Saviez-vous que les scientifiques ont enfin percé le mystère derrière l'ancien calendrier maya ? Pendant des années, les gens ont été fascinés par son design complexe et pensaient qu'il pouvait prédire la fin du monde. Il s'avère qu'il est bien plus intéressant que cela ! Le calendrier est en réalité un système brillant qui suit le temps, les mouvements du soleil, de la lune et des planètes, et aide même à prévoir les éclipses. Les chercheurs ont découvert qu'il est lié à la profonde compréhension de l'astronomie par les Mayas et à leur manière unique de mêler les mathématiques à leurs croyances. C'est comme un ancien planificateur cosmique ! Donc, la prochaine fois que vous verrez ces symboles complexes, rappelez-vous — ce n'est pas juste de l'histoire, c'est du génie en action ! 🛕✨ Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00In December 2012, a multitude of people were alarmed at the idea that the world could end in a catastrophe.
00:07This fear was fueled by the famous Maya calendar.
00:11This ancient time-measuring system had led to countless speculations,
00:16but one of its most intriguing mysteries was undoubtedly the cycle of 819 days present in some versions.
00:24No one had been able to explain its presence or functioning
00:28until a group of researchers from Cambridge recently revealed an enlightening hypothesis.
00:34First of all, how does the Maya calendar work?
00:38The method used by this civilization to count the days is based on what we now call the calendar cycle.
00:46Imagine three mechanisms of gear embedded, forming interdependent cycles.
00:51The first corresponds to a solar year of 365 days, designated by the term Hab.
00:57The second cycle consists of 20 names, while the third is made up of a series of 13 numbers,
01:04resulting in a sacred calendar of 260 days, called Tzolk'in.
01:10In a way comparable to our way of designating a date such as December 25, 2025,
01:17the Mayas named their days according to the alignment of the three cycles.
01:21For example, one day could be identified as 3 Manik and 14 Pop.
01:27It takes a complete 52-year cycle for these three systems to synchronize again,
01:33after which the days start repeating themselves again.
01:37This is where things get more complex.
01:41Some Mayan monuments have enigmatic inscriptions mentioning another cycle,
01:47the famous 819-day cycle.
01:50There are about 20 examples,
01:53mainly found in places such as Palenque and Yaxchilán, in Mexico.
01:58These inscriptions, far from being trivial, suggest that this calendar contains a secret of importance.
02:06The first studies revealed that the 819-day cycle was associated with four colors and their corresponding cardinal points.
02:15Black for the West, red for the East, white for the North and yellow for the South.
02:22Researchers also established that this period of time could be subdivided into three distinct cycles,
02:29one of 9 days, one of 7 days and one of 13 days.
02:34By multiplying them, we get 819 days.
02:38Intriguing, of course, but why such a structure?
02:43This system of colors associated with the three cycles seemed to be nothing more than a superficial interpretation,
02:48and the specialists were convinced that its true meaning was still missing.
02:53Another notable observation of the researchers concerned the way in which this curious calendar of days was often represented.
03:00A glyph in the form of Idrak, accompanied by a shadow, was used.
03:04But, in some cases, a glyph symbolizing Kawil was added to it.
03:09This powerful Maya deity, frequently associated with creation and lightning,
03:15was traditionally represented with an emerging torch from its forehead, symbolizing the vital spark.
03:21In the 1990s, a study advanced an intriguing hypothesis.
03:25When Kawil's iconography showed emanations of smoke and fire from its forehead,
03:30it could represent the planets Jupiter or Saturn, or even both at the same time.
03:35This suggested that the 819-day count could be in some way related to these stars.
03:41Research then turned to understanding this potential connection.
03:46The first hypothesis formulated was that this calendar could have been used by the Maya to follow the movements of Jupiter and Saturn.
03:54The researchers then found a fascinating peculiarity.
03:58These cycles seemed to correspond to the synodic periods of these planets.
04:02By synodic period, we mean the duration necessary for a celestial body, such as a planet,
04:08to find a similar position, or almost, seen from Earth.
04:14However, despite the interest of this theory, some aspects remained incoherent.
04:19Each planet followed a very specific trajectory,
04:22and trying to integrate several of them in a period of 819 days was problematic.
