• last month
Nottingham Forest send gifts to pub landlady after free pint offer backfires
00:00Hi, my name's Becky. I'm the landlady of the Gellingen.
00:04We've had an absolutely crazy weekend this weekend.
00:07We decided to put an offer out there to do 3 pints for the Forest game.
00:11Luckily, Forest's score was 7-0.
00:15So we ended up giving 7 pints out to every customer.
00:18Everyone was so happy. They were singing, they were dancing.
00:22It felt like Forest had already won the league, maybe even the World Cup.
00:26We've had so much media attention from it.
00:29We've been contacted from all around the world. America, Australia, New Zealand, France, everywhere.
00:36We've just had an amazing meeting with the legend John McGovern.
00:40He's given us some signed shirts, free tickets.
00:43It's been incredible. Couldn't have asked for any more.
00:47It's on everybody's minds if we're going to do another promotion.
00:49We're definitely going to do something.
00:51I'm not sure if it's going to be as dramatic as giving away free pints, but you never know.
00:56We're getting some publicity and backing from the breweries now and from other people.
01:00If we get some free beer, we'll definitely be giving it out to customers.
01:03I don't think any Forest fan could believe where Forest would be right now.
01:07Top 5 is just incredible. I just want them to go all the way now.
01:12It just makes everything. It's going to be an amazing season.
01:15I can't wait to see how they're going to do in the last part of it.
01:18We've had a great reaction from people.
01:20We've had people ringing up offering to buy pints, offering money.
01:25Somebody said, let's set up a GoFundMe page for the pub.
01:29But we are alright. We're OK. We're going strong.
01:32We're bouncing back.
