10 Horror Movies That Suck So Bad You Can't Believe They Got Made
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00:00Betraying conventional wisdom, some truly awful horror ideas have somehow been given
00:05the green light over the years.
00:07Whether the concepts were flawed, the characters were one-dimensional, or there was simply
00:11no realistic way these films could ever work, somehow money was spent to get these stinkers
00:18So, with that in mind, I'm Andrew from What Culture Horror, and here are 10 Horror Movies
00:22That Suck So Bad You Can't Believe They Got Made.
00:28When it comes to adapting the work of the legendary Stephen King, it's been an extremely
00:32mixed bag over the years.
00:33Quite simply, some of King's written tales just don't translate all that well to other
00:38mediums, and one of the very worst King adaptations is 2003's Dreamcatcher.
00:43Despite an impressive cast featuring the likes of Morgan Freeman, Thomas Jane, Damian Lewis,
00:48Timothy Olyphant and Jason Leigh, Brody Bruce represent yo', this tale of friends battling
00:54a horde of alien parasites was a total dud, butchering large elements of King's story
00:59and becoming a convoluted, bloated mess.
01:02Dreamcatcher should have been a slam dunk, but despite how King himself is fond of the
01:06movie, most people would class it as the worst ever adaptation of his work.
01:13The 2008 remake of the 2004 Thai movie of the same name, Shutter, which I picked up
01:18for £1 back in the day, centres on Joshua Jackson's Ben, a newly married photographer
01:23who moves to Japan with his wife Jane.
01:25After being involved in a traffic accident that leads to the death of a young girl, strange
01:29lights begin to appear in Ben's pictures.
01:31Could it be that he's just not very good at his job?
01:33Nah, instead it's all about an evil spirit.
01:36While the original Thai movie was a hit and had plenty of charm to it, the remake is just
01:40painfully dull, full of cliches and just a disappointing cashing at a time when it was
01:45still all the raise to just lazily remake foreign language horrors.
01:49As for that cashing element though, it actually kind of worked, as the film actually made
01:53nearly $50 million from its $8 million budget, which is really, really baffling.
02:01Mary begins with a woman and her two daughters being discovered at sea after being presumed
02:06What began as a jolly family sailing trip turned into a living hell when the salvage
02:10boat they were sailing on turned out to be haunted.
02:13Never convenient.
02:14With Gary Oldman and Emily Mortimer leading the cast, and plenty of potential for seafaring
02:19scares, Mary could have been alright.
02:21But it turned out to be a complete shipwreck.
02:24Excuse the pun.
02:25The plot is all over the place, and even with an interesting premise and a claustrophobic
02:29location, Mary just isn't scary one bit.
02:32In fact, it's actually quite boring, and one of those rare bad Gary Oldman films.
02:37But hey, if you're looking for a genuinely great seaside set horror tale, you could do
02:41a lot worse than check out 1976's The Witch Who Came From The Sea.
02:47The Resort
02:48If you were friends with a horror fiction writer who asked you to come with her to an
02:51abandoned hotel on a remote island to investigate reports of a ghostly presence, would you go?
02:57If you said no, you are officially smarter than the characters in The Resort.
03:00Lex and her friends quickly find out that ghost hunting isn't as fun as Scooby-Doo
03:04makes it out to be, as they end up trapped in the creepy locale with a mythical half-face
03:09girl hot on their heels, before they get picked off one by one in increasingly gruesome manners.
03:15Despite only clocking in at 75 minutes, The Resort feels like it's constantly running
03:19out of ideas.
03:20But on one impressive face-ripping sequence, The Resort's just so… vanilla, and somehow
03:24manages to properly drag, even with its short runtime.
03:29Alone in the Dark
03:30Oh boy.
03:32Movies inspired by video games had a dire reputation for the longest time imaginable, and right
03:38up there with the absolute worst of them is Uwe Boll's Alone in the Dark, which drew
03:42inspiration from the video game series of the same name.
03:45Whilst the first game was a genuine trailblazer, the same cannot be said about its movie counterpart.
03:51The Alone in the Dark film is just a properly rough one, full of abysmal camera work, stilted
03:57dialogue and action so unexciting, you'd have no idea it was based on a game that used
04:02to be legitimately terrifying back in the day.
04:06Alice in Murderland
04:07Lewis Carroll's whimsical tales of Alice and her time in Wonderland are regarded as
04:12classics of children's literature.
