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Chris Columbus, Daniel Scheinert, and Daniel Kwan spoke at Ke Huy Quan's handprint and footprint ceremony on Monday, February 3, 2025, at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA.
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00:00Please help me welcome our first guest, writer, director, and producer, Chris Columbus.
00:09I did prepare. I did prepare. So, sorry about that. So along with our collaboration on the
00:23Goonies, Key and I share one other major motion picture milestone. In 1984, with the release
00:30of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Gremlins, exactly one month apart, Key and
00:35I, with the help of our filmmaking partners, managed to instill nightmares into millions
00:40of children who were admitted into these PG-rated films. And because of that, it's true, the
00:47Motion Picture Association of America created the PG-13 rating in an effort to protect our
00:53nation's youngsters from the images of a gremlin being roasted alive in a microwave and a beating
00:58heart being ripped out of a man's chest. So Key, that could have gone down as one of our
01:04finest accomplishments. But thankfully, that is only a footnote to your incredible career.
01:10And today, I am proud to be part of this celebration to honor you and all of your success, along
01:15with the tough hurdles you've had to overcome to get here. My fellow Goonie, you have proven
01:21yourself time and time and time again to be a man of great integrity, a man of great courage,
01:27a man who, against all odds, has been able to make his dreams come true. Key, I believe
01:32that you, quite possibly, may be the only person in the history of film to transition
01:37from being a global superstar in his early teens to a struggling young actor who was
01:43forced to switch careers as the years went by, supporting yourself as an assistant director
01:48and a stunt coordinator. And then, in an amazing twist of fate, you were cast in a film that
01:54became a critical and commercial hit, a film that went on to win the Oscar for Best Picture,
02:00a film that rightfully earned you many accolades, including a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Golden
02:06Globe, and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
02:11That, that is one of, if not the greatest comeback story in the history of cinema. And
02:23Key, I am so thrilled to be here to help you celebrate this wonderful day on the dawn of
02:28your next remarkable achievement, Global Action Star. So, honestly, congratulations
02:38on everything. You, sir, are the embodiment of a phrase I wrote so many years ago,
02:44Goonies never say die.
02:54And now I'd like to introduce the filmmaking duo, Academy Award-winning writers and directors
02:59Daniel Kwon and Daniel Shynert.
03:03Hello, everybody. Congratulations, Key. Hi, we're both named Daniel. As, as so many of
03:23you know, Key had an incredible childhood career and then disappeared from on screen
03:31for close to 20 years. And I just think it's been so inspiring to get a front row seat
03:41to you coming back to the screen and now performing so much because I've gotten to see how much
03:51that means to people. And over the years, like I've seen my own movie through the eyes
03:57of all the people that look up to you now and are inspired by you now. And it's so beautiful
04:06because the world is just full of so many people who are getting older and thinking
04:13maybe they're not supposed to share their art anymore. You know, like so many people
04:16are at home being like, well, I thought I was going to be an actor, but I'm 30, I'm
04:2135, I'm 40, I'm 50, I'm 70. And, and they were so inspired to see you come back and
04:27prove that you had so much more to offer and that it had nothing to do with how much talent
04:32you had and everything to do with other stupid circumstances and an industry that didn't
04:37see it. And I think there's something so beautiful about that man getting his hand put in cement
04:44and it's just so inspiring and has been and continues to be. And I'm excited to watch
04:49what you do next.
04:53I had one more anecdote, which is our movie, you play so many different versions of the
04:59character Waymond and mostly he was like a, a dorky, sincere, sweet man. And that's what
05:07Key's like. And the question was, could he do the like sexy movie star? And then he showed
05:15up to set and just destroyed like sexy Waymond and everybody was like, Oh my God, look at
05:21Key. Everyone was so excited except for Echo, his wonderful wife, who was like, I do not
05:28like sexy Waymond. I like, I like sweet, adorable Key. That's my Key. So I, I just wanted to
05:36apologize. Unfortunately, I think I played a small role in turning him into a sexy movie
05:41star. And I hope you still get plenty of sweet, beautiful, wonderful Key at home. Because
05:50I have a feeling he's going to continue for a long time looking great. Anyway, thanks
05:56for having me.
06:00Two Daniels, two speeches. When I first met Key, the first thing you notice is his voice.
06:08It's like, Oh my God, you sound exactly the same as Short Round. Like nothing has changed.
06:12What, what miracle preserved you in pickle juice and made you the same exact person?
06:17It was, it was incredible because he walked into the room, into the audition space and
06:21he was moving around kind of like a dog. He was so excited and he couldn't stop talking
06:25and he would interrupt himself mid-sentence to say another thought because of the extreme
06:29passion and enthusiasm he was to be in an audition, which if any of you guys have ever
06:34been in an audition before, you know, that is not usually the case. And Key has this
06:39really superhuman ability to take any moment, no matter where you are and what you're doing,
06:45and he can just show you what's so beautiful about it. He has this like high on life mentality
06:51that you get a secondhand high from. And it's one of the things that I, I look up to the
06:55most in Key. I think it's one of the reasons why he's so good at his job, why he's been
06:59able to survive the ups and downs of his career and his life. And it's the reason why we're
07:04all here today. And I think it's really special that we have chosen to, to celebrate this
07:10man and his career and his passion that he has today of all days. Right now in February
07:162025, it's a really weird time for our industry. Not many people know what the future holds.
07:22Los Angeles is just about to begin the years long process of rebuilding after disaster.
07:28The leaders of our country have no idea and have completely forgotten the importance and
07:33the value of immigrants in our country. And all of this is kind of culminating in a way
07:37where it feels really special for us to be here with Key, getting his secondhand high,
07:44watching him put his hands and his feet into concrete that will be laid on the ground near
07:48the foundation of the Chinese Grauman Theater, one of our great cultural sites of the city.
07:55Because to me, Key represents the resilience of joy, the opportunity and the possibility
08:00for second chances. And also the idea that even an immigrant sidekick one day has the
08:06opportunity to become the leading man. I feel like all of that is what we should be carrying.
08:19And so the fact that we are literally setting all of that into stone today, it seems really special.
08:24I'm so proud of you. Everyone in the Everything Everywhere family are so proud of you.
08:28You deserve this. We can't wait to go celebrate. Excited to see what sake you brought to celebrate.
08:33We're so proud of you. Thank you so much.
