't let you have a single penny.
16:53My hands are very strong.
16:55If I do something and find a job, I won't starve.
17:00Look at this.
17:01What am I doing?
17:04I am sending my CV.
17:06I am trying to find a job.
17:15At least have some tea.
17:26Raza, wait!
17:40To be continued...
18:10To be continued...
18:13To be continued...
18:40Yes, Saira?
18:41Give this to the rider.
18:42And tell him to be very careful this time.
18:45The cake got spoilt last time.
18:47Yes, Saira.
18:50Do one thing.
18:51I will go and give it myself.
18:52Leave it.
18:53Do this.
19:03Call madam.
19:04What is the time?
19:05Call her.
19:12How are you, Saira?
19:23Yes, Saira?
19:25Take madam to the drawing room.
19:40Give this parcel very carefully.
19:42I got a complaint last time as well.
19:44That the cake got spoilt, Saira.
19:46Take it very carefully this time.
19:49To be continued...
19:57Sister Shamim!
19:59Where is Nasreen?
20:00Why hasn't the food been prepared yet?
20:01Did she take a day off again?
20:03I have taken a day off because of her.
20:06But why?
20:07Who will do the household chores?
20:09You and me.
20:12Look, Naseem.
20:13It is too expensive.
20:15And Abdul Bari's pocket does not allow him to bear the burden of a household maid's salary.
20:21So you have put the burden on us to free him from the burden.
20:25Look, Naseem.
20:26Abdul Bari is taking care of all the expenses of this house.
20:28If we take a little responsibility for him, then what is the harm in it?
20:32Now no one will give you sweets sitting here.
20:35Then why don't you say it clearly, sister Shamim?
20:37That I have started to like you.
20:39And you have fired Naseem just to trouble me.
20:42Then why are you using Abdul Bari's name?
20:43Okay, if that is the case, then so be it.
20:46You will have to work to stay here now.
20:50Otherwise, you go to your house.
20:52We don't have any treasure of law to make you sit here and play.
20:55If you don't want to stay, then stay here.
20:57Otherwise, go to your house.
20:59Don't you feel ashamed, sister Shamim?
21:01Treating your own sister like this.
21:04Did you feel ashamed?
21:05To take the name of your dead father and tell false dreams?
21:09When you didn't feel ashamed, then why would I feel ashamed?
21:11I am also your sister.
21:14What do you think?
21:15That you will make me a fool?
21:17I am elder to you, Naseem.
21:19I have come to this world before you and I know you very well.
21:24You should have at least thought about the respect of your dead father before telling such a big lie.
21:30By telling my lie, dad's reputation was tarnished.
21:33And what about you going to jail?
21:35His reputation was tarnished.
21:37This is the good of that lawyer who did a favor on you by supporting his mother.
21:40He didn't let you file a case.
21:42Otherwise, you would have been rotting behind the bars.
21:44Elder mother, you are making me feel ashamed.
22:13Tell me.
22:15How did you come here?
22:19I heard about brother's death.
22:22I was very sad.
22:25I thought of condoling him.
22:28That's amazing.
22:29You don't even feel alive.
22:32You care so much about your dead father.
22:42Your complaint is fine in its place, Zulekha.
22:45But some things are not in a person's control.
22:51Whatever happened was destined to happen.
22:59Who can change the destiny?
23:05Anyway, no one can do anything in the matters of husband and wife.
23:13Anyway, I have not come here to comment on the past.
23:19I am concerned about what is going to happen in this world.
23:32Whatever matters have been between you and Raza,
23:37but you cannot separate this child from us.
23:41You have nothing to do with this child.
23:46Your statement will not end the relationship.
23:50He is our blood and will always be.
23:54The child's mother whom you have not given any respect as a daughter-in-law,
23:58you have come to make a relation with her.
24:04Whatever you may think,
24:06believe it or not,
24:08this child has a relation with you and will always be.
24:15A child is always recognized by his father's name.
24:21His father is not worthy of giving his name to this child.
24:27He is only and only my daughter Saira's child and will always be.
24:34You can leave from here.
24:39I am leaving.
24:44But remember one thing,
24:47this child is the heir of our family
24:53and we will get him at any cost,
24:58even if we have to go to court for him.
25:22How did she find out about this?
25:27I am sure Shamim must have told her.
25:32Don't worry.
25:38We will meet again.
25:41Let's go.
25:43Let's go.
25:45Why will I say no to you?
26:03Dr. Kashyap,
26:05check the patient's blood pressure.
26:08Remember one thing,
26:10blood pressure is many times higher than a wife's love.
26:14What if this time Abdul Bari stands with his sister instead of his wife?
26:22Then what will you do?
26:24You will be in trouble.
26:32Dr. Kashyap,
26:34where is your attention?
26:36Check the wife.
26:38Are you in your senses?
26:41I am sorry ma'am.
26:43Is this how you treat a patient?
26:45Go from here.
26:47Let me check him.
27:08Shamim's confidence is not for nothing.
27:13She knows that Abdul Bari is very emotional for her right now.
27:17He will not believe me.
27:21She is taking advantage of this.
