• el mes pasado
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(Vídeo cedido por su(s) responsable(s) para su difusión como parte del material promocional de la producción y publicado sin ánimo de lucro)


00:00Hay noticia del chico.
00:02Pinta feo.
00:04Oye, me pierdo la esperanza.
00:06Esa palabra mejor si no la usas.
00:10¡Corre tú, ve!
00:14En este oficio se trabaja con certezas.
00:18I'm Lieutenant Casilla. Sergeant Miles Johnson is missing.
00:22I assume the Spanish police are up to speed on this.
00:24They've got their own problems. I wouldn't get your hopes up.
00:30It would also be good for you to know the area.
00:32I'm not from here.
00:34And to this day I haven't been able to win the appreciation of too many people.
00:36I don't care.
00:40All this is very strange. We need you to come.
00:42The case is ours. Octavio says it's a homicide.
00:44There are several cases already.
00:48Do you think that is correct?
00:50It doesn't seem like a coincidence.
00:54Now we're starting to understand each other.
01:00We're in Holy Week.
01:10The beginning of a new sin.
01:14Whoever caused it,
01:16knew very well what they were doing.
01:18We've found a body.
01:22Three bodies.
01:24Same town.
01:26During Holy Week.
01:28The devil doesn't do evil.
01:30He just points it out.
01:34It's funny, huh?
01:38We think we're safe from everything
01:40when no one sees us.
01:44In fact, that's when we're most vulnerable.