• last month

Have you tried to break up someone else’s relationship?

Nora, a maid for a wealthy couple, vacuumed up their dinner right before they came home. As the couple arrived, the husband, Rob, was very disappointed with his wife, Margo. “Honey, I work 24/7. Nora takes care of the house. And you can’t even prepare a meal?”, he said. Margo felt embarrassed. But she swore to Rob that she’d made his favorite dish. It just disappeared for some reason. Rob didn’t believe this. As the couple was arguing, Nora brought the food she’d cooked and plated it.

Rob began to praise her and Margo stormed out. When the two were alone, Nora unbuttoned her shirt and joined Rob at the table. Now, it was the time for the second part of her plan – seducing the wealthy businessman.
