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Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil analizan el juego por el tercer lugar de la Serie del Caribe 2025 que se celebra en Mexicali 🔥⚾

#SerieDelCaribe #Beisbol #Venezuela #RepublicaDominicana #Mexico #PuertoRico #LaPrevia
00:30how about friends of baseball play, everyone is welcome to the preview this Thursday, February 6,
00:472025, there is very little left to know about the new monarch of the Caribbean, gentlemen in Mexicali
00:542025 so we have quite a few things not interesting issues to unravel in this preview
01:01especially with cardinals of the area the representative of the venezuelan league of
01:05professional baseball for now he greets Fabiola Saavedra in the company of Kevin Alfonso Gil
01:10how are you kevin hello fabi very good greetings to you for all those people who are there connected
01:15through the baseball play signal as you comment we must start with the defeat of
01:21cardinals of the area against the Dominican Republic that leaves him out of the final of the
01:27series of the caribbean mexicali 2025 a game that was extended to extra entries and the national
01:36combination fell 5 races by 4 really a commitment fabi that was for either of
01:42the 12 perhaps dominicana executed better and that is why he obtained the victory in this challenge
01:48a match that was quite even from the beginning to the last entry kevin and
01:54above all to talk about a twilight offensive that connected up to 10 unstoppable but here
02:01perhaps is the heel of achilles not of this commitment that was so important and above
02:07all decisive the team of henry blanco left up to 12 runners in circulation if fabi was
02:14really a constant not this situation for the national combination for those led by henry
02:19blanco because you already mentioned they left more than 10 runners in the bases in this challenge of
02:25great importance but I will also remember that in the first duel against the Dominican Republic
02:30they also left a high number of runners in the bases and I also want to refer to that
02:37play to that situation when they took on two runners one in third and one in second and
02:43that opportune shot did not arrive without AUX on the board that type of situation is of course
02:49they greatly reduced the chances of victory in different challenges not for the Venezuelan combination
02:55and notice that now they will have to dispute the third or fourth place on today's day the
03:02red birds were increasing their game as Mexicali was advancing, let's remember
03:08that this combination started with the left foot, well, suffering the first two defeats, then
03:14that bullfighting, gentlemen, was completely on fire, which was what we were asking from the
03:21fans and especially the Venezuelans, it was what we asked the team because we knew
03:27that the hyno presented by henry blanco had the potential honestly it was a team that was
03:35very complete in the papers but once the actions began, certain deficiencies were noticed
03:41and I think that that deficiency that cost them not to qualify for what would come to be this
03:48grand final of mexicali 2025 was the issue of leaving runners in circulation to one side of that
03:54fabi we must also mention without a doubt the bad run of bases that was shown in this
04:00series of the caribbean for venezuela there are different opportunities in which we could appreciate this
04:06bad run of bases even yesterday in such a decisive game against the dominican republic it was seen
04:13not and I want to mention the run of bases of alexis marista in a situation already in the last
04:19innings of the game he decides to go to the third pillow with nothing to look for and that of course
04:26let's say that inning that he painted for better for cardinals of the ara are perhaps things that are
04:34perceived minimal but have a lot of influence on the final result for this we want to
04:41show you we want to share with you the statements after this game of the
04:47manager of the cardinals of the ara we are going to see if there is always a winner there is always a
04:52loser obviously we always want to win but the important thing about all this is that we gave a
04:57tremendous show, really, unfortunately, well, the goal was not achieved, but I think
05:02that we are satisfied with what we did here in mexicali, well, it will be for the next one, this one
05:09could not be done because it could not be done with a man in a scoring position, it could not be done, that is important
05:13that we are all longing for so much, but this was a great baseball game, the truth is that it was a great game,
05:20this merit to them that now better than us noticed a better occasion than us and that is
05:25what we have left I think there was the ball game obviously although we had two more shifts
05:31but that was the key that was the key line in that play really that did not demoralize us but if
05:37I put us in situations that wow what can we do to be able to score two races but hey
05:42I repeat again they are things of the game and unfortunately we go home because that is painful
05:49but at the end of the day we come for that we come to win or lose and there we heard statements
05:55from the manager of the cardinals of Lara Henry Blanco where he made a mention and was very aware
06:02that the team lacked that opportune batting in addition to the fact that good that in the last
06:08instances not of this commitment to the lions of the chosen one because if it was generated not certain
06:15certain plays where Venezuela could go ahead just at the end of chapter number 11
06:22if Fabi not maybe the luck factor also lacked the national combination because notice that in
06:29those last episodes the batting of francisco arcia if it passed the meeting was already finished with
