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Amy Schumer and Jillian Bell talk with hosts from Audacy about the making of Netflix's 'Kinda Pregnant.'
00:00I feel like you guys have been sisters or, you know, in another life or you really were
00:09the best friends in the movie.
00:11And first of all, the movie was so great.
00:12Laugh out loud moments, peeing our pants, it was great.
00:17So have you guys worked together closely before?
00:22We hadn't.
00:23No, we had met once in LA at like a party thing and it was brief, but we just locked
00:29eyes and I was like, yeah, you, we just knew like, okay, this is going to be a really easy,
00:36nice friendship.
00:37And we, I feel such a sister vibe with Jillian and her sister.
00:41And we, at one point we're like, oh, should we just change the movie so that we're sisters?
00:46And I don't know why that got mixed.
00:47I don't know.
00:48And someone said no to that.
00:49And then we said, fine, we'll do it in our real lives.
00:52We'll just be sisters.
00:53Yeah, we'll just be sisters in real life.
00:56I love it.
00:57It was great.
00:59Did you guys keep your fake bellies as souvenirs?
01:02Because I feel like I would have kept it and hang it, hung it like on my wall, like they
01:05do those UFC belts.
01:06Oh, that's a good idea.
01:08I kept the turkey, but I just keep my real personal belly.
01:12Yeah, me too.
01:13Mine is in here.
01:14Mine's right here.
01:15But no, did you keep any?
01:17I didn't keep anything because it was so large.
01:19I would have had to buy a suitcase just for the belly.
01:22To go home.
01:23It wasn't worth it.
01:25But you know what?
01:26You're not the first person who's asked this.
01:28I'm wondering, where are these bellies?
01:29Where are they now?
01:30I don't know.
01:31They're somewhere in storage.
01:32They're in a hall of fame.
01:33They're in a Hollywood restaurant people are trying to eat.
01:34They're eating from the wrappers.
01:36With our little Band-Aids on them.
01:38You guys became fans of the movie by the script and the idea of it, but once it was completed
01:44and you watched it back for the first time, what really made you love it, seeing it completed?
01:50Well, I was lucky that I was empowered to be a big part of the post process.
01:56I was in the edit every day, helping make those choices, so there were no real surprises
02:03for me.
02:04But what about you?
02:05For me, it was ... I mean, you shoot a movie, you do a million takes, and we improvise so
02:10much that you're like, I have no idea what's going to make it into the end result.
02:19Knowing that Amy was in post on that, I was like, okay, we're in a good place.
02:24We're pretty safe on that.
02:25And I just felt like the biggest thing that I was concerned about was our chemistry on
02:31set was so good.
02:32We all became really close friends that I'm like, oh, sometimes that doesn't translate
02:36in a movie.
02:38You know what I mean?
02:39It did.
02:40Sometimes when it's real, it actually ... when stars hate each other, they have the best
02:45And then we all really loved each other, but you can see that the chemistry is real in
02:50So I was happy about that.
02:52I was trying to formulate what I wanted to say, and so I don't know if a question is
02:55going to come out of this, but sitting there watching it last night, I think something
03:01of a great actor is the ability to make us laugh with uncontrollable joy, and then in
03:07the same beat, be heartbroken.
03:10And then the beat later, you bring us right back again.
03:13And you had so many moments like this in the movie, where I was laughing, and then I was
03:16literally crying, and my heart hurt, and then I was laughing again.
03:21And I don't know script-wise if that's something you had something to do with, or in those
03:26moments if you thought to yourselves, this is what we're doing, or in post, but again,
03:32don't know that there's a question here, but it came through.
03:34No, I see what you're saying.
03:37That means a lot to me.
03:39That means everything to me, so thank you for saying that.
03:43And I think I really like that dynamic, and my favorite comedians, like Richard Pryor,
03:53can make you laugh until you're crying, and then actually be crying.
03:56So that kind of rollercoaster in how life is like that, and we have moments in Jillian's
04:03character is really struggling, and we're trying to show these different aspects of
04:12Not every woman who gets pregnant is just like over the moon the whole time.
04:15It's very confusing.
04:16Your chemistry, your body is going through all these changes.
