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Deaf football player Katie Day explains how professional deaf football rules differ to standard football rules.


00:00Yeah, so a bit of the difference between regular soccer and Deaf soccer.
00:05Well, we all have different levels of hearing loss and to make it even and the same for
00:14everybody, we can't wear hearing aids or cochlear implants so everyone's silent and the referee
00:21has to whistle on a flag and everyone signs on the field so we can, we make up our own
00:28signs to use and like, this is man on, this is goal, goal post, so yeah, we just come
00:37up with little signs to use and yeah, it's pretty amazing.
00:42Is it ever difficult to see when a penalty's been called or when the whistle's blown?
00:47No, not really, we make sure that we all know what we, know what to do and what to, what's
00:55going on on the field and yeah, but we're pretty much more aware with our eyes than
01:03our ears on the field and so we just keep looking around and see who's behind us, who's
01:11yeah, so and yeah, it's the minute we get off the bus to the end of the game, we have
01:19no hearing at all, so even if the coaches are talking to us and we don't hear them,
01:26even in like halftime in our changing room.
01:29So is it lip reading or Auslan?
01:31Both, I lip read just normally like 24-7 and then I, yeah, Auslan and still the basics
01:44that I'm learning, so I'm the only one that's deaf in my family, so I've been taught to
01:52talk and hear, I've never been taught to sign and sign language is different in different
02:01countries, so it's really hard, so the Japanese sign language is different to us and so we
02:10have to translate before we can sign to them, so yeah, it was really good and I learned
02:17my Japanese Auslan name.
02:20What is it?
02:22So it's, so yeah, and then you get given a sign name from a member of the sign community
02:33and I got mine at the camp in December, so my name is Katie Day, so Katie Day, so I say
02:41my sign name is Katie Day, so yeah.
02:48So the referees kind of call out as well, but some people use that sign.