06:36those two annotations so those are things that of course are in baseball games and in
06:41this case it favored the lions of the chosen one, which by the way seems to me that the Dominican Republic in
06:48this type of decisive games grows, they are a team that has played many finals in recent
06:54years, in fact, 7 of the last 8 finals have been played by the combined representatives of the
07:01Dominican Republic, so they are groups that of course are used to playing in
07:07this type of situations in this type of decisive games and they grow, not notice that in this
07:12opportunity they left Venezuela in the way, not so the experience came out to be reduced at least
07:19not by the Quisqueyan team gentlemen with this we are going to a break but
07:25when we return we will be reviewing the day in Mexico and 2025 we are coming
07:59friends we continue with more of the preview here for baseball play thanks for staying there with
08:03us before moving forward with the issues that we have for all of you we must extend the
08:09invitation that if you want to enjoy what is left of Mexico and 2025 you have to subscribe
08:14to our website www.baseballplay.com with a single amount of 499 you will be enjoying
08:22that great final between the Dominican Republic and Mexico of course it will be very interesting and
08:29you cannot miss it you already know it www.baseballplay.com with a single amount of 499
08:36fabi said this we already talked about the final not precisely that I just mentioned but also in
08:43today's day the third and fourth place will be disputed this will be between the cardinals
08:49of lara and the indians of mayaguez venezuela puerto rico if that is how it is to see henry
08:56blanco he only has to look for that third place together with his boys we will see if he manages not to
09:02stay with that third place, the important thing is that both teams had already faced each other
09:08on a previous occasion in the current edition of the Caribbean Classic, let's remember the result
09:15that was in favor of the Venezuelans 10 races for 5 in fact this commitment last Monday
09:23was the one that gave that awakening to the cardinals of lara and above all it gave him a
09:28good emotional shipment, the twilight here must be worth it fabi that the indians of mayaguez have not
09:35been able to deploy that offensive that they showed in the roberto clemente league not go to puerto rico
09:41they have been those vats off they have a good lineup good roster but they have not been able to exploit
09:47that offensive part and that is what has them right now not disputing the third and fourth
09:52position in fact notice that yesterday they were defeated by charrosa de jalisco 3 for 1 that leaves them
09:59in this instance to play against the Venezuelan combined for the third and fourth position and
10:05is that also those led by wilfredo cordero have the lowest average in the entire
10:10Caribbean tournament, they just have a gap of 199, that is, the batting of the indians of mayaguez
10:18never woke up and this has brought it as a consequence to reach this instance to fight for
10:25that third place together with the cardinals of lara now talking about advantages, well, the
10:31twilight there is a controversy not because they present the best advantage in mexicali 2025
10:37precisely with 271 if the batting of the cardinals of lara has been, let's say, working in the
10:46last commitments, they also started with those vats off later in the third game they already
10:51woke up and yesterday they were also able to connect unstoppable they lacked that opportune batting as
10:57we have already mentioned but if they have been embalming if they have reached bases and that is precisely
11:03what shows that advantage what has remained to be seen by these teams that
11:09face today fabi has been the defense they have made five errors in this transit not by
11:16the classic caribbean in fact cardinals of lara was a team that throughout the year even here
11:22in the lbbp made mistakes improved in the final committed few sins but notice that here it
11:29already accounts for 5 in these commitments so it is also important to improve the defense because
11:36with the defense they also earn commitments that's right, well, we'll see how part of the
11:42actions of this commitment are, reminding each of you that this game will start at 11
11:49at night venezuela time puerto rico versus venezuela for the fourth and third place and
11:57tomorrow friday because we will be enjoying the grand final between the dominican republic
12:03lions of the chosen one and the charlos de jalisco who would be or are the representatives of mexico a
12:09month and with an Aztec currency that has looked totally impressive and that has not yet lost its
12:16undefeated ones, they must go and Fabi has a record of five victories and zero defeats, a
12:22really solid team has been shown, especially with the pitching that has been hermetic, the offensive has counted
12:28with the opportune bat, perhaps it is not the one with the highest average, but they have not hit the bat
12:34in the moment that the team needs for me this is going to be the set to win in this
12:40grand final and above all because it will have the support of those fans who have filled
12:46the nest of the eagles in repeated opportunities tomorrow we will see then if Mexico is going to
12:53title champion of edition number 67 of the caribbean series or will return to the Dominican Republic to
12:59raise a new title for this date, the truth gentlemen is that we have to say goodbye
13:06but without first thanking you for your faithful tuning, remember to subscribe through www.baseballplay.com
13:13in addition to interacting on the different digital platforms, it is located as
13:18aroba baseball play and it will be until next time bye bye