04:13If you're in the mood to ruin a beloved childhood favourite, though, here's a god-awful
04:17horror movie that borrows heavily from it.
04:21Alice Lewis is just your ordinary 21-year-old with a fear of growing up, so her best pals
04:26decide to throw her a special birthday party themed around Lewis Carroll's books.
04:31Unfortunately, somebody sneaks in dressed as a Jabbawockee and starts picking them all
04:36Alice in Murderland has all the bad qualities of a low-budget horror, but with none of the
04:41It's poorly acted, poorly produced, poorly written, and you can even see crew members
04:45in several of the shots.
04:47Yeah, not good.
04:48Not good at all.
04:49Although, it could be worse.
04:50It could be Winnie the Pooh, blood and honey.
04:53Slender Man
04:54Real-life murders have always inspired horror movies, but there are times when it can verge
04:59into the exploitative.
05:00Case in point, Slender Man.
05:02In 2014, two 12-year-old girls lured their friend into a forest and stabbed her 19 times,
05:09almost killing her.
05:10They claim to have carried out this horrendous act to appease the Slender Man, a creature
05:13that had gained popularity through its appearance on various online forums.
05:17In 2018, just one year after the girls involved in the attack were sentenced, a film came
05:22out featuring the Slender Man as the main villain.
05:24Whilst not explicitly inspired by the real-life attacks, the movie was still way too close
05:30to the truth to be enjoyable.
05:31Also, it was really bad.
05:33Thinly constructed characters, the most lazily basic of plots, no actual scares, Slender
05:38Man had it all.
05:39And it was roundly savaged by audiences and critics alike.
05:44American Psycho 2
05:46Yes, there is an American Psycho 2.
05:49Originally written as a completely unaffiliated screenplay, this story was tweaked to include
05:53a tacked-on reference to the first film.
05:55The main character, a murderous criminology student played by Mia Kunis, begins the film
05:59by killing Patrick Bateman, before… wait a second, she kills Patrick Bateman?
06:04That alone should be a red flag.
06:05Mia Kunis' character then follows in Bateman's footsteps, covertly killing her classmates
06:09in order to advance her studies.
06:11Her course is overseen by a former FBI agent, played by William Shatner.
06:15Yeah, that's another red flag.
06:17Nobody wanted a sequel to American Psycho, especially not one with so little to do with
06:22the first movie.
06:23Bret Easton Ellis, the author of the original novel, has gone on record with how much he
06:26hates this film, and even Mia Kunis herself has expressed regret that she was even in
06:32I'm not even mentioning how terrible the movie is, but that goes without saying.
06:37Exorcist II – The Heretic
06:39Quite possibly the worst big-name horror sequel of all time, well, maybe until The Exorcist
06:44Believer came around last year, Exorcist II – The Heretic is just so, so bad.
06:50Set four years after William Friedkin's Exorcist, here we have the teenage Regan MacNeil struggling
06:55to adjust to life after her possession, while a priest questions her on the death of Father
07:00Regan and William Peter Blatty, as in the writer of the Exorcist novel and its screenplay,
07:04opted against returning, as they didn't feel a sequel was necessary.
07:07And boy, did Exorcist II – The Heretic prove them right, with Blatty even reportedly attending
07:13the screening of the film, where the audience was outright laughing at the horrors on screen.
07:18Still, don't let that put you off The Exorcist III, though, for that is a genuinely stunning
07:22movie that's thankfully received a little more love in recent years.
07:29The story of 1989 independent Canadian horror Things is an absolutely fascinating one.
07:34Starring Barry J. Geels, one of the film's writers, and Amber Lynn, best known for her
07:39work in the adult industry, Things is about a group of men who have to fend off a series
07:43of mutant creatures created by a mad doctor.
07:47Sounds fairly unassuming, until you learn that this is one of the worst-made films in
07:51all of human history.
07:52Up there with The Room and Troll 2 in terms of famously dreadful films, Things is shoddily
07:58poorly acted, badly scripted, and about as scary as a paddling pool full of puppies.
08:03It doesn't help that Things was made on a budget of roughly nothing and shot on a
08:07Super 8 camera by people who had seemingly never even seen a film before, let alone made
08:13Although it's mad to think that something so terrible actually exists, there are plenty
08:16out there who love Things for just how horrible it is.
08:19It lives on in the hearts of fans of bad cinema, and will stand forever as a testament to the
08:24phrase, so bad it's good, or, you know, just bad.