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James Marsden & Julianne Nicholson are reuniting on screen 23 years after they first met on set of the legendary Ally McBeal! They tell us all about their time on the show together, how often they see one another and reveal all about their gripping new Disney+ series, Paradise. Julianne also has the BEST story ever about Meryl Streep!

Paradise is streaming NOW on Disney+ Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Try to, like, I don't know, reinvigorate it, but instead we just took it down.
00:04Dark colouring your hair.
00:07Put down the fags. Put down the cigarettes.
00:10Yeah, I'm confused myself.
00:12I don't know.
00:14No, I didn't. Hang on, let me go back through our text.
00:18I feel like you two chatted this morning, didn't you, about your outfits?
00:22Yeah, we had some earth, burgundy tones.
00:25That's a theme, we got the memo.
00:27We're wig wine drinkers.
00:29Our autumn vibes.
00:31Love it. Merlot all the way. Love.
00:33So we're in the UK. What do you do when you first land in London?
00:36What are you up to?
00:37Well, taking the sunshine today. That was a surprise.
00:40I know, so nice. Have you been outside?
00:45This is like paradise right now.
00:47This is fake simulated sunlight.
00:50Thank you for bringing the sunshine, guys. We don't often see it here,
00:53but you are the sunshine in the room and outside, which is wonderful.
00:56First of all, what a ride. What a wild ride this is.
01:01When you first signed up, were you just like, really?
01:04What was your reaction?
01:06It was basically that, I think.
01:08I was in the first four episodes, and it was so exciting to think
01:12that I was going to be reading one story,
01:15and then it became something else at the end of that first episode.
01:18So it was thrilling to be a part of something
01:21that I thought people wouldn't see coming.
01:23Yeah, it was pretty shocking.
01:24So for a minute you're talking about a hedgehog in London,
01:26and now you're talking about President.
01:28I mean, what a life you're leading.
01:30Yeah, yeah. I'm confused myself.
01:33I don't know where I am or who I am,
01:36but thank God we got this real sunlight.
01:38I know.
01:39Yeah, I know. I was here not too long ago slinging that movie.
01:44But yes, I'm very fortunate to be able to be given the opportunity
01:50to go from a hedgehog's friend to playing the President of the United States.
01:54It's a tough jump sometimes.
01:55And working with Jim Carrey, and now the incredible Julianne.
01:58I mean, how much of a fan were you guys of each other?
02:01Now's your time to kind of give each other a big head.
02:03Well, I've already done that for James, so I don't want to go to his head.
02:06I'm kidding.
02:07So we worked together on Ally McBeal in the last season.
02:10Never heard of it.
02:11Right. Many people haven't, by the way.
02:13You're joking.
02:16Like anyone under 30.
02:19People hiding under rocks.
02:21But we started that show with Josh Hopkins and Regina Hall,
02:26and we formed this little posse because it was the end.
02:31The end of the show.
02:32It was the end of the show.
02:33It was like the last season.
02:34And we knew so much.
02:35There was so much drama surrounding that, so we got pretty tight pretty quickly.
02:39And we've only bumped into each other a few times in the last 20 years.
02:45I loved James, loved him then,
02:47and it was pure joy to be able to meet each other again in a scene
02:52and just feel him with me, to feel like we were together.
02:55I found it very moving.
02:57Have I already told you that?
03:00Good job.
03:01You made all of that up.
03:04Yeah, we had the best time on that.
03:05Got to be really close.
03:06We were the new kids in the show.
03:08We were brought in to sort of try to reinvigorate it.
03:13But instead, we just took it down.
03:15No, that's not true.
03:16But we got to be very close, and I've always loved this woman so much.
03:20I'm like, when can we work together again?
03:23And this came around.
03:24It made me so excited to know that she was on board doing it.
03:27And even though we're sharing scenes, we're not each other's favourite person.
03:33But yeah, I feel very fortunate to have this reunion.
03:36How does it work in the acting world?
03:37Because you've known each other for so long.
03:39Do you just text each other when something comes out?
03:41Oh, I liked you in this.
03:42You were good in Hairspray.
03:43You were great in The Note.
03:44How does it work?
03:45We don't.
03:46We don't.
03:47No, I didn't.
03:48Hang on.
03:49Let me go back through our texts.
03:51I think there's probably about a 10-year gap.
03:53But I think I texted you when I knew that you were doing this.
03:57I think we texted each other then, being like, yay.
