• last month
00:00All your great play-by-play, you've done it all. Now, we talked Olympics. I've been to four of them.
00:05I think it's pretty cool, the Olympics. I love doing the Olympics, but the NFL play-by-play,
00:10the NASCAR play-by-play, the Final Four play-by-play. You've done every sport. Which one's your favorite?
00:15I have to say, not just because we're here, I have a slogan that I started it when I was younger in
00:19the business, every night's the Super Bowl. So that way I'd be fired up when I was covered a
00:23high school game. Didn't matter what you were doing. Right, or a big football. And I finally
00:27got, I've covered four of the Fox broadcasts, six Super Bowls on the field, including Mahomes and
00:32Reed, their first win when they beat the 49ers. And then also when Tom Brady came back, I've
00:38done three or four of his Super Bowls when he was playing, when he came back against the Atlanta
00:42Falcons. So the Super Bowl is the top, and this is why we're here, and that's why it's the event,
00:46not to disparage any other sport, because the World Series I covered when the Red Sox were
00:50down 0-3 on the field reporter and came back against the Yankees. That was the worst thing
00:54that's ever happened to America. So you're obviously a Yankee fan. That was worse than
00:58Pearl Harbor. The Yankees, it was worse than Pearl Harbor. The Yankees losing four straight to the
01:03Red Sox. I named my dog Boston, that's because I hate Boston so much. Well, you got, you had
01:09trouble last year when Aaron Judge dropped the ball to the Dodgers. Oh, I blame that, the fascists,
01:14I blame that on communism. Anyway, Chris, it's great to see you. Congratulations on your brilliant career.
