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00:00Audrey lives the Rogers pass and Michaela the last time we were on Ozone she won
00:05So she is a huge threat here today and lining up and air right out of that second start gate
00:10And then making her way again heelside over to that rocky traverse
00:14To get over and get into the meaty section of that riders
00:18Left side of the face the big mountain face
00:22That view from behind really shows you just how exposed that traverse is for a snowboarder on their heel side edge as Michaela getting now
00:29Set up above the first possible feature that she could hit and getting set now and into it
00:35Well and truly stomping the first air for Davis Meehan
00:38Yeah, finding a nice clean landing and making some quick turns as she moves over to her next feature
00:43Let's see which way she's gonna take this one right off the nose landing just shy of that tree nice and perfect
00:48Diving into a couple good deep pow turns there
00:52yeah, Michaela is so strong on the heel side edge you can tell she's been doing her squats and deadlifts as
00:57Using the pressure of the legs to dig the board into the snow and slow herself down and coming down now
01:03This is proving to be a popular section in the snowboard women's category getting on that heel side nice and patient
01:08That was very well done there for Michaela Davis Meehan didn't rush the turn and and was able then to hold on
01:15Sometimes you just got to embrace the speed
01:17Yeah, she had to commit to that speed pop over that pepper
01:19But again the traverse at the bottom for the snowboarders isn't quite as fun. You can see those sidesteps there
01:25this is her top air in the replay and she is
01:29Dropping into her second feature here. Nice. Good clean straight air good fresh landing there
01:34Yeah, she got her start get the grab there
01:37So that's gonna add on the air and style meter and then this one over the tree
01:43That turn was so precise to get herself back in control to line up this air into the core
01:49And then this is what I'm talking about that patience not putting the board all the way sideways
01:54Allows her to just stay in control and you have the rest of the apron to run the speed off, you know
01:58But it's scary when you pick up that much speed to to to embrace it or commit to it
02:04And Michaela Davis Meehan doing a great job of that a very fluid solid run top to bottom for the Aussie rider
02:10Yeah, and coming she's straight lining towards the free line, but she's gonna come across that Sun shadow line as well
02:14So there's a little bit of like a visibility change
02:16But she was really patient committed to that speed and I feel like she might have done a little tree tap on that middle air
02:22I mean the judges will have the binoculars and see as you've said in the past like we were not the judges
02:27We only see what we see on the screen here. Same as you guys at home, but I saw a tree tap
02:45All right, well Michaela catching her breath the score coming in 81
02:50Michaela Davis