04:00And you run into each other every once in a while.
04:02But I would say it's only been a handful of times.
04:05But every time I see him, it actually feels like no time has passed.
04:08It really does.
04:10Running into the Oscars, Emmys, waving across the room.
04:15God, it's getting tiring.
04:16We just have to stop meeting like this.
04:18When you really have full, long, meaningful conversations.
04:21Yeah, exactly.
04:22Award events.
04:23I think we saw each other literally getting our picture taken once.
04:26It was like, uh-huh, bye.
04:29Keep moving.
04:30It was nice to actually be together again.
04:32Well, about pictures.
04:33Cal's got a few cool selfies.
04:35Barack Obama golfing.
04:36Oh, my God.
04:37That made me laugh.
04:39Barack Obama made me laugh so much.
04:41I mean, some of those are me.
04:42These are in, like, this is a wide shot, right?
04:44You're not seeing a close-up of any of these.
04:46They're cut close-up.
04:48They're over your desk.
04:49Can you tell me about the 18 holes with Barack and how that went?
04:52Was it with Barack?
04:53Yeah, there was a Barack Obama picture.
04:55Okay, so it was LeBron James as well.
04:56I didn't know if we were playing golf or not.
04:57That's right.
04:58Walking with Barack Obama.
04:59Yeah, these were all, I mean, for reference here,
05:02this is all, like, just set decoration.
05:05Oh, you've ruined it now.
05:07Fake photos of me with all famous people.
05:09I think they were, like, Buzz Aldrin.
05:10They're in his photo books anyway.
05:12They're on his phone.
05:13Those are the things I wish I'd actually stolen.
05:15I know.
05:16I wish I'd actually stolen.
05:17You could just screenshot the movie, maybe, and print it off, couldn't you?
05:20Yeah, well, my buddy Obama, we're pals in real life.
05:23Got a kick out of it.
05:25It's a little snapshot of it.
05:27Sets it open.
05:28Did you get any tips from him for the role again?
05:30Because a present again for you?
05:32Um, start colouring your hair.
05:36Put down the fags.
05:37Yeah, yeah.
05:38Put down the cigarettes.
05:39Yeah, put them down.
05:40Well, I wanted to ask-
05:41I didn't see it go grey.
05:42It's the president.
05:43Have you got any cool pictures with celebs?
05:44Is that something you just don't do in that world?
05:49I have a...
05:51What am I like?
05:53All my photos of my celebrities are in big frames throughout my house.
05:57I'm one of those people that like to show everybody who I know.
06:00So I have a big photo of me and Beyonce.
06:02That resonates.
06:05What else?
06:06I do have something from-
06:08Not a picture with somebody,
06:10but I worked with Meryl Streep.
06:13And she-
06:15On August Oates Stage County.
06:17And she's crafty.
06:18And she made this frame-
06:20She drew this frame-
06:21This picture of my character, Ivy,
06:23with all these things in a frame.
06:25And that is like-
06:27If the fire is coming, that's one of the things I'm bringing with me.
06:30Yeah, for sure.
06:31So that was pretty special.
06:32She drew a photo?
06:33She drew a photo of Ivy.
06:35There's a quote from the movie.
06:36And then there's other little things glued to it in a beautiful frame.
06:39She literally came to my door, knocked,
06:41because we all lived in this little cul-de-sac.
06:43And was like, knock, knock, knock.
06:44Open the door.
06:45There's Meryl, who is my goddess anyway.
06:47And she was like, here, this is for you.
06:49And I was like, okay, thank you.
06:52Bye, Meryl Streep.
06:53That's amazing.
06:54That's special.
06:55That's a special thing.
06:56Don't care about your question.
06:57You're still in there.
06:58Don't care about James.
07:00But this was so great.
07:02You're going to have the whole world on the edge of the seats.
07:04And the music, by the way.
07:05You have me singing Coldplay's Paradise.
07:07I couldn't get that out of my head.
07:09And don't you just love Phil Collins?
07:11I mean, how did-
07:12I can't get that song out of my head.
07:14Since watching the-
07:16I watched the screening in LA last week.
07:19It lingers.
07:20That song, it lingers.
07:21I want to see you two on TikTok singing that together, please.
07:24Alright, cool.
07:25We'll work on that.
07:26Is it back on?
07:30Thank you so much.
07:31Always great to see you.
07:32Always goes too quickly.
