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00:00The toughest parts of a game always have a purpose. Losing against a cheap boss repeatedly
00:05can be annoying, but it makes it all the more satisfying when you triumph. It's tough to say
00:09goodbye when a character dies, but we usually don't get too down about it if they had a decent
00:14send-off. But then there are some moments in video games that not one single soul wanted to see.
00:19Have you ever wanted to relax by watching a cow empty its bowels? I thought not.
00:24So why would any company think it was a wise idea to put it in a game? Why do games throw
00:28in last-minute twists that don't make sense? What deranged developer thought it was a good move to
00:33turn the mascot of a respected franchise into a pervert? I'm Jess from WhatCulture and here are
00:3910 video game moments nobody asked for. Number 10. Your wife is your arm,
00:45Bionic Commando. In 2009, Capcom decided to revitalize the dwindling Bionic Commando
00:52franchise with a reboot, uncreatively called Bionic Commando. Even though the gritty retelling
00:57received mixed reviews, the latest installment in the franchise was not a bad game by any stretch
01:03of the imagination. I mean, it definitely wasn't a masterpiece, but Bionic Commando 2009 was a
01:08refreshing take on a tired franchise. Also, the arm mechanics were cool as hell. Unfortunately,
01:14these positive qualities were overshadowed by, let's be honest, one of the dumbest plot twists
01:19in video game history. About two-thirds through the main campaign, our hero discovers the Bionic
01:24contains the soul of his dead wife. What makes this revelation more ridiculous is how pointless
01:31it is. If you removed this element from the game entirely, it wouldn't impair the narrative in any
01:36way. All the developers had to do to make this game better was not try to expand the lore with
01:41a convoluted, nonsensical plot twist. Bionic Commando may not be as bad as the critics said,
01:46but this part definitely deserved all the hate it received. Number 9. Watching Sarah die,
01:52The Walking Dead Season 2 Throughout The Walking Dead Season 2,
01:56one of the only characters that shows Clementine some kindness is a teenager called Sarah. Because
02:02Sarah suffers an anxiety disorder and is pretty oblivious to the zombie apocalypse,
02:06a lot of players find her naive and annoying. However, her behavior isn't her fault,
02:11since her father forced her to live a sheltered life to protect her from the horrors of the world.
02:15Sadly, raising Sarah this way became her undoing. After her dad is killed,
02:20Sarah begins to mentally shut down. Not only is she unable to function socially,
02:25she's in utter denial that her father is gone. Even though The Walking Dead has never had any
02:29qualms with killing off characters, no matter how innocent they are, you really don't want
02:34to see Sarah go. So when a horde of walkers surround her, you hope Sarah will snap out
02:39of her current state and take better control of her life. Instead, she lies paralyzed,
02:44screaming out for her dad to save her while zombies tear her apart. Whether she yelled
02:48daddy out of instinct or because she genuinely thought her father would protect her despite
02:53being dead, it's a truly heart-wrenching scene.
02:568. A Cow Takes a Dump – Conker's Bad Fur Day
03:01Changing tracks entirely, when the trailer for 12 Tales Conker 64 was unveiled, it was criticized
03:07for being another cutesy platformer from Rare, in the same vein as Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64.
03:14Rare took this critique to heart, encouraging them to revise this adorable game into a mature
03:19rated platformer called Conker's Bad Fur Day, which included swearing beetles, Nazi teddy bears,
03:25and bees humping busty flowers. Although the crass humor could have massively backfired,
03:30it became the game's greatest selling point. Even if you took all the crude jokes out,
03:34Conker was still a great game in its own right, due to its catchy music, creative puzzles,
03:39and impressive voice acting. But that doesn't mean everything in the game worked. At one point,
03:44you have to watch a cow taking a gargantuan-sized crap. Now, we don't want to criticize toilet
03:49humor. Fighting the Great Mighty Poo is the funniest part of the game. Also, we knew what
03:54we were getting ourselves into when we bought Conker's Bad Fur Day. We wanted to see cute
03:58characters swearing, and we enjoyed bashing the boiler in his brass balls. But nobody on
04:03the planet wants to watch a farm animal take a diarrhea-induced dump.