04:20So the moments we got to be really vulnerable were, I think, some of our favorite moments,
04:32and they meant a lot to the women in the movie.
04:36So much of that is Amy, just Amy's influence on the script.
04:41I was saying this earlier, but comedy without heart, you don't care, and heart without comedy,
04:48there's no levity, there's no lightness, and there's no being able to take something that
04:52can be just on its own a very vulnerable topic, which is just, I mean, female bodies right
04:59now, it's very vulnerable for us, especially after losing all of our rights.
05:05So I feel like finding a way to hide the message and candy coat it with the medicine,
05:13like candy coat the medicine, is very helpful, and I think that we did a good job of that.
05:18It's not like just nailing over the top, here's this message, but showcasing a lot of different
05:24women and their experiences, and they're not all the same, and I just thought there was
05:27something for everyone in it.
05:29There was.
05:30There definitely was.
05:32There was one line that just knocked me off my feet, and that was, oh, nobody tells you
05:38about this.
05:39They only talk about the birth.
05:40No one tells you what you really go through, and I was like, that's how I felt my entire,
05:46I have three kids.
05:47So I was like, there were so many moments where you could just be like, oh, wow, girl,
05:53that's exactly, and I wasn't pretty when I was pregnant, I gained 70 pounds, and I loved
05:59that realness.
06:00I loved that part of it, and it was still, like you said, the candy coat, it was still
06:04funny as hell.
06:06That's really nice to hear.
06:07Yeah, it's like ...
06:08Did you have those moments?
06:11Yeah, because I think, for me, it was like I had such a horribly difficult pregnancy,
06:22and then had a C-section, and they had a really hard time putting me back together,
06:35and there were hours that I thought I was probably going to die, and then, oh, you didn't.
06:44We were able to put you back together, and then you are in a room, and then it's just
06:49not talked about.
06:50It's just like, okay, now you're a mom.
06:51So now, milk, and do your ... Yeah, and then it kind of hit me a couple of weeks later,
06:59the trauma of what I had just been through, and I just was like, wow, I don't feel like
07:05I've talked to many people about their birth stories, and the trauma that women are ... It's
07:11just so brushed over, especially in movies.
07:14You really don't see very much of that, so to get to take a minute and express that stuff
07:21in a comedy, and make it palatable, where you could still be on this ride of a comedy,
07:26it's like that is the work we're most proud of.
07:30It was done to perfection.
07:32And it felt really good to hear that in there.
07:35No, especially because I don't have kids, and I probably won't.
07:36I know you don't have children either, and it was still a story that I was able to follow
07:41and identify with, just as a woman, because especially now, everyone's like, when are
07:46the kids coming?
07:48I'm like, can you not?
07:51Yeah, really.
07:52So, I enjoyed being able to be on that ride with you guys, and then also understanding
07:57what it is that other moms are going through, even though I have not.
08:01So, that part was really cool.
08:02Honestly, I feel like the main takeaway from this movie is the friendship, the friendship
08:09between the women, and I think that's what every woman and man can take away from this.
08:14I feel like there aren't a lot of movies where you're seeing that real raw side of someone,
08:19where they're like, okay, this is the ugly side of me, or this is the not-so-great side
08:25of me that I wasn't showing to you, that I'm jealous, that I'm jealous that I haven't succeeded
08:30at this, or found love, or gotten pregnant yet, or figured out who I am, and that's why
08:36I feel like friendships, especially in your 30s and 40s and beyond, it's like you're really
08:42I mean, I feel like I am.
08:45You're really struggling to figure out who you are on this planet in your limited amount
08:49of time, because 40 years goes like that, at least it did for me, and the people that
08:54you surround yourself with, that is how you make it through.
08:58That is how you make it through.
08:59That's the best.
09:00So, to me, if you're like, I'm interested in having a baby, I'm never interested in
09:04having a baby, you'll find something that's in the movie, because it's really about friendship
09:08at the end of the day.
09:09And also, a lot of people wanted the movie to end with her having a baby, with my character
09:16being pregnant, and it was really important to me that that not happen, because that's
09:22not necessarily the happy ending.
09:28It was her misconception that she didn't want to be alone, and that that's what would complete
09:33her, but it's just her friends, it's your relationships, it's your self-love that complete
09:38And when people are like, should I have a baby?
