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On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, this program will be equal parts breaking news and Bible study, think of it like the sword and the trowel from the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem in Nehemiah 4. From every corner tonight, Christians are concerned about current events unfolding all around them, and rightly so. We are living in unsettling and perilous times that grow trickier by the day, with little to no relief in sight. The election of Donald Trump was supposed to make everything better, and it yet may do so, but in the meantime it feels like America is moving very rapidly into the ‘brave new world’ outlined in works like the 1932 futuristic dystopian novel ‘Brave New World’, and George Orwell’s ‘1984’. On this special ’emergency podcast’, we open our King James Bibles to help you make sense of the events of the past 36 days, and of the future ones that have yet to take place.