04:087. Everyone Had Amnesia — Final Fantasy VIII
04:12Since its release, Final Fantasy VIII has received a lot of unfair hate. Yes,
04:17the junction system is unnecessarily confusing — we still don't understand it — but that
04:22still shouldn't take away from the epic storyline, intricate relationships, and wonderful graphics
04:27that, despite being from the PS1 era, still hold up today. But one element of Final Fantasy VIII
04:32that absolutely deserves criticism is the orphanage scene. Before your group was formed,
04:37each member believed they were only recently acquainted. But later, Squall, Rinoa,
04:42Cipher, and the rest learned that they all grew up together in the same orphanage,
04:46but forgot about it after coming into contact with magic. As an added twist, you also learn
04:52the supposed antagonist of the story was your carer during this time. This scene was obviously
04:58meant to signify how all the characters share an almost predestined connection to one another.
05:03Instead, this plot development came across as laughably lazy. Even though Final Fantasy is
05:08superb at interweaving multiple complex story arcs and pulling off mind-bending curveballs,
05:14this particular twist is almost as unoriginal as it was all a dream.
05:196. That Damn Damn — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
05:23Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has had its fair share of great games — Tournament Fighters,
05:28the Hyperstone Heist, and who could forget about Turtles in Time? But since TMNT on the NES was the
05:34first video game adaptation of the beloved cartoon and comic, it has a very important place in many
05:39gamers' hearts. Millions of people have very fond memories of this gem, and one very particularly
05:45bad memory. In the underwater level, the Turtles must swim through the Hudson River to disarm a
05:50series of bombs. Throughout this area, you need to navigate through electrical seaweed,
05:55which cuts your health to almost nothing if you're not pixel-perfect with your movements.
05:59Just to make this section more maddening, you have an unreasonable time limit. If the timer hits zero,
06:05it's game over. This compels the player to panic while paddling around the seaweed,
06:10making it more likely you'll get yourself killed. This level is so infuriating,
06:14it overshadows every other aspect, to the point where most people can't remember anything else
06:19about the game. Seriously, can you recall anything else about this NES title? Even if you
06:23fail to remember the other levels, enemies, bosses, or the game's layout, there's no question this
06:28underwater section is burned into your mind forever.
06:325. Fuzzy Pickles – EarthBound Throughout EarthBound, our hero, Ness,
06:37encounters some peculiar characters. On your travels, you'll also regularly bump into a quirky
06:42chap called The Cameraman. Every now and then, this eccentric photographer will drop from the sky
06:48and ask if he can snap a picture of Ness. As he takes the photo, he asks Ness to say
06:53Fuzzy Pickles instead of Cheese. With that done, he launches himself into the heavens,
06:58allowing you to continue on your journey. This moment is so random, you can't help but laugh
07:03the first time it happens. But then, The Cameraman pops up later and he does this silly bit again,
07:09and again, and again. Throughout the game, The Cameraman does this little routine 32 times,
07:14and guess what? You can't skip it. Believe us, we tried.
07:18What's annoying is this moment would've been fine if it happened once or twice,
07:22but because it happens over and over, usually when you're rushing to an important destination,
07:27it ends up hampering the gaming experience.
07:304. Fi Keeps Interrupting – The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
07:35Link's helper in The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Fi, accomplished something that many
07:39thought was inconceivable. She's more annoying than Link's partner in Ocarina of Time,
07:44Navi. That's right, Fi managed to out-Navi Navi. Every time you go anywhere, use an item,
07:50or move, Fi pops out like Clippy on steroids to give you unhelpful advice. If you reach the locked
07:55door, Fi will tell you you can't open it. You already knew this, because that's how locked
08:00doors work. She regularly says something like, I calculate a 90 percent chance of success, or,
08:05this has a 70 percent chance of working. But because these statistics are completely inaccurate,
08:10there's no reason why she keeps mentioning them. What's worse is that every other aspect
08:15of Fi is amazing. Her backstory is fascinating, her theme song is beautiful, her design is unique,
08:21the way she dances with the grace of an ice skater during cutscenes is enchanting. But since
08:25Fi is only remembered for her relentless interruptions, you forget everything else
08:30about her. If her chronic nagging was removed, Fi would probably be viewed as among the best
08:35characters in the entire series.
