• last month
A pianist recovers his musical passion after a career-ending injury by meeting a mysterious woman with a time-bending secret.
00:00What are you doing right now?
00:03Piano battle. Isn't it cool?
00:20This is the building of the music college.
00:22But after this semester, it will be demolished and built again.
00:28What are you doing?
00:31It's a miracle that we met.
00:53I have a feeling that I only feel when I play.
00:55I can feel it when I meet you.
00:57Do you have a crush on someone?
01:00What was the song you played?
01:01It's a secret.
01:07Why do you keep disappearing?
01:13I have to go now.
01:18I miss you so much and I want to be with you forever.
01:22It doesn't matter what your secret is.
01:24Don't disappear again.
01:27I'm going to you right now.