八点最热报 | 继宣布对墨西哥,加拿大和中国加征关税后,美国总统特朗普如今将关税枪口对准了欧洲盟友。特朗普前天发表谈话时扬言,要惩罚与美国存在逆差的贸易伙伴,直接点名了欧盟和英国,并暗示欧盟可能是他关税大棒打击的下一个目标。特朗普说,欧盟占尽了美国的便宜,这些国家几乎没买什么美国的产品,但美国却什么都买……(主播:梁宝仪)
00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04After announcing tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China,
00:08US President Donald Trump has now pointed the gun at his European allies.
00:13The day before Trump's speech, he said he would punish trade partners with the United States,
00:19directly naming the EU and the UK,
00:22and hinting that the EU may be his next tariff blow.
00:27Trump said that the EU has taken advantage of the United States.
00:30These countries have hardly bought any American products,
00:33but the United States is buying everything from them.
00:35Although there is no clear timetable,
00:37Trump said he would soon increase tariffs on the EU.
00:42Faced with Trump's tariff threat,
00:45EU President von der Leyen said
00:47that the EU is ready to deal with the possible US trade war.
00:52If the US is unfairly targeted,
00:54the EU will take a tough response.
00:59Just as Trump said he would increase tariffs on the EU,
01:0227 EU leaders held a non-official defense meeting in Brussels yesterday.
01:08US tariffs are also a hot topic.
01:11German Prime Minister Schultz pointed out
01:13that although the EU has the ability to deal with tariff policies,
01:16he believes that increasing tariffs will only cause harm to the US and the EU.
01:20The two sides' goal should be cooperation.
01:22It is clear that as a strong economic space,
01:25we can shape our own things
01:27and can also react to tariff policies with tariff policies.
01:32We have to do that and we will do it.
01:34But it should be the perspective and the goal
01:37that we act in such a way that it goes beyond cooperation.
01:41To achieve this will be an important point.
01:43As for the EU foreign policy and security policy senior representative,
01:46Karas said that the EU is ready to deal with the possible US trade war.
01:51But she said that there will be no winner in this war.
01:54If it really happens, it will only benefit China.
01:57What is clear, there are no winners in trade wars.
02:00If the United States starts a trade war,
02:03then the one laughing on the side is China.
02:07We are very interlinked.
02:09We need America and America needs us as well.
02:21For more UN videos visit www.un.org