09:42I'm always like, probably not.
09:43I'm like, it's really something, the most honest people, it's really something you can
09:49It's like, you love your kids, I love my son, but it's like...
09:52I love him from afar.
09:53Yeah, but like, you're good, you know?
09:55Yeah, I think a lot of the times when you're the single friend or the friend with no kids,
10:00it's okay to just be the supportive one that goes to the under-the-sea section.
10:05Baby extravagance.
10:06Right, right.
10:08So what would be the most ideal aisle in Costco to conceive a child on Black Friday?
10:14That's a great question.
10:16So good.
10:18I'm thinking just samples, just like you're getting a lot of samples.
10:24I was gonna say that.
10:25You know?
10:26Ton and end cap?
10:27I feel like the mattress aisle would be the best, but...
10:29Very smart.
10:30Very smart.
10:31I mean...
10:32You're classy.
10:33I was thinking it was just bent over in some...
10:34You could do underneath a trampoline.
10:35That's smart.
10:36Now you're thinking.
10:37I was thinking a trampoline.
10:38Now you're thinking.
10:39I was like, there's always one there.
10:42There's also that produce fridge.
10:45The possibilities are endless at Costco, and that's why...
10:47They didn't sponsor this movie, but they really...
10:50They're gaining a lot.
10:52They really should have.
10:54All right, we have like two minutes left.
10:56So first and foremost for you guys...
10:58I have presents.
10:59What are these?
11:00I can't stand up very far, neither can you.
11:01Oh my goodness.
11:02I got it.
11:03Oh, I love it.
11:04Okay, I'm excited.
11:05I have a question.
11:09And my question is something that none of us can probably put on our radio station,
11:10but if your band name was a line from the movie, would it be,
11:13You Smell Like Cocaine,
11:15Tampine Landfill Monster,
11:18or Exhale From Your Butthole?
11:21Oh wait, or A Toddler Stabbed You.
11:23Oh, I like Tampine Landfill Monster.
11:28Oh my God, this is amazing.
11:29Exhale From Your Butthole.
11:30This is the coolest thing.
11:31Look at this.
11:34Oh my goodness.
11:36A clush.
11:37It just makes you want to like...
11:38It does.
11:39It just makes us want to go out and be fancy ladies.
11:40I want to go to a fancy dinner.
11:42And people could be like, what's that?
11:43And you'd be like, oh, it's my new movie.
11:44It's really no big deal.
11:46Oh, this?
11:47It's a movie idea.
11:48Let me get my MetroCard out of this.
11:49There you go.
11:50Oh my goodness.
11:51That's really nice.
11:52This is so special.
11:55And I think, did you maybe...
11:56Did you maybe improvise?
11:57Like, she improvised so much, you know?
12:00Especially in that scene, it was a lot of...
12:05You improvised a whole...
12:06You were the moon and the stars.
12:07That was all Jillian.
12:09To just stop and say to her friend how great she is.
12:12You were better than everything.
12:15And he is a silent fart.
12:18That you don't expect coming.
12:19I love it.
12:20They always are.
12:21I love it.
12:22If we keep coming back to fart ladies.
12:23How is that?
12:24I know.
12:25It always starts there.
12:26That's it.
12:27And that's life.
12:28That's life.
12:29It's not an Amy Schumer movie to me unless there's a sex scene.
12:32I just want to thank you for all women.
12:35You know the spot.
12:36I had to turn around and make her hold my hand when this was happening.
12:39It's the best sex scene I've ever seen.
12:42I know what you're saying.
12:44Just, I mean, every piece of work I do, I try to just explain...
12:49I try to explain how to help a woman orgasm.
12:51I know.
12:52Thank you for your service.
12:53I go, if you can sneak a finger in, great.
12:56I can imagine it was probably hilarious for you to text your friend and be like,
12:59hey, can I borrow your husband?
13:01He can be my love interest.
13:02But don't worry, when we have sex, he'll be blindfolded.
13:05What do you need though?
13:06We'll work on it.
13:10There were many safeguards.
13:11It was the least sexual sex scene you could imagine.
13:14And please keep it up.
13:16Thank you so much.
13:17Thank you for this time.
13:18Thank you for this.
