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Check out the dazzling highlights of Ashley Sarmiento’s 18th debut in this online exclusive.

#AshleyInTheRoyalSpotlight #notseenontv (add only in YT)

Video producer: Kristine Kang

Video editor: Joena Magallanes


00:30Good evening to all of you, to all of my viewers, thank you so much for being here with me.
00:45Thank you for the celebration of Ashley's birthday tonight.
00:50And I hope we can enjoy that.
00:54Thank you so much.
00:56Happy birthday Ashley!
01:26Happy birthday Ashley!
01:46I just want you to know that you are a very beautiful blessing to SPARTA and to GLA.
01:53All of us are proud of how you've grown.
01:56And please continue, because I know that you have a good heart.
02:01I know that your talent is immense.
02:04I can see that.
02:06Even if I don't say to you often, we can see everything that you do.
02:11And I am very happy to say that you are making us proud.
02:16So in behalf of GLA, happy 18th.
02:19I know you will shine or sparkle the brightest very, very soon.
02:25So continue that. We love you.
02:28Happy birthday.
02:50I'm just so, so happy right now. I'm overwhelmed.
02:53And my heart is really full and happy.
02:55And second, I always attend debuts.
03:00It's been a long time since I attended a debut.
03:02To the point that I never want to think that, oh my God, I'm going to debut somehow.
03:08But here I am.
03:10I'd like to thank each and every one of you who made time for me today.
03:15I know that your thank you message is always with you.
03:19But I'm really happy that you guys are here.
03:22You guys completed my 9th and the 2nd.
