• 2 days ago
Director: Victor Sears.
Cast: Chang Tao, Sun Chien, David Lyon, Ruth Wald.

The Russian operations in Asia are ruined by the American agents. Ivan, a KGB, is sent to Kampuchea and terminates the op-posing American forces. John Matthews, an American CIA spy, works with Jim, a patriot to offset the Russian aggression. In Kampuchea, Well’s, a military general, is recruited by the KGB secretly and he makes use of his formal cover to get rid of Jim. Realizing that he’s a traitor, Jim never drops his guard. He concentrates on destroying him along with his gangsters. During the birthday party of Wells' daughter, Jim pretends to be a medical doctor, joins the party and attacks him. Yet this attack is a failure, because he’s only slightly wounded. After the attack, Jim goes back to his power base along the border. Well’s orders a full scale attack on his base. To facilitate the attack, he spreads a rumor that Jim is a traitor and induces the armies to deal with Jim. Jim's whole group is enclosed by Wells’ armies and there’s hardly a way out. On the other hand, John Matthews gets rid of Ivan just before he dies. Learning the sacrifice of John, Jim vows to fight to the end of time to defend liberty and proves himself, to be a true patriot.