We use a lot of times in church, in hymns, and even in casual conversation, but have you ever considered what it actually is? Most importantly, how can it impact our lives?
In its most basic terms, grace is God’s unmerited love spilled out over us, even when we don’t deserve it. It’s a gift, complete and free and life-changing. As soon as we grasp that, our whole worldview shifts. We stop striving for acceptance and start resting in acceptance in God. Pastor Thom O'Leary regularly informs us that grace isn’t about forgiving; it’s about transformation.
#faith #pastorthomolearymountainbrookchuch #spirituality
In its most basic terms, grace is God’s unmerited love spilled out over us, even when we don’t deserve it. It’s a gift, complete and free and life-changing. As soon as we grasp that, our whole worldview shifts. We stop striving for acceptance and start resting in acceptance in God. Pastor Thom O'Leary regularly informs us that grace isn’t about forgiving; it’s about transformation.
#faith #pastorthomolearymountainbrookchuch #spirituality