08:373. Mega Man the Pervert – Mega Man Legends 2
08:42Even though Mega Man Legends 2 improved on its successor in every way, there was one bit that
08:47was very, very unneeded. At one point, Mega Man's partner Roll takes a bath. During this period,
08:53the player can choose to walk in and check Roll out. After the blue bomber enters,
08:58Roll will scream in anger, coaxing him to dash out. Now, the whole walk into a room while someone is
09:04changing bit has been done to death. Even though the idea can be creepy, the character usually
09:09doesn't come across as a peeping Tom if it was a genuine mistake. But since Mega Man voluntarily
09:14walks into the room when Roll told him she was in the tub, you can't help but see our hero as a perv.
09:20Mega also raises his fist in the air while a triumphant jingle plays in the background as he
09:25emerges from the bathroom, as if his actions are something to be oh so proud of. What makes this
09:30sequence more disturbing is how Mega Man and Roll are usually perceived as siblings in the
09:35franchise. That may not be the case here, but it doesn't make Mega's behavior any less unnerving.
09:412. Princess Peach Gettin' Naked – Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
09:47Nintendo have a reputation for being exceptionally protective of how their properties are depicted.
09:52However, that wasn't the case with Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. While Princess Peach is
09:57imprisoned in the X-Nord Fortress, she teams up with the AI computer Tech X-X to escape.
10:02During her escapades, the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom has to get naked.
10:07If you think that's weird, Peach gets her kit off on four separate occasions.
10:12Now, the first time she takes off her clothes is to have a shower. That seems innocent enough,
10:16apart from the fact Tech X-X watches her bathe, because reasons. Bizarrely, that's not the most
10:23inappropriate part. At one point, Peach consumes an invisibility potion to help her get around the
10:28facility without being spotted. As a concept, that's fine. However, the developers decided
10:34to add in an extra complication. Because the formula only works on organic matter,
10:39Peach's clothing will remain visible. As a result, Peach has to run around the fortress
10:44completely starkers. Now, it goes without saying that you never see Peach in the nip at any point
10:49in this game. Still, though, it's pretty bewildering how the developers thought making
10:53Peach naked was pivotal to the plot. Number one, The End, The Last of Us Part 2.
10:59Warning, huge spoilers ahead for The Last of Us Part 2, as you can probably tell from the
11:04fact that I said The End and then the game name, okay? So you can run off if you need to, but
11:09here we go. The bonding between Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us felt so utterly real and fervent,
11:14thanks to the talents of the performers and the script writers. Because we fell in love with these
11:18characters, gamers couldn't wait to get their hands on The Last of Us Part 2 and watch the
11:23pair rekindle their friendship. However, many players were shocked to learn Joel is barely in
11:28the sequel. In fact, you don't play as him at all, save for the prologue. Sadly, what is to come is
11:33far more jaw-dropping. After Joel is confronted by Abby, he's brutally beaten to death with a golf
11:39club. After watching this beloved character having his head caved in like a melon, there's only one
11:44thing on the player's mind, revenge. Killing Abby won't bring Joel back, but it will give you
11:49closure, knowing his killer got her comeuppance. But when Ellie confronts Abby in the climax,
11:55expectations are subverted once again. Just as it looks like the pair are about to kill each other,
12:00the two ladies go their separate ways. Although a lot of fans did enjoy the ambiguity of this scene
12:05and the suggestion that Ellie realized that violence wasn't going to solve the pain she was
12:10feeling, many others were outraged, believing they'd lost their chance to avenge Joel forever.
12:16That's the end of our list, but do let me know down in the comments if you can think of any
12:20other video game moments you reckon absolutely nobody asked for, but we got anyway. As always,
12:26I've been Jess from WhatCulture, thank you so much for hanging out with me. If you like it,
12:29you can come say hi to me on my Twitter account, where I'm at JessMcDonald,
12:33but make sure you stay tuned to us here for plenty more gaming goodness.
