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Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia sebesar 5,02% pada Kuartal IV-2024 menunjukkan kinerja perekonomian tetap terjaga di tengah gejolak perekonomian dunia. Perekonomian Indonesia juga disebut tidak kalah dari negara tetangga seperti Singapura dan Malaysia.


00:00Indonesia's economic growth was 5.02% in April 2024, showing that the economy is still in the middle of a global recession.
00:16Indonesia's economy is also not inferior to neighboring countries such as Singapore and Malaysia.
00:22The statement was also made by the Minister of Economic Affairs, Erlanggar Tarto, at the PERS conference at the Ministry of Economic Affairs office in Rabu yesterday.
00:32He stated that Indonesia is still solid compared to several other countries.
00:36So Indonesia is still growing by 5.02% year-on-year.
00:41This figure is still higher than Asian countries such as Singapore at 4.3% and Malaysia at 4.8% and Saudi Arabia at 4.4%.
00:54Based on the BPS data, Indonesia's economic growth in April 2024 was 5.02%, while the economic growth in 2024 was 5.03%.
01:04Indonesia's economic growth based on Bruto Domestic Products reached Rp22,138.96 trillion,
01:17and based on the constant price, reached Rp12,920.28 trillion in 2024.
01:26Indonesia's economic growth based on Bruto Domestic Products reached Rp12,920.28 trillion, while the economic growth based on Bruto Domestic Products reached Rp12,920.28 trillion in 2024.
01:32That's the government's statement.
01:35It seems like they are proud that the economic growth is still above 5% and superior to neighboring countries such as Singapore and Malaysia.
01:42But there is something that worries Wiki.
01:44The budget cuts or savings made by the government on the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
01:49are worried that the BPS can accelerate economic growth in 2025.
01:53So maybe the impact will be felt a little towards the discount of Indonesia's economic growth in 2025.
01:59Hopefully, it won't happen.
02:02It means that if we see one of the supporters of economic growth is consumption of domestic products,
02:08if there are various initiatives from the government to maintain the purchasing power of the people,
02:13it seems that it can also be supported by that.