04:27Clearly, this four-part calendar system, out of its color code,
04:32proved to be too limited to perfectly coincide with the synodic periods of the visible planets.
04:38So it seems that we have come back to the starting point.
04:42This mystery disconcerted the specialists for decades,
04:46until in 2023, a new approach came to question everything.
04:51The researchers understood that they had to change their perspective.
04:55Instead of considering these 819 days as a fixed unit of time,
04:59they had to consider this number as a series of chronologies.
05:03Thus, this period would only be a fragment of an infinitely larger calendar.
05:09As mentioned earlier, this cycle seemed to be designed to follow the period
05:14when a planet became visible from Earth.
05:17To demonstrate that these 819 cycles represented chronologies and not days,
05:22the researchers needed a planet that could serve as a reference point to confirm their hypothesis.
05:28In this case, the key planet was Mercury, and for a fairly obvious reason.
05:33The synodic period of Mercury is 117 days,
05:37which fits perfectly into the calculation of the calendar.
05:40If we divide 819 by 117, we get 7, an integer number.
05:47Mercury is thus the only visible planet whose synodic cycle
05:51corresponds perfectly to this period in round numbers.
05:56Once this solid starting point was established,
05:59it remained to enlarge the calendar.
06:02By extending its duration to 20 periods of 819 days,
06:05a coherent diagram began to appear.
06:08And, as if by magic, all the synodic cycles of the planets
06:12came to integrate perfectly into this system.
06:16For example, the synodic period of Saturn, which is 378 days,
06:21aligns perfectly after 6 cycles of 819 days.
06:26As for Venus, it aligns every 5 cycles, Jupiter every 19 cycles,
06:31and Mars, requiring the longest period, adjusts every 20 cycles.
06:36In short, it takes about 45 years for Mars to align
06:40with the synodic periods of all the visible planets.
06:44This is how the researchers concluded that this ancient civilization
06:48did not refer to days, but to chronologies.
06:52The Mayan astronomers had conceived this account
06:55as a component of a more complex calendar system,
06:58comprising 20 periods.
07:00However, this raises a question.
07:02Why was the study of synodic periods so crucial for the Mayans?
07:06We do not yet have a detailed answer to this enigmatic calendar.
07:12But it is certain that the Mayans gave great importance
07:15to the influence of the cosmos on their daily lives.
07:18Perhaps they were trying to understand how the movements
07:21of the visible planets harmonized with their other calendar systems.
07:27However, this system is only a facet of the extraordinary
07:30astrological understanding of the Mayans.
07:33Their knowledge went far beyond the use of astrological cycles
07:36for agriculture.
07:38They also possessed knowledge of remarkable precision,
07:42such as that of predicting solar eclipses.
07:46Archaeologists estimate that the link between the Mayans and the stars
07:49manifests itself in the remains of their civilization.
07:52A famous example is found in the pyramid of Chichen Itza,
07:56located in the Mexican peninsula of Yucatan.
07:59At the base of its staircase,
08:01one can observe a snake head carved in stone.
08:06But the most fascinating detail occurs during the equinoxes
08:09of spring and autumn, when day and night have an equal duration.
08:13At these precise moments, the sun projects triangular shadows
08:16on the staircase, giving the illusion of a snake wandering along the steps.
08:23Another example of the integration of their astronomical knowledge
08:26is found in Tikal, Guatemala.
08:28This pyramid, built around the year 1 AD,
08:32is considered one of the first astronomical complexes of the Mayans.
08:37Thanks to its orientation and its meticulous alignment,
08:40it was possible to follow and calculate with great precision
08:43the solstices and equinoxes.
08:46The Mayans were observers of the sky.
08:49Just as we now have modern observatories with domes,
08:52they had their own equivalent.
08:54This is how we discover El Caracol,
08:56whose signifying name, Escargot in Spanish,
08:59refers to the limestone staircase located inside the tower.
09:03Built around the year 906,
09:05this building offered the ideal location
09:08to scrutinize the slightest changes in the sky
09:10and follow the movements of the sun, moon, planets and stars.
09:15Unlike us, with our telescopes,
09:17our satellites and our cutting-edge technologies,
09:20the Mayans relied exclusively on naked eye observation,
09:24which makes their accomplishments all the more impressive.