27:38Love is like a fire
27:44Its flames are so intense
27:52Love is like a fire
28:00Its flames are so intense
28:08It burns me like ash
28:16No one can do this to me
28:26My heart burns slowly
28:30I can't breathe
28:34I feel like crying
28:38I feel like crying
28:42Love is like a fire
28:46Its flames are so intense
28:50Love is like a fire
28:54It burns me like ash
28:57Love is like a fire
29:03It burns me like ash
29:09Love is like a fire
29:15It burns me like ash
29:20Why did we have to go to the court?
29:50Why did we have to go to the court?
30:20Why did we have to go to the court?
30:46I knew you would be worried.
30:48Mom, I am very scared.
30:52What if they take my child away from me?
30:55How can they do that?
30:57We are here.
31:00What if they really do that?
31:02Let them do that.
31:04Even the court decides for the sake of the mother.
31:08I am surprised at the confidence of that woman.
31:12How did she come here?
31:15They can do anything.
31:18I don't trust them.
31:20Please talk to dad.
31:23He should contact a lawyer.
31:25We should be ready before they do anything.
31:28Okay, I will talk to him.
31:30Don't worry.
31:32Don't worry about it.
31:35I am telling you, everything will be fine.
31:37Have faith.
31:45It burns me like ash
31:49Why did we have to go to the court?
31:53Why did we have to go to the court?
31:57Why did we have to go to the court?
32:01Why did we have to go to the court?
32:05Why did we have to go to the court?
32:09Why did we have to go to the court?
32:12Why did we have to go to the court?
32:42Why did we have to go to the court?
32:46Why did we have to go to the court?
32:50Why did we have to go to the court?
32:54Why did we have to go to the court?
32:58Why did we have to go to the court?
33:02Why did we have to go to the court?
33:06Why did we have to go to the court?
33:09Why did we have to go to the court?
33:13How dare they come here?
33:16Why didn't you send them out of the gate?
33:18Why did you let them come inside?
33:20They came in before I knew.
33:23The watchman must have let them in thinking Saira was still breathing.
33:26He doesn't know everything, right?
33:29Saira was very upset to hear her talk.
33:32Kashfa struggled a lot to drive her out of depression.
33:35That woman came and ruined all our efforts.
33:39Saira is afraid that they might take her child away from her.
33:43How can they do that?
33:45Her father is still alive.
33:48That is true, Munammar.
33:50But Saira is right.
33:53We should consult a lawyer.
33:55What if we are under the impression that a child has a mother's right and they are trying to come up with a new legal point.
34:02They are very cunning people.
34:04They can do anything.
34:06I will do whatever I have to with them.
34:09But before that, it is important to teach them a lesson.
34:11So that they don't dare to step into this house again.
34:14They don't dare to step into this house again.
34:30Aarfa! Aarfa!
34:33What happened? Why are you shouting? I am right here.
34:37When I told you not to contact Saira's family, why did you go there?
34:45Do you know how many times her father called me?
34:52He was threatening me that if anyone of us does this again, he will report to the police.
35:02Yes, let them report.
35:05Let me see how strong they are.
35:08Why did you have to go there?
35:11What do you mean?
35:12He is going to be our son.
35:16How can we leave him?
35:18I know why you are doing all this.
35:22The only thing is that you want to humiliate Saira and her parents.
35:32So that you can take revenge for the insult they gave you after hearing about Raza's second marriage.
35:39This is too much.
35:42Your son made a mistake and you are going to make the same mistake.
35:49Remember, if you do this again, you will be responsible for the consequences.
35:57And if they report you to the police, I will not come to get you released.
36:05I will leave you like your son.
36:09Remember that.
36:11Yes, leave him.
36:27Mr. Naeem, you can say whatever you want.
36:32I am not one of those who sit quietly.
36:44Mom, I know you don't need a maid, but please accommodate Nasreen somehow.
36:50She is very needy.
36:52I will do that.
36:53But I don't understand why Shahmeem was fired from his job.
37:00What was brother doing for so many years?
37:03You are a very trustworthy woman.
37:06You don't get such a maid every day.
37:09Mom, I think Shahmeem has found another woman with less money.
37:15And anyway, he didn't like Nasreen's work.
37:19She was here because of uncle.
37:21And now he just got a chance to fire her.
37:25This Shahmeem is weird.
37:27Okay, leave all this. Tell me, is everything fine at home?
37:31How is sister? Is her work going well?
37:34By the way, I had launched a campaign to promote her page on social media.
37:38Are she getting the orders?
37:40Kashif, I am thinking that you should stop this campaign for a few days.
37:43Saira is not in a position to work at all right now.
37:46I don't want her to take more stress.
37:49Why? What happened? Is everything fine?
37:52What is the stress about, mom?
37:54Saira's mother-in-law came to show her right on the child.
37:59What is Saira's condition after that, what should I tell you?
38:02Your father is consulting different lawyers.
38:05That they might really take the child.
38:08We are stuck in these circles day and night.
38:11Mom, please relax. I am telling you, this doesn't happen.
38:18I am telling you, this doesn't happen.
38:48I am telling you, this doesn't happen.