00:00We of course abide by the Ombudsman's decision that they should be receiving compensation.
00:05We believe there actually should be a higher level of compensation than the Ombudsman has
00:08proposed but nonetheless it's not been possible for some of these women to be able to earn
00:13sufficiently for what they were informed and what they expected in their lives to be able
00:17to have to retire on and that following the Ombudsman's decision that the government had
00:23not provided sufficient information, that this government here has a duty to make sure
00:27that they're compensated. We need to bear in mind also of course that there were members
00:31of the government here now who are making this decision who were out there campaigning
00:34with WASPI women prior to the general election last year and it's now felt to be deeply hypocritical
00:40to roll back on that compensation.