• 2 weeks ago
If you're here from YouTube then welcome :3.

YouTube description:

Swearing at the very end so this video hopefully doesn't get marked as made for kids :3.

Well after 3 days here it finally is and I know I know I announced this over a year ago but I've just been so busy that I forgot all about it but here it is so enjoy part 1 of Path Of Vengeance this series will be similar to The Rise Of King Kovu with voices this part we're starting with Kovu and Rani's story and part 2 we will learn more about Kiara and Kion's story and their life šŸ˜.
Love you guys and stay tuned ā¤ļø.

Maskings and Manips Credits: SaraChanLionwolf, Clover, Rockyrogue, Me, etc (if I've forgotten anyone then please let me know)
