• mese scorso
A large specimen of a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) was found dead on an Italian beach


00:00On February 3rd, 2025, a sea turtle of the Coretta-Coretta species was found stranded dead on the coast of Béchelier.
00:08This sad event underlines the importance of safeguarding this protected species and the need to carefully monitor the causes of mortality of these marine animals.
00:16The discovery of a sea turtle carcass or an animal in difficulty is valuable information for the competent authorities.
00:23The report allows for the timely activation of aid, where possible, and to collect useful data for scientific research.
00:29In case of finding a carcass or a marine animal in difficulty, it is essential to contact the competent authorities immediately, such as the harbor master's office or specialized recovery centers.
00:40It is important to provide precise information on the place of discovery, the conditions of the animal and, if possible, take photos.
00:47The Coretta-Coretta sea turtle is a protected species, threatened by various factors, including marine pollution, accidental fishing and the destruction of nesting habitats.
00:57The reporting of each individual in difficulty or deceased is a fundamental contribution to the protection of this species and to the safeguarding of the marine ecosystem.
01:06The discovery of a stranded sea turtle is an event that invites us to reflect on the importance of protecting the marine environment and biodiversity.
01:14The collaboration of all citizens is essential to ensure a future for this protected species and to preserve the richness of our sea.
